we need to provide cheap energy to the poor, even if it means "more pollution"


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
we have everything we need under out feet. all our energy needs for trillions and trillions of years. let's use that energy! and let's find a pill to live that long!
If you’re referring to fossil fuels, No, we do not have a supply to last trillions of years. Although it is true we will never ever use it all.
Why such a costly program when building the renewables, solar and wind, are far cheaper, and do no damage?

Only climate crusaders think that though because they consistently fall for fake statistics. Nobody else does which is why the world economies will be using fossil fuels for many decades, which of course is proof this narrative of "renewables are cheaper" is a colossal bald faced bunch of hooey!:backpedal:
Why such a costly program when building the renewables, solar and wind, are far cheaper, and do no damage?

Only climate crusaders think that though because they consistently fall for fake statistics. Nobody else does which is why the world economies will be using fossil fuels for many decades, which of course is proof this narrative of "renewables are cheaper" is a colossal bald faced bunch of hooey!:backpedal:

Solar improves every year and shows no signs of slowing down. It has progress yet to make before it's a powerful contender, but I'd bet a pretty penny it will be impossible to ignore it in another decade or two. I wish conservatives would consider funding some RnD so the technology could be improved quicker.

As the LCOE of renewable energy continues to decline (dramatically, in the case of utility-scale solar photovoltaics) building new wind and solar costs less than simply continuing to operate existing coal plants. Lazard reports the mean subsidized LCOE for utility-scale solar fell 72% from $178 per megawatt-hour (MWh) in 2009 to $50/MWh in 2017, while the mean LCOE for wind energy fell 47% from $85/MWh to $45/MWh over the same time span. These declines outstripped the cost trends for natural gas-combined cycle (down 27%), coal (down 8%), and nuclear (up 20%) from 2009 to 2017.
Renewable Electricity Levelized Cost Of Energy Already Cheaper Than Fossil Fuels, And Prices Keep Plunging

The truth.
We will never run out of oil of course. We will keep using it until we hit the point that it is just too expensive to get it out of the ground. We will then just leave it there. When the mining machinery requires the energy of one barrel of oil to remove one barrel from the ground, there is no point in continuing. It's major use will become petrochemicals. It would be a waste to just burn it.
Why such a costly program when building the renewables, solar and wind, are far cheaper, and do no damage?

Only climate crusaders think that though because they consistently fall for fake statistics. Nobody else does which is why the world economies will be using fossil fuels for many decades, which of course is proof this narrative of "renewables are cheaper" is a colossal bald faced bunch of hooey!:backpedal:

Solar improves every year and shows no signs of slowing down. It has progress yet to make before it's a powerful contender, but I'd bet a pretty penny it will be impossible to ignore it in another decade or two. I wish conservatives would consider funding some RnD so the technology could be improved quicker.

Big oil already spent billions on RnD on solar and wind... No money to be made in it.



As the LCOE of renewable energy continues to decline (dramatically, in the case of utility-scale solar photovoltaics) building new wind and solar costs less than simply continuing to operate existing coal plants. Lazard reports the mean subsidized LCOE for utility-scale solar fell 72% from $178 per megawatt-hour (MWh) in 2009 to $50/MWh in 2017, while the mean LCOE for wind energy fell 47% from $85/MWh to $45/MWh over the same time span. These declines outstripped the cost trends for natural gas-combined cycle (down 27%), coal (down 8%), and nuclear (up 20%) from 2009 to 2017.
Renewable Electricity Levelized Cost Of Energy Already Cheaper Than Fossil Fuels, And Prices Keep Plunging

The truth.

Once again because of the left war on coal the past 40 years, they took a cheap energy source and thru rules and regulations, made it expensive...

The truth



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