We Have To Do Something...!


Platinum Member
Oct 14, 2014
Or, do we...? You know folks; nothing you do now will bring any one back from the dead. No type of virtue signaling. No prayer. Not even a robust legislation. Nor will any of these things prevent people from being murdered in the future. There’s only one kind of dead; and you’ll never eliminate murder so long as people exist.
In short... In life we sometime have to just take our lumps; and realize that “shit happens”.
No.... We don't have to accept it

Struck me as nothing but platitudes which the leftists on the video are only capable of expressing. No difference from the thoughts and prayers.
My guess is everyone on that video would accept only one plan that would be known as an infringement of the Constitution.
My view is the permissive culture these very people have supported for over 40 years has lead to a decline of our society.
There will be no introspection into our sick culture. Just more blame.
Or, do we...? You know folks; nothing you do now will bring any one back from the dead. No type of virtue signaling. No prayer. Not even a robust legislation. Nor will any of these things prevent people from being murdered in the future. There’s only one kind of dead; and you’ll never eliminate murder so long as people exist.
In short... In life we sometime have to just take our lumps; and realize that “shit happens”.
Accepting the cost of dong business in a culture and society awash in guns is both short sighted and criminal nally megligent. The vast majority of Americans are crying out for common sense gun laws over the objection of a minority of citizens who, incredibly, find nobility in their personal arsenal and revulsion at the notion expanding that arsenal could be illegal.

No law, no legislation, no regulation can bring back the victims. No law, no legislation, no regulation oils a panacea. Shootings will still take place. But look at traffic laws as a paradigm. Would you deny that speed limits, DWI checkpoints, moving vehicle citations, licensing and registration laws, and annual inspections have not helped reduce the occurrence of vehicular deaths and accidents?

No rights are absolute. Not speech, not religious, not enjoyed by the press. The second amendment is not a suicide pact. The reason there still are assault weapons for sale and used to commit mass shootings, drive-by shootings, accidental shootings and the weapon of choice of nearly every school, church or theater shooter is lack of political will, not constitutional problem.

Throwing up your hands, shrugging your shoulders and accepting the lives of children to rationalize a lust for guns rings hollow at best, complicit in murder at worst.
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No.... We don't have to accept it

Struck me as nothing but platitudes which the leftists on the video are only capable of expressing. No difference from the thoughts and prayers.
My guess is everyone on that video would accept only one plan that would be known as an infringement of the Constitution.
My view is the permissive culture these very people have supported for over 40 years has lead to a decline of our society.
There will be no introspection into our sick culture. Just more blame.

No god just spoke to me...

We are not doing the right thing with abortion and all these killings...

We are not doing the right thing..
No.... We don't have to accept it

They used that bs as a political gun grab because Hollywood whores have power and pull , notice the " ME TOO" power.

As this points how how fkn Hypocritical they are

No.... We don't have to accept it

Struck me as nothing but platitudes which the leftists on the video are only capable of expressing. No difference from the thoughts and prayers.
My guess is everyone on that video would accept only one plan that would be known as an infringement of the Constitution.
My view is the permissive culture these very people have supported for over 40 years has lead to a decline of our society.
There will be no introspection into our sick culture. Just more blame.

No god just spoke to me...

We are not doing the right thing with abortion and all these killings...

We are not doing the right thing..

We are ignoring it..

No.... We don't have to accept it

They used that bs as a political gun grab because Hollywood whores have power and pull , notice the " ME TOO" power.

As this points how how fkn Hypocritical they are

No mind wars I am tired of it.. getting rid of guns in America is useless, stopping the killing we can do if we solve the root cause..

No.... We don't have to accept it

They used that bs as a political gun grab because Hollywood whores have power and pull , notice the " ME TOO" power.

As this points how how fkn Hypocritical they are

No mind wars I am tired of it.. getting rid of guns in America is useless, stopping the killing we can do if we solve the root cause..

What else is hypocritical is how that asshat Obama stands up calling for Gun grabbing/ control
look how many have forgotten how that pos has a " LIFE TIME" of armed secret service and by all rights Presidents are not suppose to get a life time of armed guards. It's only for a a year or so after their Presidency. That SOB knew how much this Country hated that SOB..


Why The Tyrants Want Your Guns 6th Issue Infowars Magazine
No.... We don't have to accept it

They used that bs as a political gun grab because Hollywood whores have power and pull , notice the " ME TOO" power.

As this points how how fkn Hypocritical they are

No mind wars I am tired of it.. getting rid of guns in America is useless, stopping the killing we can do if we solve the root cause..

What else is hypocritical is how that asshat Obama stands up calling for Gun grabbing/ control
look how many have forgotten how that pos has a " LIFE TIME" of armed secret service and by all rights Presidents are not suppose to get a life time of armed guards. It's only for a a year or so after their Presidency. That SOB knew how much this Country hated that SOB..

View attachment 177322

Why The Tyrants Want Your Guns 6th Issue Infowars Magazine

It's becoming irelevant we have to go after the root cause and fight the liberals on their own front lawns..

Guns is not the problem it's just a damn tool..

It's their Sodom and gormorrah life style where anything goes from abortion to devauling life.
Why did the Republicans push through a bespoke piece of legislation last year assuring the mentally ill's access to guns? Why did Trump sign it within a month of taking the oath?

All this new and cry about mental illness and they made sure nuts and guns should get together?

Blood on their hands and a pox on both their houses.
Why did the Republicans push through a bespoke piece of legislation last year assuring the mentally ill's access to guns? Why did Trump sign it within a month of taking the oath?

All this new and cry about mental illness and they made sure nuts and guns should get together?

Blood on their hands and a pox on both their houses.

But yet the FBI had been warned of this young man back in September after his post on social media that he wanted to be a professional school shooter? The FBI have gone after people with much less to go on.........
Or, do we...? You know folks; nothing you do now will bring any one back from the dead. No type of virtue signaling. No prayer. Not even a robust legislation. Nor will any of these things prevent people from being murdered in the future. There’s only one kind of dead; and you’ll never eliminate murder so long as people exist.
In short... In life we sometime have to just take our lumps; and realize that “shit happens”.

American Conservatives need to call the bluff of the American Leftists on this, offer them a deal that you KNOW they will refuse. You say okay we will put the ban on assault weapons back on but in RETURN for us completely banning ALL abortion with the exception of rape, incest and where the life of the mother is concerned aka COMPLETE ban on Abortion on Demand.

The American Leftists are saying they want these assault weapons banned to SAVE LIVES, so you say okay you now say you want to SAVE LIVES so let us ban Abortion on Demand which will save more than One MILLION LIVES a year and in return you get us doing an assault weapons ban. Now the Leftists CANNOT agree to having Abortion on Demand banned, so you get to call their bluff and illustrate their screeching about wanting to save lives is just horsecrap.

Take the FIGHT to THEM and PUBLICLY illustrate what hypocrites they are and how this has NOTHING to do with them wanting to SAVE LIVES and EVERYTHING to do with wanting to trash your Second Amendment of your Constitution as a means to a Gun Confiscation from legal gun owners who 98% of them are law abiding and have never gone on a shooting spree killing peoples.

NO deaths from GUNS in America has caused so much death in America than from Abortion on Demand and approx 4,000 LIVES A DAY EVERY DAY in America are ended by Abortion on Demand, more than ONE MILLION American lives are ended EVERY YEAR and EVERY YEAR since 1973 that is 39 MILLION plus deaths from Abortion on Demand a MONSTROUS Genocide that American Leftists fanatically support:


More DEATHS from Abortion on Demand than in ALL Wars America has fought since 1775:

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My question to liberals is....what law that could have been passed before this shooting could have prevented it? As it is he broke several gun laws. What makes them think just one more law would have done it? Anyone willing to go to high school and start blasting away at people with an AR-15 won't stop because the new law passed makes it illegal. IT WAS ALREADY ILLEGAL.
Or, do we...? You know folks; nothing you do now will bring any one back from the dead. No type of virtue signaling. No prayer. Not even a robust legislation. Nor will any of these things prevent people from being murdered in the future. There’s only one kind of dead; and you’ll never eliminate murder so long as people exist.
In short... In life we sometime have to just take our lumps; and realize that “shit happens”.

we have done something out here

we are tired of the nonsense

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