We need tough voter ID laws


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
I'm looking at all these states that I thought would have been closer or even big victories for Romney and I'm beginning to wonder how many fake voters there were. Turnout was down, but it makes no freaking sense to me that Romney could carry independents by such a wide margin and lose by so much. It blows my mind.

Even the UN was laughing at our lack of voter ID laws.
An alleged conservative saying we need to be more like the UN. Welcome to the Twilight Zone.

And here it comes, just as predicted. Cries of cheating.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GBAsFwPglw]Paul Weyrich - "I don't want everybody to vote" (Goo Goo) - YouTube[/ame]

goo goo
We need a total reform of the way we conduct elections in this country.

Everyone who wants to vote..should be able to vote and easily.
but it makes no freaking sense to me that Romney could carry independents by such a wide margin and lose by so much.

It does when you understand that many of the "independents" were Republican Tea Partiers.

Republican numbers were down because many of them chose to call themselves "Independents", and "Independents" were breaking Republican because many of them actually were Republicans.

That's the simple explanation. If you instead choose to believe in a vast hidden nationwide conspiracy involving millions of phony Democratic voters, I can't stop you. However, a Mr. Occam would probably like a word with you.
I'm looking at all these states that I thought would have been closer or even big victories for Romney and I'm beginning to wonder how many fake voters there were. Turnout was down, but it makes no freaking sense to me that Romney could carry independents by such a wide margin and lose by so much. It blows my mind.

Even the UN was laughing at our lack of voter ID laws.

Voter ID laws are fine, now. The problems was ...

Flurry of Voter ID laws tied to conservative group ALEC - Open Channel

... the unabashed effort by the conservative movement to disenfranchise those likely to vote for Democrats. It was and remains a dishonest, racist, anti-democratic (small 'd') and anti-Democratic (big 'D') effort. Those who funded and pushed this movement do not hold true to the values of our nation.

Romney lost not by fraud, he lost because he is an empty suit. He is a demagogue who offered little of substance; he appealed to the voter's emotions and used hyperbole in his effort to rewrite history. Such efforts are deadly when used in a persuasive essay or a campaign. Millions saw his shortcomings both in substance and in character - that is why he and his campaigned failed.
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Florida requires voters to use photo I.D. provided by the government (driver's license, state ID, or passport).

Obama still won.
The United States is the only developed country where voter identification is not required. One must ask the simple question as to why and address any uncertainty as to the validity of elections.

As for Romney loosing, it had more to do with appealing to a broader base, delivering a strong focused message, and not spewing the compassionate progressive conservative mantra of the DC establishment. Panderers have no message and once again it was proven in the voting booths on Tuesday.

The bigger question and concern facing the country is the fiscal cliff and financial abyss we stand at the precipice of, however, for those thinking that raising taxes will salvage what remains of any fiscal sustainability had better take a better look at the numbers. It will be interesting to see how the President presents the fact that his tax only the rich tax increase will be need to be broadened to encompass those earning $48k. One can only hope that his teleprompter doesn't fall in the process.
I'm looking at all these states that I thought would have been closer or even big victories for Romney and I'm beginning to wonder how many fake voters there were. Turnout was down, but it makes no freaking sense to me that Romney could carry independents by such a wide margin and lose by so much. It blows my mind.

Even the UN was laughing at our lack of voter ID laws.

Voter ID laws are fine, now. The problems was ...

Flurry of Voter ID laws tied to conservative group ALEC - Open Channel

... the unabashed effort by the conservative movement to disenfranchise those likely to vote for Democrats. It was and remains a dishonest, racist, anti-democratic (small 'd') and anti-Democratic (big 'D') effort. Those who funded and pushed this movement do not hold true to the values of our nation.

Romney lost not by fraud, he lost because he is an empty suit. He is a demagogue who offered little of substance; he appealed to the voter's emotions and used hyperbole in his effort to rewrite history. Such efforts are deadly when used in a persuasive essay or a campaign. Millions saw his shortcomings both in substance and in character - that is why he and his campaigned failed.

We need a total reform of the way we conduct elections in this country.

Everyone who wants to vote..should be able to vote and easily.


Romney was not, is not presidential material and the country knows it.

We also know that big money tried to steal the election. They failed but we absolutely must make it impossible for them to do this again. The SCOTUS made a terrible mistake when they said 'corporations are people my friends'. The GObP/R will fight it but somehow, that has to change back to "PEOPLE are PEOPLE" and ONLY people can vote.
An alleged conservative saying we need to be more like the UN. Welcome to the Twilight Zone.

And here it comes, just as predicted. Cries of cheating.


This was probably one of the cleanest elections with very few problems at the voting booth. The fact is that most states required some form of ID in order to vote. Hearing shit like this is hilarious.
The United States is the only developed country where voter identification is not required. One must ask the simple question as to why and address any uncertainty as to the validity of elections.

I am laughing my ass off that alleged conservatives have now gone so far off the deep end they are saying we should be more like Europe and the UN, and are demanding more government intervention between us and our constitutional rights.

Holy shit! Somebody write this down! Two legs good, four legs bad!

We have had elections for well over two centuries without Voter ID, dipshit. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

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We also happen to be the only developed country where you can say whatever the fuck is on your mind.

One must ask the simple question as to why and do something about that, eh?

"Conservative" logic.

Not in my GOP, not in my state, we won't.

GOP voter suppression cost us several million votes we should have won, thus losing the election.

Let's trying competing for Hispanic and women's issues instead.

I'm looking at all these states that I thought would have been closer or even big victories for Romney and I'm beginning to wonder how many fake voters there were. Turnout was down, but it makes no freaking sense to me that Romney could carry independents by such a wide margin and lose by so much. It blows my mind.

Even the UN was laughing at our lack of voter ID laws.
I get to run in one of my favorite quotes, from Oliver Wendell Holmes...

...when you lose, you own up, you pay up, and you shut up...

Hope someone has said that to the Rs in Congress but I'm not holding out much hope. I suspect it will be right back to business as usual with them obstructing and filibustering every jobs bill, and every economic growth bill.

Just because the election is over doesn't mean they will work for the American people. They have their employers and it ain't us.
I'm looking at all these states that I thought would have been closer or even big victories for Romney and I'm beginning to wonder how many fake voters there were. Turnout was down, but it makes no freaking sense to me that Romney could carry independents by such a wide margin and lose by so much. It blows my mind.

Even the UN was laughing at our lack of voter ID laws.

Math and numbers hurt your head... we get it.

But voter ID laws won't help your stupidity.

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