We desperately need a modern Pinochet in the US, Trump isn't good enough.

It's fake news because it's factually incorrect. I don't use that label lightly. I never label any article "fake news" simply because I don't like it.
Horse shit. Sure you do.
Remember, they've been told that they're in a "war", and in a war, you can lie all you want.

Group pathology.

Do they wear red or gold uniforms? Sleeves or non? What do you think?

It's fake news because it's factually incorrect. I don't use that label lightly. I never label any article "fake news" simply because I don't like it.
Horse shit. Sure you do.
Remember, they've been told that they're in a "war", and in a war, you can lie all you want.

Group pathology.
it is called Tackyeehaw. a concept where deliberate deception of infidels is encouraged to promote an orange goal.
It's fake news because it's factually incorrect. I don't use that label lightly. I never label any article "fake news" simply because I don't like it.
Horse shit. Sure you do.
Remember, they've been told that they're in a "war", and in a war, you can lie all you want.

Group pathology.

Do they wear red or gold uniforms? Sleeves or non? What do you think?


Yet I thought conservatives were big on limited government. They must be very confused.
They're sheep and hypocrites.

This is why they love nationalist authoritarians -- they're told what to think, what to say, how to act -- all from the highest level in the country. Then they fawn over that person and protect him.

Europe, 1930s. Chile, 1970s.
Yes but only if potus is a republican. If dumb Don were an D, they’d be calling him a tyrant and a commie.

The libs do exactly the same thing, but in reverse.
He shut down parliament, suffocated political life, banned trade unions, and made Chile his sultanate. His government disappeared 3,000 opponents, arrested 30,000 (torturing thousands of them) ... Pinochet's name will forever be linked to the Desaparecidos, the Caravan of Death, and the institutionalized torture that took place in the Villa Grimaldi complex.
— Thor Halvorssen, president of the Human Rights Foundation, National Review[56]
Only a real anti-American asshat would write we need a “Pinochet”. What a creep.
All the anti-American asshats hate Pinochet because he saved Chile from communism.

You're a fucking commie.
He shut down parliament, suffocated political life, banned trade unions, and made Chile his sultanate. His government disappeared 3,000 opponents, arrested 30,000 (torturing thousands of them) ... Pinochet's name will forever be linked to the Desaparecidos, the Caravan of Death, and the institutionalized torture that took place in the Villa Grimaldi complex.
— Thor Halvorssen, president of the Human Rights Foundation, National Review[56]
You're quoting a communist, of course. Those 3000 "opponents" were communists trying to overthrow the country. They weren't "disappeared." They were killed in gun battles when the government tried to arrest them for treason.
Pinochet, the dictator from Chile?
The guy who executed thousands of his people and tortured tens of thousands more?
These folks have a thing for bold nationalist authoritarians and autocrats. Trump has brought out their true colors.

Plenty of examples throughout history of moments like this. Look at the 30's and 40's. But countries survive them.
You're defending communism, and you call us "authoritarian?" Pinochet is the savior of his country. If not for him, it would look just like Valenzuela now.
Yet I thought conservatives were big on limited government. They must be very confused.
They're sheep and hypocrites.

This is why they love nationalist authoritarians -- they're told what to think, what to say, how to act -- all from the highest level in the country. Then they fawn over that person and protect him.

Europe, 1930s. Chile, 1970s.

Europe in the 30s and Chile in the 70s were under attack by the same people.
Pinochet, the dictator from Chile?

The guy who executed thousands of his people and tortured tens of thousands more?
Poor Peter calls others bedwetters and here he is pissing in his paints for all to see because he disagrees with our current public health policy. Pinochet was known for his mass graves and crimes against humanity. These posts advocating dictatorship show the Trumpers true colors: they hate the Constitution of the United States and all this country stands for. Thanks for showing your true colors.
That's all horseshit communist propaganda, of course. You support a gang of people who attempted to overthrow a lawfully elected president, and you accuse us of advocating dictatorship? Your goons actually tried to implement it.
Pinochet, the dictator from Chile?
The guy who executed thousands of his people and tortured tens of thousands more?
These folks have a thing for bold nationalist authoritarians and autocrats. Trump has brought out their true colors.

Plenty of examples throughout history of moments like this. Look at the 30's and 40's. But countries survive them.
Yet I thought conservatives were big on limited government.

They must be very confused.
Which government is more limited, Chile's or Venezuela's?
Let's just face the fuckin facts shall we?

The left is DESPERATE to disarm us, if you believe it's because they care about "public safety", kill yourself with aspirin tonight. You'll sleep better.

We literally enjoyed over 3 years of being able to find jobs we liked more than the ones we blew off to going back to that stagnation and malaise the meat puppet deliberately "created".

STOP entertaining the bed wetters. Defeat them in November.
Lmao at "tRump isn't good enough".

Pinochet, the dictator from Chile?
The guy who executed thousands of his people and tortured tens of thousands more?
These folks have a thing for bold nationalist authoritarians and autocrats. Trump has brought out their true colors.

Plenty of examples throughout history of moments like this. Look at the 30's and 40's. But countries survive them.
Yet I thought conservatives were big on limited government.

They must be very confused.
Which government is more limited, Chile's or Venezuela's?
Why does that matter?
Pinochet, the dictator from Chile?

The guy who executed thousands of his people and tortured tens of thousands more?
He killed a few commie traitors trying to overthrow the country. The torture claim is leftwing bullshit.
yeah, pinochet is just misunderstood.
You mean he's been deliberately smeared by communist scum like you.
wrong, son. grow up and try to leave your bubble.

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