We need government now more than ever


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
In a time when the odds are against the middle class and poor, we need GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS.

1) The wealth disparity in the US Is one of the widest in the world. The child poverty rate is the worst in the developed world.

2) Lower wage jobs greatly outnumber higher wage jobs. That means millions of people have NO CHOICE but to accept shitty paying jobs. We must raise the minimum wage to a reasonable level that republicans and democrats can compromise on. Corporate profits are at an all time high and wages have remained flat in the lower classes for decades. Do you really think the private market will raise wages on its own? Get real. Think of what higher wages would do to welfare statistics like food stamps or TANF.

3) The price of pharmaceuticals and healthcare in this country is insane. There MUST be caps in place to prices. Poor people (who again are very hard pressed to find higher wage jobs) cannot afford basic cancer treatment. More socialization in our healthcare system is the ONLY way to fix this problem.

4) Our infrasture system is crumbling. Progressive taxation is the ONLY way to fix it.
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In a time when the odds are against the middle class and poor, we need GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS.

1) The wealth disparity in the US Is one of the widest in the world. The child poverty rate is the worst in the developed world.

2) Higher wage jobs greatly outnumber lower wage jobs. That means millions of people have NO CHOICE but to accept shitty paying jobs. We must raise the minimum wage to a reasonable level that republicans and democrats can compromise on. Corporate profits are at an all time high and wages have remained flat in the lower classes for decades. Do you really think the private market will raise wages on its own? Get real. Think of what higher wages would do to welfare statistics like food stamps or TANF.

3) The price of pharmaceuticals and healthcare in this country is insane. There MUST be caps in place to prices. Poor people (who again are very hard pressed to find higher wage jobs) cannot afford basic cancer treatment. More socialization in our healthcare system is the ONLY way to fix this problem.

4) Our infrasture system is crumbling. Progressive taxation is the ONLY way to fix it.
3) The price of pharmaceuticals and healthcare in this country is insane. There MUST be caps in place to prices. Poor people (who again are very hard pressed to find higher wage jobs) cannot afford basic cancer treatment. More socialization in our healthcare system is the ONLY way to fix this problem.

^ Never heard of the "Affordable Care Act". :lol:
In a time when the odds are against the middle class and poor, we need GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS.

1) The wealth disparity in the US Is one of the widest in the world. The child poverty rate is the worst in the developed world.

2) Lower wage jobs greatly outnumber higher wage jobs. That means millions of people have NO CHOICE but to accept shitty paying jobs. We must raise the minimum wage to a reasonable level that republicans and democrats can compromise on. Corporate profits are at an all time high and wages have remained flat in the lower classes for decades. Do you really think the private market will raise wages on its own? Get real. Think of what higher wages would do to welfare statistics like food stamps or TANF.

3) The price of pharmaceuticals and healthcare in this country is insane. There MUST be caps in place to prices. Poor people (who again are very hard pressed to find higher wage jobs) cannot afford basic cancer treatment. More socialization in our healthcare system is the ONLY way to fix this problem.

4) Our infrasture system is crumbling. Progressive taxation is the ONLY way to fix it.

Government is why these things exist.

And you want more of that ????

Are you stupid ?

Oh...sorry...I really don't believe you are stupid....you are just bought into the bullcrap like nobody else.

Lower wage jobs exist because big business can fend off competition that would allow people to go after some of their profits.

Government and big business are the same thing anymore.

All your suggestions do is continue to enslave people and cement the corporate giants in their place.
2) Higher wage jobs greatly outnumber lower wage jobs. That means millions of people have NO CHOICE but to accept shitty paying jobs.

If you're not lying, why should they accept shitty paying jobs?
My bad. I meant vice versa.

ROFLMFAO, see how easy it is for a "Pro-Government Progressive" to step on it. You're so used to lying you do it when you don't intend to.
Oh please. You never misspoke before? You really are desperate aren't you? You still haven't addressed the actual relevant info in my OP?
In a time when the odds are against the middle class and poor, we need GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS.

1) The wealth disparity in the US Is one of the widest in the world. The child poverty rate is the worst in the developed world.

2) Lower wage jobs greatly outnumber higher wage jobs. That means millions of people have NO CHOICE but to accept shitty paying jobs. We must raise the minimum wage to a reasonable level that republicans and democrats can compromise on. Corporate profits are at an all time high and wages have remained flat in the lower classes for decades. Do you really think the private market will raise wages on its own? Get real. Think of what higher wages would do to welfare statistics like food stamps or TANF.

3) The price of pharmaceuticals and healthcare in this country is insane. There MUST be caps in place to prices. Poor people (who again are very hard pressed to find higher wage jobs) cannot afford basic cancer treatment. More socialization in our healthcare system is the ONLY way to fix this problem.

4) Our infrasture system is crumbling. Progressive taxation is the ONLY way to fix it.

Government is why these things exist.

And you want more of that ????

Are you stupid ?

Oh...sorry...I really don't believe you are stupid....you are just bought into the bullcrap like nobody else.

Lower wage jobs exist because big business can fend off competition that would allow people to go after some of their profits.

Government and big business are the same thing anymore.

All your suggestions do is continue to enslave people and cement the corporate giants in their place.
The only real government corruption is done by the corporate lobbyists. If you keep them from influencing legislation, our country would be a lot better off.
2) Higher wage jobs greatly outnumber lower wage jobs. That means millions of people have NO CHOICE but to accept shitty paying jobs.

If you're not lying, why should they accept shitty paying jobs?
My bad. I meant vice versa.

ROFLMFAO, see how easy it is for a "Pro-Government Progressive" to step on it. You're so used to lying you do it when you don't intend to.
Oh please. You never misspoke before? You really are desperate aren't you? You still haven't addressed the actual relevant info in my OP?

What relevant information. All that is common news.

The infrastructure rebuild is only going to make the friends of government richer if we let the fed do it.

The cost of drugs is way to high. Your desire to implement cost controls isn't going to solve a darn thing.
2) Higher wage jobs greatly outnumber lower wage jobs. That means millions of people have NO CHOICE but to accept shitty paying jobs.

If you're not lying, why should they accept shitty paying jobs?
My bad. I meant vice versa.

ROFLMFAO, see how easy it is for a "Pro-Government Progressive" to step on it. You're so used to lying you do it when you don't intend to.
Oh please. You never misspoke before? You really are desperate aren't you? You still haven't addressed the actual relevant info in my OP?

Where are all these higher wage jobs Billy?
In a time when the odds are against the middle class and poor, we need GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS.

1) The wealth disparity in the US Is one of the widest in the world. The child poverty rate is the worst in the developed world.

2) Lower wage jobs greatly outnumber higher wage jobs. That means millions of people have NO CHOICE but to accept shitty paying jobs. We must raise the minimum wage to a reasonable level that republicans and democrats can compromise on. Corporate profits are at an all time high and wages have remained flat in the lower classes for decades. Do you really think the private market will raise wages on its own? Get real. Think of what higher wages would do to welfare statistics like food stamps or TANF.

3) The price of pharmaceuticals and healthcare in this country is insane. There MUST be caps in place to prices. Poor people (who again are very hard pressed to find higher wage jobs) cannot afford basic cancer treatment. More socialization in our healthcare system is the ONLY way to fix this problem.

4) Our infrasture system is crumbling. Progressive taxation is the ONLY way to fix it.
2) Higher wage jobs greatly outnumber lower wage jobs. That means millions of people have NO CHOICE but to accept shitty paying jobs.

If you're not lying, why should they accept shitty paying jobs?
My bad. I meant vice versa.

ROFLMFAO, see how easy it is for a "Pro-Government Progressive" to step on it. You're so used to lying you do it when you don't intend to.
Oh please. You never misspoke before? You really are desperate aren't you? You still haven't addressed the actual relevant info in my OP?

What relevant information. All that is common news.

The infrastructure rebuild is only going to make the friends of government richer if we let the fed do it.

The cost of drugs is way to high. Your desire to implement cost controls isn't going to solve a darn thing.
Do you even listen to yourself? Who exactly is getting rich off of taxes besides corporations who accept government subsidies? Who are these "friends of government" if it isn't them?

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