*We Did It! Mea Culpa Says Obama Henchmen*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. One of Obama's men, has thrown his ass under the bus! :badgrin:
2. I just love it when they just cant take it any more and go after their man.
3. This henchmen of Obama's just stuck the knife in, and broke off the blade up in his gut at the hilt!:badgrin:
4. Just wow.:eusa_eh:
5. Link:Austan Goolsbee: President Obama Should Have ‘Mea Culpa’ - ABC News

"This morning on “This Week,” President Obama’s former economic adviser and current ABC News consultant, Austan Goolsbee, said that the president should “have a mea culpa.” What Goolsbee said on the roundtable in full is below:

Goolsbee: “I think Matt’s right that we ought to come forward — and both sides — and the president should have a mea culpa, that we have gotten into a place that was very different from what the campaign wanted it to be from 2008, one in which — and, look, I think you could blame more the Republicans, but I’m sure the Republicans would say more you blame the president, but we got to — we got to back away from that. Otherwise, we’re not going to be able to confront this pretty serious challenge at the time when we — when we could do it.”

6. Did this guy have a stroke and grow a brain or something???:badgrin:

Wow an Obama adviser is more honest than moonglow, Lakota, rdean, chris or any of the other Obama ass kissers.

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