We finally know what the GOP will do for the next two years and it’s hilarious

Wait...is the OP actually making a thread about transparency with the GOP that hasn't happened yet, and a quote from a biased media moron?

Sooo..what about the glaring lack of transparency in the Obama White House...right now??
You are quoting an NBC guy about what he thinks some republican said. Not what the Republican said, but what the NBC guy thinks the Republican guy meant.

They really are not the same thing. We go through this on a regular basis. I say US schools need to be less pathetic, and you claim that means I have the hots for the Chinese communists.

This is why US courts have the heresay rule.

Oh, and 6% of sicentists are republicans.

Here is what Mitch actually said.

MCCONNELL: We need to be honest with the public. This election is about them, not us. And we need to treat this election as the first step in retaking the government. We need to say to everyone on Election Day, “Those of you who helped make this a good day, you need to go out and help us finish the job.”

NATIONAL JOURNAL: What’s the job?

MCCONNELL: The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president

Notice, the GOP's goal ala Mitch isn't jobs, retoring the economy, national security or anything else. Their number one goal is to re-gain power.
Only through rdean's liberal rose colored glasses would he think this helps Democrats.

Helloooooooooooooooooooo, rdean. This is about what a liberal THINKS republicans are saying, not what they are saying.

Funny liberals want to WHINE about "bi-partisanship" NOW when for two years they have been ramming legislation through that NO ONE WANTED.

Some bi-partisanship from liberals!


Bi-partisanship means conservatives do what liberals want, it never means liberals do what conservatives want.

What a phony sham!


So, you are saying Mitch McConnell isn't saying that?

We know Republican legislation. We saw it for 8 years under Bush. Dirty air, dirty water, jobs moved to China, the greatest redistribution of wealth from the middle class to the top 1% in this history of the world. It's not like it's a secret.

Yeah, it was soooooooooooooooooooo terrible we were at full employment while under Obama it's 10% unemployment.

You can talk all your BS all you want. But the results are more than clear. See you next Tuesday at the ballot box!

Tuesday is coming!


So how many job were lost during President Bushes final year in office again?
You are quoting an NBC guy about what he thinks some republican said. Not what the Republican said, but what the NBC guy thinks the Republican guy meant.

They really are not the same thing. We go through this on a regular basis. I say US schools need to be less pathetic, and you claim that means I have the hots for the Chinese communists.

This is why US courts have the heresay rule.

Oh, and 6% of sicentists are republicans.

Here is what Mitch actually said.

MCCONNELL: We need to be honest with the public. This election is about them, not us. And we need to treat this election as the first step in retaking the government. We need to say to everyone on Election Day, “Those of you who helped make this a good day, you need to go out and help us finish the job.”

NATIONAL JOURNAL: What’s the job?

MCCONNELL: The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president

Notice, the GOP's goal ala Mitch isn't jobs, retoring the economy, national security or anything else. Their number one goal is to re-gain power.

:clap2: As it has been since Nov. 2008.
You are quoting an NBC guy about what he thinks some republican said. Not what the Republican said, but what the NBC guy thinks the Republican guy meant.

They really are not the same thing. We go through this on a regular basis. I say US schools need to be less pathetic, and you claim that means I have the hots for the Chinese communists.

This is why US courts have the heresay rule.

Oh, and 6% of sicentists are republicans.

Here is what Mitch actually said.

MCCONNELL: We need to be honest with the public. This election is about them, not us. And we need to treat this election as the first step in retaking the government. We need to say to everyone on Election Day, “Those of you who helped make this a good day, you need to go out and help us finish the job.”

NATIONAL JOURNAL: What’s the job?

MCCONNELL: The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president

Notice, the GOP's goal ala Mitch isn't jobs, retoring the economy, national security or anything else. Their number one goal is to re-gain power.

Because that is all their leadership cares about. Their own leadership calls them "hicky".

But there is that terrible "black" man in the "WHITE" House. But of course, it has nothing to do with racism.

Even is Obama was actually named "George Washington Lincoln" and was born under a Cherry Tree in the Nation's Capital delivered by Ron Paul, he would still never be "one of us". Because he would be a "black" man in the "WHITE" House.
Alan Combs is on Fox and we all know he's a liberal. Joe Scarborough has been and will always be a conservative and on every show is highly critical of Obama.

The left has a very large tent. Everyone is welcome. Don't compare liberals with "lockstep" conservatives.

He's on MSNBC so he must be wrong. And yet you guys always talk about how "OPEN MINDED" you are. What a joke.


This is hilarious. Do you read the same stuff I do and poet just so I can show how ignorant you really are?

Margaret Johnson, a former party chairwoman in Polk County, N.C., helped elect Representative Shuler but now believes the party would be better off without him. “I’d rather have a real Republican than a fake Democrat,” she said. “A real Republican motivates us to work. A fake Democrat de-motivates us.” Ms. Johnson is right: Democrats would be in better shape, and would accomplish more, with a smaller and more ideologically cohesive caucus. It’s a sentiment that even Mr. Dean now echoes. “Having a big, open-tent Democratic Party is great, but not at the cost of getting nothing done,” he said. Since the passage of health care reform, few major bills have passed the Senate. Although the Democrats have a 59-vote majority, party leaders can barely find the votes for something as benign as extending unemployment benefits.
A smaller majority, minus the intraparty feuding, could benefit Democrats in two ways: first, it could enable them to devise cleaner pieces of legislation, without blatantly trading pork for votes as they did with the deals that helped sour the public on the health care bill. (As a corollary, the narrative of “Democratic infighting” would also diminish.)
Second, in the Senate, having a majority of 52 rather than 59 or 60 would force Democrats to confront the Republicans’ incessant misuse of the filibuster to require that any piece of legislation garner a minimum of 60 votes to become law. Since President Obama’s election, more than 420 bills have cleared the House but have sat dormant in the Senate. It’s easy to forget that George W. Bush passed his controversial 2003 tax cut legislation with only 50 votes, plus Vice President Dick Cheney’s. Eternal gridlock is not inevitable unless Democrats allow it to be.


Not everyone is welcome anymore. Just like the neo-conservatives and RINOs that you are mocking the Tea Party for trying to purge from the ranks of the Republican party, the Democrats hate their conservative/moderate wing. They would much prefer an ideologically pure party that doesn't welcome everyone, and just keep the people with the right agenda. DINOs are no more welcome than RINOs.
You are quoting an NBC guy about what he thinks some republican said. Not what the Republican said, but what the NBC guy thinks the Republican guy meant.

They really are not the same thing. We go through this on a regular basis. I say US schools need to be less pathetic, and you claim that means I have the hots for the Chinese communists.

This is why US courts have the heresay rule.

Oh, and 6% of sicentists are republicans.

Alan Combs is on Fox and we all know he's a liberal. Joe Scarborough has been and will always be a conservative and on every show is highly critical of Obama.

The left has a very large tent. Everyone is welcome. Don't compare liberals with "lockstep" conservatives.

He's on MSNBC so he must be wrong. And yet you guys always talk about how "OPEN MINDED" you are. What a joke.

The point of my post is that people who are not republican (I don't know this Scarboro person) can't say what Republican ideas are. Even less can people who are allergic to ideas and linear thought, such as your good self. Misrepresentations and straw men quoted at second hand don't really qualify as a valid authority.
Alan Combs is on Fox and we all know he's a liberal. Joe Scarborough has been and will always be a conservative and on every show is highly critical of Obama.

The left has a very large tent. Everyone is welcome. Don't compare liberals with "lockstep" conservatives.

He's on MSNBC so he must be wrong. And yet you guys always talk about how "OPEN MINDED" you are. What a joke.


This is hilarious. Do you read the same stuff I do and poet just so I can show how ignorant you really are?

Margaret Johnson, a former party chairwoman in Polk County, N.C., helped elect Representative Shuler but now believes the party would be better off without him. “I’d rather have a real Republican than a fake Democrat,” she said. “A real Republican motivates us to work. A fake Democrat de-motivates us.” Ms. Johnson is right: Democrats would be in better shape, and would accomplish more, with a smaller and more ideologically cohesive caucus. It’s a sentiment that even Mr. Dean now echoes. “Having a big, open-tent Democratic Party is great, but not at the cost of getting nothing done,” he said. Since the passage of health care reform, few major bills have passed the Senate. Although the Democrats have a 59-vote majority, party leaders can barely find the votes for something as benign as extending unemployment benefits.
A smaller majority, minus the intraparty feuding, could benefit Democrats in two ways: first, it could enable them to devise cleaner pieces of legislation, without blatantly trading pork for votes as they did with the deals that helped sour the public on the health care bill. (As a corollary, the narrative of “Democratic infighting” would also diminish.)
Second, in the Senate, having a majority of 52 rather than 59 or 60 would force Democrats to confront the Republicans’ incessant misuse of the filibuster to require that any piece of legislation garner a minimum of 60 votes to become law. Since President Obama’s election, more than 420 bills have cleared the House but have sat dormant in the Senate. It’s easy to forget that George W. Bush passed his controversial 2003 tax cut legislation with only 50 votes, plus Vice President Dick Cheney’s. Eternal gridlock is not inevitable unless Democrats allow it to be.


Not everyone is welcome anymore. Just like the neo-conservatives and RINOs that you are mocking the Tea Party for trying to purge from the ranks of the Republican party, the Democrats hate their conservative/moderate wing. They would much prefer an ideologically pure party that doesn't welcome everyone, and just keep the people with the right agenda. DINOs are no more welcome than RINOs.

And just look at how much Republicans got done. Two disastrous wars, helped move 2.4 million jobs to China, dropped the Dow from 11,000 to 6,000, 3 trillion dollar drug bill, more than a trillion in tax breaks to 1% of the country. Deregulated clean air, clean water, fracture drilling for natural gas.

Can the country take anymore of Republicans "getting things done"?
The republican, if they win, will be facing a president with a veto stamp and (what I consider) to be an evil agenda.

All that counts right now is to stop the bad in its tracks. Any legislation that gets proposed will have to go past 0bama.

Any real progress will have to wait till 2013.

But I do think the major part of the goal will be tax cuts, dealing with the major problems of the health care bill, things like that. They will have to do what they can given the Democrats will be giving them a taste of their own obstructive medicine after the election
We know Republican legislation. We saw it for 8 years under Bush. Dirty air, dirty water, jobs moved to China, the greatest redistribution of wealth from the middle class to the top 1% in this history of the world. It's not like it's a secret.

8 years?

Palosi was passing Republican legislation the last two years of Bush's term? :wtf:
So, you are saying Mitch McConnell isn't saying that?

We know Republican legislation. We saw it for 8 years under Bush. Dirty air, dirty water, jobs moved to China, the greatest redistribution of wealth from the middle class to the top 1% in this history of the world. It's not like it's a secret.

Yeah, it was soooooooooooooooooooo terrible we were at full employment while under Obama it's 10% unemployment.

You can talk all your BS all you want. But the results are more than clear. See you next Tuesday at the ballot box!

Tuesday is coming!



It will be great to see what Republicans will do next to this economy. Seriously, I can't wait.

The growth of the U.S. trade deficit with China since that country entered the World Trade Organization in 2001 has had a devastating effect on U.S. workers and the domestic economy. Between 2001 and 2008, 2.4 million U.S. jobs were lost

The China Job Drain | Alliance for American Manufacturing

Follow the link and see how many jobs your state lost to China. Thank God for Republicans. China would never have been so successful with out them.

Yeah that low unemployment all during the Bush admin. Things were so awful. Things are sooooooooooooooooooo much better with Obama.

That's why the Democrats are going to win big this Tuesday!

Okay! You can wake up from that fantasy world, rdean!

democrats ran the senate and house from 2006- present.

what part of that do you not understand?

Alan Combs is on Fox and we all know he's a liberal. Joe Scarborough has been and will always be a conservative and on every show is highly critical of Obama.

The left has a very large tent. Everyone is welcome. Don't compare liberals with "lockstep" conservatives.

He's on MSNBC so he must be wrong. And yet you guys always talk about how "OPEN MINDED" you are. What a joke.


This is hilarious. Do you read the same stuff I do and poet just so I can show how ignorant you really are?

Margaret Johnson, a former party chairwoman in Polk County, N.C., helped elect Representative Shuler but now believes the party would be better off without him. “I’d rather have a real Republican than a fake Democrat,” she said. “A real Republican motivates us to work. A fake Democrat de-motivates us.” Ms. Johnson is right: Democrats would be in better shape, and would accomplish more, with a smaller and more ideologically cohesive caucus. It’s a sentiment that even Mr. Dean now echoes. “Having a big, open-tent Democratic Party is great, but not at the cost of getting nothing done,” he said. Since the passage of health care reform, few major bills have passed the Senate. Although the Democrats have a 59-vote majority, party leaders can barely find the votes for something as benign as extending unemployment benefits.
A smaller majority, minus the intraparty feuding, could benefit Democrats in two ways: first, it could enable them to devise cleaner pieces of legislation, without blatantly trading pork for votes as they did with the deals that helped sour the public on the health care bill. (As a corollary, the narrative of “Democratic infighting” would also diminish.)
Second, in the Senate, having a majority of 52 rather than 59 or 60 would force Democrats to confront the Republicans’ incessant misuse of the filibuster to require that any piece of legislation garner a minimum of 60 votes to become law. Since President Obama’s election, more than 420 bills have cleared the House but have sat dormant in the Senate. It’s easy to forget that George W. Bush passed his controversial 2003 tax cut legislation with only 50 votes, plus Vice President Dick Cheney’s. Eternal gridlock is not inevitable unless Democrats allow it to be.


Not everyone is welcome anymore. Just like the neo-conservatives and RINOs that you are mocking the Tea Party for trying to purge from the ranks of the Republican party, the Democrats hate their conservative/moderate wing. They would much prefer an ideologically pure party that doesn't welcome everyone, and just keep the people with the right agenda. DINOs are no more welcome than RINOs.

And just look at how much Republicans got done. Two disastrous wars, helped move 2.4 million jobs to China, dropped the Dow from 11,000 to 6,000, 3 trillion dollar drug bill, more than a trillion in tax breaks to 1% of the country. Deregulated clean air, clean water, fracture drilling for natural gas.

Can the country take anymore of Republicans "getting things done"?
You are quoting an NBC guy about what he thinks some republican said. Not what the Republican said, but what the NBC guy thinks the Republican guy meant.

They really are not the same thing. We go through this on a regular basis. I say US schools need to be less pathetic, and you claim that means I have the hots for the Chinese communists.

This is why US courts have the heresay rule.

Oh, and 6% of sicentists are republicans.

Here is what Mitch actually said.

MCCONNELL: We need to be honest with the public. This election is about them, not us. And we need to treat this election as the first step in retaking the government. We need to say to everyone on Election Day, “Those of you who helped make this a good day, you need to go out and help us finish the job.”

NATIONAL JOURNAL: What’s the job?

MCCONNELL: The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president

Notice, the GOP's goal ala Mitch isn't jobs, retoring the economy, national security or anything else. Their number one goal is to re-gain power.

As IF jobs, restoring the economy and national security wouldn't be INSTANTLY IMPROVED by MAKING OBAMA A ONE-TERM PRESIDENT!

ok, so lets say the only plan is to get rid of obama in 2 years.

How does this differ from the dems plan when there is a rep in the WH?

That's a GREAT plan. It will solve many of the issues we face today.
So, you are saying Mitch McConnell isn't saying that?

We know Republican legislation. We saw it for 8 years under Bush. Dirty air, dirty water, jobs moved to China, the greatest redistribution of wealth from the middle class to the top 1% in this history of the world. It's not like it's a secret.

Yeah, it was soooooooooooooooooooo terrible we were at full employment while under Obama it's 10% unemployment.

You can talk all your BS all you want. But the results are more than clear. See you next Tuesday at the ballot box!

Tuesday is coming!


So how many job were lost during President Bushes final year in office again?

You want to see?

US Unemployment Rate by Year

2001 4.76
2002 5.78
2003 5.99
2004 5.53
2005 5.08
2006 4.63
2007 4.61
2008 5.76
2009 9.26

The United States Unemployment Rate By Year

Look at when it jumped big time. UNDER OBAMA!

Yeah, it's all Bush. Keep running with that liberals. Tuesday is coming!


You are quoting an NBC guy about what he thinks some republican said. Not what the Republican said, but what the NBC guy thinks the Republican guy meant.

They really are not the same thing. We go through this on a regular basis. I say US schools need to be less pathetic, and you claim that means I have the hots for the Chinese communists.

This is why US courts have the heresay rule.

Oh, and 6% of sicentists are republicans.

Here is what Mitch actually said.

MCCONNELL: We need to be honest with the public. This election is about them, not us. And we need to treat this election as the first step in retaking the government. We need to say to everyone on Election Day, “Those of you who helped make this a good day, you need to go out and help us finish the job.”

NATIONAL JOURNAL: What’s the job?

MCCONNELL: The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president

Notice, the GOP's goal ala Mitch isn't jobs, retoring the economy, national security or anything else. Their number one goal is to re-gain power.

:clap2: As it has been since Nov. 2008.

As IF restoring jobs and the economy WOULDN'T BE SERVED BY GETTING RID OF OBAMA!

You are quoting an NBC guy about what he thinks some republican said. Not what the Republican said, but what the NBC guy thinks the Republican guy meant.

They really are not the same thing. We go through this on a regular basis. I say US schools need to be less pathetic, and you claim that means I have the hots for the Chinese communists.

This is why US courts have the heresay rule.

Oh, and 6% of sicentists are republicans.

Here is what Mitch actually said.

MCCONNELL: We need to be honest with the public. This election is about them, not us. And we need to treat this election as the first step in retaking the government. We need to say to everyone on Election Day, “Those of you who helped make this a good day, you need to go out and help us finish the job.”

NATIONAL JOURNAL: What’s the job?

MCCONNELL: The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president

Notice, the GOP's goal ala Mitch isn't jobs, retoring the economy, national security or anything else. Their number one goal is to re-gain power.

Because that is all their leadership cares about. Their own leadership calls them "hicky".

But there is that terrible "black" man in the "WHITE" House. But of course, it has nothing to do with racism.

Even is Obama was actually named "George Washington Lincoln" and was born under a Cherry Tree in the Nation's Capital delivered by Ron Paul, he would still never be "one of us". Because he would be a "black" man in the "WHITE" House.

There goes the liberals pulling that well worn, over used race card again.

It can't be the unemployment or the economy. It can't be Obama bowing to Saudi Kings or apologizing for this country all over the world. It can't be the Czars, the healthcare law that no one wants. The buying of car companies and the union bailouts. It can't be Obama trashing the country as "bitter clingers" and that they need to get in the back of the car/bus.

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo, it's not ANY of that. No, it's just that Obama is a black man. Yeah, that's all we have against him.

Keep telling youserlves that liberals. Keep spewing that and wondering why your candidates are tanking in the polls.

No, it's all racism. The country that voted for a black man is suddenly too racist for a black man.

Yeah, that's it!

This is about as credible as the thread about the "apparent" Rand Paul supporter. God you guys are unhinged.
Here is what Mitch actually said.

Notice, the GOP's goal ala Mitch isn't jobs, retoring the economy, national security or anything else. Their number one goal is to re-gain power.

Because that is all their leadership cares about. Their own leadership calls them "hicky".

But there is that terrible "black" man in the "WHITE" House. But of course, it has nothing to do with racism.

Even is Obama was actually named "George Washington Lincoln" and was born under a Cherry Tree in the Nation's Capital delivered by Ron Paul, he would still never be "one of us". Because he would be a "black" man in the "WHITE" House.

There goes the liberals pulling that well worn, over used race card again.

It can't be the unemployment or the economy. It can't be Obama bowing to Saudi Kings or apologizing for this country all over the world. It can't be the Czars, the healthcare law that no one wants. The buying of car companies and the union bailouts. It can't be Obama trashing the country as "bitter clingers" and that they need to get in the back of the car/bus.

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo, it's not ANY of that. No, it's just that Obama is a black man. Yeah, that's all we have against him.

Keep telling youserlves that liberals. Keep spewing that and wondering why your candidates are tanking in the polls.

No, it's all racism. The country that voted for a black man is suddenly too racist for a black man.

Yeah, that's it!


Yeah.. exactly... as Obama appears on Al Sharpton the world renowned race-baiter and bigot's radio show.

But yeah, we're all racists.
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democrats ran the senate and house from 2006- present.

what part of that do you not understand?

The entire part where they ran anything in 2006. They had a slim majority begining in 2007, sure, but with the Blue Dogs siding with the Republicans most of the time you can't really honestly say the Democrats ran Congress.
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