we lost another one

More unfounded fear mongering from the anti-vax crowd
There's a whole class of issues that drive partisans into making complete fools of themselves. It tends to occur when there are legitimate ideological questions regarding what to do about a given problem. But, instead of debating the ideological questions - because, sadly, most people aren't smart enough to do that, partisans instead focus on denying or exaggerating the "facts" of the issue.

With covid, for example, rather than discuss how much authority government should have regarding shutdowns and the like, the partisans simply focus on propaganda regarding the underlying problem: the right denying that it IS a problem, and the left countering by blowing it out of proportion. The same thing is going on in the global warming debate. Rather than discuss the government's role in dealing with pollution, the two sides just bicker about whether pollution is a problem or not.

Now we're doing it with vaccines. Instead of discussing whether government should have the power to force people to get vaccines, we have stupid arguments (with both sides being largely ignorant regarding the science) over the vaccines themselves. Republicans insisting that it's a plot to depopulate the planet, and Democrats claiming the vaccines will save us from all pain and suffering.
There's a whole class of issues that drive partisans into making complete fools of themselves. It tends to occur when there are legitimate ideological questions regarding what to do about a given problem. But, instead of debating the ideological questions - because, sadly, most people aren't smart enough to do that, partisans instead focus on denying or exaggerating the "facts" of the issue.

With covid, for example, rather than discuss how much authority government should have regarding shutdowns and the like, the partisans simply focus on propaganda regarding the underlying problem: the right denying that it IS a problem, and the left countering by blowing it out of proportion. The same thing is going on in the global warming debate. Rather than discuss the government's role in dealing with pollution, the two sides just bicker about whether pollution is a problem or not.

Now we're doing it with vaccines. Instead of discussing whether government should have the power to force people to get vaccines, we have stupid arguments (with both sides being largely ignorant regarding the science) over the vaccines themselves. Republicans insisting that it's a plot to depopulate the planet, and Democrats claiming the vaccines will save us from all pain and suffering.
why cant we discuss both??
I find most partisans aren't really capable of discussing ideology. Largely because neither party has much.
I'm not a party and dont support any of them, in fact I think both the major parties should be declared terrorist groups and banned from fed politics,,

do you have any proof the vaccine is not causing the high number of healthy young people just dropping dead??

in all my 57 yrs I have never seen anything like we've seen in the last year,,
I'm not a party and dont support any of them, in fact I think both the major parties should be declared terrorist groups and banned from fed politics,,

do you have any proof the vaccine is not causing the high number of healthy young people just dropping dead??

in all my 57 yrs I have never seen anything like we've seen in the last year,,
I am 66 and have seen people just drop dead my whole life

Usually they find the reason after an autopsy
I am 66 and have seen people just drop dead my whole life

Usually they find the reason after an autopsy

The only point of the mRNA injections is to reprogram the ribosomes of your own cells to start growing spike proteins.
That is incredibly dangerous.
As long as the mRNA stays in the muscle, there is no big loss when the immune system attacks and destroys these mutant cells with extra spike proteins.
But what happens if the mRNA happens to get into the blood stream?
(which is something covid can't do because the blood ph kills it on contact.)
If the mRNA instructions happen to get to the brain or heart, it is likely you will die.
When it just gets to capillaries, that can cause blood clots that require amputation to prevent death from gangrene.
Autopsies can not show things like whether or not extra spike proteins were growing.
The most they might detect is a slight swelling of the tissue from the additional antibody swarm.
But even that they are unlikely to detect.
That's too bad but I'm vaccinated and as healthy as a horse.

It only harms about 1 out of 10k, but that is about 10 times the death risk of traditional vaccines, and almost the same death risk as covid itself, if you are under 40.
It is much higher than the death risk of covid if you are under 18.
There's a whole class of issues that drive partisans into making complete fools of themselves. It tends to occur when there are legitimate ideological questions regarding what to do about a given problem. But, instead of debating the ideological questions - because, sadly, most people aren't smart enough to do that, partisans instead focus on denying or exaggerating the "facts" of the issue.

With covid, for example, rather than discuss how much authority government should have regarding shutdowns and the like, the partisans simply focus on propaganda regarding the underlying problem: the right denying that it IS a problem, and the left countering by blowing it out of proportion. The same thing is going on in the global warming debate. Rather than discuss the government's role in dealing with pollution, the two sides just bicker about whether pollution is a problem or not.

Now we're doing it with vaccines. Instead of discussing whether government should have the power to force people to get vaccines, we have stupid arguments (with both sides being largely ignorant regarding the science) over the vaccines themselves. Republicans insisting that it's a plot to depopulate the planet, and Democrats claiming the vaccines will save us from all pain and suffering.

The danger of this injection has nothing to do with politics even though both try to exploit the control.
I'm not denying anything. I'm just laughing at you. Your fear mongering is based on nothing more than your feelies - your fears, and your bizarre desire to make it a partisan issue.
To be fair, however, we have had years of most every death being blamed on COVID, even if there were co-morbidities, and they were used as a cudgel to bludgeon people into getting vaccinated.
To be fair, however, we have had years of most every death being blamed on COVID, even if there were co-morbidities, and they were used as a cudgel to bludgeon people into getting vaccinated.
Yeah. But you know what? I'm really fucking sick of hearing "but they do it too!!!" as an excuse.

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