We need to decentralize our military.

So how do you suppose they would interact with the active duty forces and reserve forces? Oh and who would fund the purchase of the equipment they would use? The people of the state? Will the people of the state also maintain the bases this military would be stationd at? Just curious where the states will find their funding.


The state will buy them so they will fund it and they will maintain it for the same reason the federal government maintains their own military. Where does the federal government get funding for a military? They don't have any money either.

So.....you are suggesting the states raise taxes on their constituents to pay for all of this?

If they chose to....your point being?
How much money does the federal government have. Are you aware it is in the same position that the state government are?

And this somehow makes your post less comical, how?

I don't think it is since that it is stated in the constitution that the federal government shall provide a navy. Who do you think was suppose to provide everything else?

"Everything else" costs money. Or did you think the "military fairy" was going to magically produce these things for the states?
And this somehow makes your post less comical, how?

I don't think it is since that it is stated in the constitution that the federal government shall provide a navy. Who do you think was suppose to provide everything else?

"Everything else" costs money. Or did you think the "military fairy" was going to magically produce these things for the states?

They obviosly produced a good enough military to fight a bloody civil war between the states. A war the rivaled wars fought in Europe.
Currently, our military is in the hands of one federal government but why can't each state develop their own military along with the federal government? This would ensure that when we have complete pussies in office, like we have now, that any state can build their own F-22s if they want to and any other military thing they want.

It might create a two prong method of defense. One is the federal government military and if that is killed off each state can then put up its own arms for defense.

Oh yes, this is a great fucking idea. Because we ALL know just how much money the states already have in surplus to support their very own militaries. Not to mention an aircraft that costs $146M EACH! What a fucking moron.

I think it's a great idea (and California can take Colorado's water...wait, we already do)

Seriously, I LIKE this idea. Because one person obviously doesn't have a chance if Mr. Executive Order just decides he's going to confiscate our military like he's trying to confiscate everything else.
And this somehow makes your post less comical, how?

I don't think it is since that it is stated in the constitution that the federal government shall provide a navy. Who do you think was suppose to provide everything else?

"Everything else" costs money. Or did you think the "military fairy" was going to magically produce these things for the states?

the constitution gives the right to form a navy to the federal government, but doesn't require that it does so.
We need to decentralize our military.


Currently, our military is in the hands of one federal government but why can't each state develop their own military along with the federal government? This would ensure that when we have complete pussies in office, like we have now, that any state can build their own F-22s if they want to and any other military thing they want.

It might create a two prong method of defense. One is the federal government military and if that is killed off each state can then put up its own arms for defense.


Absolutely the dumbest post of 2010. But considering it came from ihopehefails, I'm sure he can top it

I'll just cut and paste your stuff to top it.

Absolutely, serious here........this is the worst so far
The fact that you are serious and not making an ironic point shows how naive you are on national defense.

But, I have confidence you will someday surpass the stupidity of this post
And this somehow makes your post less comical, how?

I don't think it is since that it is stated in the constitution that the federal government shall provide a navy. Who do you think was suppose to provide everything else?

"Everything else" costs money. Or did you think the "military fairy" was going to magically produce these things for the states?

Okay well this is simple, just stop paying all the welfare recipients all that money and have them earn it through California's military...ooooooh Arnold would be Commander in Chief...get out the movie cameras, we're making money already

Let's start with Shriver...
You know, you really have something here. Obama is trying to usurp power that belongs to the states, the states need the military might to tell him to (deleted) himself

sigh, not even today :eusa_angel:
I don't think it is since that it is stated in the constitution that the federal government shall provide a navy. Who do you think was suppose to provide everything else?

"Everything else" costs money. Or did you think the "military fairy" was going to magically produce these things for the states?

They obviosly produced a good enough military to fight a bloody civil war between the states. A war the rivaled wars fought in Europe.

To fight....and lose a bloody civil war. Stop trying to talk about things you obviously know nothing about.

Absolutely the dumbest post of 2010. But considering it came from ihopehefails, I'm sure he can top it

I'll just cut and paste your stuff to top it.

Absolutely, serious here........this is the worst so far
The fact that you are serious and not making an ironic point shows how naive you are on national defense.

But, I have confidence you will someday surpass the stupidity of this post

I'd like to hear an average day of rightwinger's home life...

"Honey, dinner is ready"

"You're an idiot"

"But honey, I made your favorite, pork chops (sweet smile)"

"Absolutely worst meal I've ever tasted, you don't deserve the air you breathe..."

Like the sands of the hourglass, so are the days of rightwinger...

(fade to music)
"Everything else" costs money. Or did you think the "military fairy" was going to magically produce these things for the states?

They obviosly produced a good enough military to fight a bloody civil war between the states. A war the rivaled wars fought in Europe.

To fight....and lose a bloody civil war. Stop trying to talk about things you obviously know nothing about.

The entire f'n thing for both North and South not just the south and most of the northern armies were actually state armies.
You know, you really have something here. Obama is trying to usurp power that belongs to the states, the states need the military might to tell him to (deleted) himself

sigh, not even today :eusa_angel:

Second dumbest post of the day
They obviosly produced a good enough military to fight a bloody civil war between the states. A war the rivaled wars fought in Europe.

To fight....and lose a bloody civil war. Stop trying to talk about things you obviously know nothing about.

The entire f'n thing for both North and South not just the south and most of the northern armies were actually state armies.

State armies paid and armed by a central government....
To fight....and lose a bloody civil war. Stop trying to talk about things you obviously know nothing about.

The entire f'n thing for both North and South not just the south and most of the northern armies were actually state armies.

State armies paid and armed by a central government....

Do you have a link that proves that? I was asked yesterday to provide a link for my theory that liberals went crazy because W said "God Bless You".
To fight....and lose a bloody civil war. Stop trying to talk about things you obviously know nothing about.

The entire f'n thing for both North and South not just the south and most of the northern armies were actually state armies.

State armies paid and armed by a central government....

Some were paid for by private money during the civil war.
In the south, one could buy a commision, essentially by recruiting and paying your own soldiars.
ben McCulloch, he did get money from Texas, and there were others.
Nathan Bedford Forrest, the founder of the KKK after the war , funded his own calvary.

Nathan Bedford Forrest, Fort Pillow, General Forrest

Forrest had amassed what a fortune in the years prior to the war. Through plantation ownership and slave trading, the charismatic leader had a net worth of 1.5 million. With that type of funding it was little wonder to his colleagues that the hard-nosed Forrest funded his own mounted battalion out of Tennessee. Forrest by no means used his money to earn an easy spot in the Confederate army, quite the contrary; he enlisted as a private in 1861.

There were many many more that did this as well.
I officially nominate the OP's post for stupidest post of 2010. I have a feeling it will be tough to top the OP.

He could have said that each county in the United States should have their own military.

That would be even more stupiderer.

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