We must restore constitutional government

So now the state is going to tell you that you must smile when they take your picture so that their unconstitutional facial recognition software can more easily identify you in public? Good grief do we desperately need to restore constitutional government...

Naw, man, what we need are less sissies who think the Government is hiding under their beds.

Here's the real tragedy of your life, Poodle. The government doesn't care what you do.
So now the state is going to tell you that you must smile when they take your picture so that their unconstitutional facial recognition software can more easily identify you in public? Good grief do we desperately need to restore constitutional government...

Naw, man, what we need are less sissies who think the Government is hiding under their beds.

Here's the real tragedy of your life, Poodle. The government doesn't care what you do.

They aren't hiding under anyone's bed. They are right out in the open taking American's by the balls and ripping their "Rights" away.
No, it didn't. Because the Social Security money has not been paid back. So unless you repay that, there was still a deficit. Perhaps you think robbing the SSI coffers is just more revenue for the gov't, but it is not.

Who says that it's going to get repaid? More than likely, it won't, anyway. But that shit started long before Clinton got there.

Of course it won't be repaid. But by "borrowing" SS money, he was able to avoid borrowing public money.

Look at the actual deficit numbers. There was no surplus.
The people tasked with enforcing our laws are the same people violating our most important laws....

Beyond the controversial ways stingray technology works, the secrecy and deception law enforcement agencies use to cloak their use of the devices is also troubling. Law enforcement agencies around the country have routinely used the devices without obtaining a warrant from judges. In cases where they did obtain a warrant, they often deceived judges about the nature of the technology they planned to use. Instead of telling judges that they intended to use a stingray or cell site simulator, they have often mischaracterized the technology, describing it as a pen register device instead.

Hacker Lexicon: Stingrays, the Spy Tool the Government Tried, and Failed, to Hide
The founders could not envision the savage culture that we now live in. They would be disgusted at what we have become.
They aren't hiding under anyone's bed. They are right out in the open taking American's by the balls and ripping their "Rights" away.

Right. Like your right to have a white male in the White House, correct?

Get real.

The founders could not envision the savage culture that we now live in. They would be disgusted at what we have become.

These would be the same founders who raped their slaves and genocided the shit out of the Native Americans, and bled themselves when they got sick and occassionally put people on trial for witchcraft....

But we have the "Savage" culture?
This is a great first step towards restoring constitutional government...

If we have a state convention, what would you like to see changed on our constitution?

Everything that they proposed at the mock Article V convention a couple of weeks ago:

The Convention delegates passed amendment proposals on the following six ideas:

1. Requiring the states to approve any increase in the national debt

2. Term limits on Congress

3. Limiting federal overreach by returning the Commerce Clause to its original meaning

4. Limiting the power of federal regulations by giving an easy congressional override

5. Require a super majority for federal taxes and repeal the 16th Amendment

6. Give the states (by a 3/5ths vote) the power to abrogate any federal law, regulation or executive order

A Convention of the States is the Answer
This is a great first step towards restoring constitutional government...

If we have a state convention, what would you like to see changed on our constitution?

Everything that they proposed at the mock Article V convention a couple of weeks ago:

The Convention delegates passed amendment proposals on the following six ideas:

1. Requiring the states to approve any increase in the national debt

2. Term limits on Congress

3. Limiting federal overreach by returning the Commerce Clause to its original meaning

4. Limiting the power of federal regulations by giving an easy congressional override

5. Require a super majority for federal taxes and repeal the 16th Amendment

6. Give the states (by a 3/5ths vote) the power to abrogate any federal law, regulation or executive order

A Convention of the States is the Answer

And you don't think, given the propaganda machine we see, that there is a possibility that the 2nd Amendment would be removed?
This is a great first step towards restoring constitutional government...

If we have a state convention, what would you like to see changed on our constitution?

Everything that they proposed at the mock Article V convention a couple of weeks ago:

The Convention delegates passed amendment proposals on the following six ideas:

1. Requiring the states to approve any increase in the national debt

2. Term limits on Congress

3. Limiting federal overreach by returning the Commerce Clause to its original meaning

4. Limiting the power of federal regulations by giving an easy congressional override

5. Require a super majority for federal taxes and repeal the 16th Amendment

6. Give the states (by a 3/5ths vote) the power to abrogate any federal law, regulation or executive order

A Convention of the States is the Answer

And you don't think, given the propaganda machine we see, that there is a possibility that the 2nd Amendment would be removed?

Nope. Not even a litte. Do people looking to curb the unconstitutional power of the federal government sound like the same people who would be looking to strip American's of their 2nd Amendment rights to you? I guarantee it won't happen.
This is a great first step towards restoring constitutional government...

If we have a state convention, what would you like to see changed on our constitution?

Everything that they proposed at the mock Article V convention a couple of weeks ago:

The Convention delegates passed amendment proposals on the following six ideas:

1. Requiring the states to approve any increase in the national debt

2. Term limits on Congress

3. Limiting federal overreach by returning the Commerce Clause to its original meaning

4. Limiting the power of federal regulations by giving an easy congressional override

5. Require a super majority for federal taxes and repeal the 16th Amendment

6. Give the states (by a 3/5ths vote) the power to abrogate any federal law, regulation or executive order

A Convention of the States is the Answer

And you don't think, given the propaganda machine we see, that there is a possibility that the 2nd Amendment would be removed?

Nope. Not even a litte. Do people looking to curb the unconstitutional power of the federal government sound like the same people who would be looking to strip American's of their 2nd Amendment rights to you? I guarantee it won't happen.

The people who want to curb the unconstitutional power of the federal gov't will not be the only people involved in a Convention of the States.
And as for #6 in your list. Will this be any law or ruling? For example, will the states be able to overrule the SCOTUS ruling concerning same sex marriage?
This is a great first step towards restoring constitutional government...

If we have a state convention, what would you like to see changed on our constitution?

Everything that they proposed at the mock Article V convention a couple of weeks ago:

The Convention delegates passed amendment proposals on the following six ideas:

1. Requiring the states to approve any increase in the national debt

2. Term limits on Congress

3. Limiting federal overreach by returning the Commerce Clause to its original meaning

4. Limiting the power of federal regulations by giving an easy congressional override

5. Require a super majority for federal taxes and repeal the 16th Amendment

6. Give the states (by a 3/5ths vote) the power to abrogate any federal law, regulation or executive order

A Convention of the States is the Answer

And you don't think, given the propaganda machine we see, that there is a possibility that the 2nd Amendment would be removed?

Nope. Not even a litte. Do people looking to curb the unconstitutional power of the federal government sound like the same people who would be looking to strip American's of their 2nd Amendment rights to you? I guarantee it won't happen.

The people who want to curb the unconstitutional power of the federal gov't will not be the only people involved in a Convention of the States.

But they will be the one's with all of the power. Currently 31 states are run by conservatives. Each state will get 1 vote (not matter how many delegates they send to represent their state).

Plus...come on...you know progressives. Do you think they are actually going to put in the work of an Article V convention when they believe in simply illegally and unconstitutionally banning guns are achieving their insanity through the Supreme Court? Of all of the things that should scare you regarding the loss of your 2nd Amendment rights, an Article V Convention is the last of them.
If we have a state convention, what would you like to see changed on our constitution?
Everything that they proposed at the mock Article V convention a couple of weeks ago:

The Convention delegates passed amendment proposals on the following six ideas:

1. Requiring the states to approve any increase in the national debt

2. Term limits on Congress

3. Limiting federal overreach by returning the Commerce Clause to its original meaning

4. Limiting the power of federal regulations by giving an easy congressional override

5. Require a super majority for federal taxes and repeal the 16th Amendment

6. Give the states (by a 3/5ths vote) the power to abrogate any federal law, regulation or executive order

A Convention of the States is the Answer

And you don't think, given the propaganda machine we see, that there is a possibility that the 2nd Amendment would be removed?
Nope. Not even a litte. Do people looking to curb the unconstitutional power of the federal government sound like the same people who would be looking to strip American's of their 2nd Amendment rights to you? I guarantee it won't happen.

The people who want to curb the unconstitutional power of the federal gov't will not be the only people involved in a Convention of the States.
But they will be the one's with all of the power. Currently 31 states are run by conservatives. Each state will get 1 vote (not matter how many delegates they send to represent their state).

Plus...come on...you know progressives. Do you think they are actually going to put in the work of an Article V convention when they believe in simply illegally and unconstitutionally banning guns are achieving their insanity through the Supreme Court? Of all of the things that should scare you regarding the loss of your 2nd Amendment rights, an Article V Convention is the last of them.

Yes, I do believe progressives will turn out to help rewrite the constitution.
And as for #6 in your list. Will this be any law or ruling? For example, will the states be able to overrule the SCOTUS ruling concerning same sex marriage?
Yep. It clearly states "any federal law, regulation, or executive order".

Then any state that can come up with 3/5 of the votes can say we can bear arms only if we are members of a militia.
Yes, I do believe progressives will turn out to help rewrite the constitution.
Well you happen to be really wrong on that. They will turn out to attempt to stop the Aritcle V convention. They love having a federal government with unfettered power. But they won't be taking the time to call their own when they find it easier to achieve their desires through unconstitutional means such as Supreme Court rulings, Executive Orders, and legislation in instances where those channels are not the legal authority for the subject in question.
And as for #6 in your list. Will this be any law or ruling? For example, will the states be able to overrule the SCOTUS ruling concerning same sex marriage?
Yep. It clearly states "any federal law, regulation, or executive order".

Then any state that can come up with 3/5 of the votes can say we can bear arms only if we are members of a militia.
No they can't - because we have a Consitutional right to bear arms. You notice the Amendment does not say the power to override the Constitution. It says federal laws, regulations, and executive orders".
And as for #6 in your list. Will this be any law or ruling? For example, will the states be able to overrule the SCOTUS ruling concerning same sex marriage?
Yep. It clearly states "any federal law, regulation, or executive order".

Then any state that can come up with 3/5 of the votes can say we can bear arms only if we are members of a militia.
No they can't - because we have a Consitutional right to bear arms. You notice the Amendment does not say the power to override the Constitution. It says federal laws, regulations, and executive orders".

And the same sex marriage ruling was based on the US Constitution.
Yes, I do believe progressives will turn out to help rewrite the constitution.
Well you happen to be really wrong on that. They will turn out to attempt to stop the Aritcle V convention. They love having a federal government with unfettered power. But they won't be taking the time to call their own when they find it easier to achieve their desires through unconstitutional means such as Supreme Court rulings, Executive Orders, and legislation in instances where those channels are not the legal authority for the subject in question.

Their own? You make it sound as though the convention you are talking about will not be open to all

The progressives got enough people out to elect a democrat president. In fact, they have done that in 4 of the last 6 presidential elections.

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