We can raciall profile muslims ....


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
looking for radical Muslim terrorist but we cannot racially profile Hispanics looking for Illegal Aliens? Illegal Aliens are a bigger threat to Americans than radical Muslim terrorist. Illegal Aliens are bankrupting America and kill more Americans than Muslim terrorist on 9-11, in Afghanistan and Iraq combine. Illegal Aliens kill 15 Americans and rape 8 children daily. Not to mention the lives destroyed by drugs brought across the border.

If these were Illegal Aliens being watched, Obama. DOJ, ACLU and Al Sharpton would be all over New York Police Department.
Report: NYPD Uses White House Money to Watch Muslims

According to the Federal Immigration and Nationality Act racially profiling Hispanics looking for Illegal Aliens is legal. State and local officials are legally able to arrest Illegal Aliens and turn them over to ICE. This law should be upheld to control illegal immigration. Enforcement of our immigration laws are the only way to control illegal immigration.
Supreme Court Approves Racial Profiling in Immigration Law Enforcement

The relationship between immigration laws and racial profiling extends far back into U.S. history, and has been affected by occasional surges of nativism—the tendency to trumpet the virtues of well-established communities within a society while viewing immigrants as a threat. Nativism also perpetuates the fear that immigrants from markedly different cultures will refuse to assimilate into a country's culture and society. In 1882, for example, Congress passed legislation specifically excluding the Chinese from immigrating to the U.S. The legislation described Chinese immigrants as "foreigners of a different race" who "will not assimilate with us." [See Issues and Controversies in American History: Chinese Exclusion Act]

http://www.odessa.edu/dept/library/Immigrant Profiling.pdf
No, we can't racially profile (that is r-a-c-i-a-l-l-y) profile muslims either.

We can profile single males 17-30 without luggage or carry on and select them for further checks.

Since islam is popular among all races, no one race can be used as an intelligent profile.
No, we can't racially profile (that is r-a-c-i-a-l-l-y) profile muslims either.

We can profile single males 17-30 without luggage or carry on and select them for further checks.

Since islam is popular among all races, no one race can be used as an intelligent profile.

NYPD is going into muslim neighborhoods and watching Muslims. YES WE CAN>
We can behaviorally profile muslims. This means ferreting out which mosques are preaching terrorism. The NYPD is right but we have a very pro muslim in the white house.
"Profile" is such an ambiguous term. How are you going to conduct a surveillance without a description or"profile" of the person? Left wingers profile everyone every day. Everything is race based to them. An extreme form of profiling happened when the government rounded up American citizens and placed them behind barbed wire shortly after the Pearl Harbor attack but FDR was a democrat and an icon and the media went along with it.
"Profile" is such an ambiguous term. How are you going to conduct a surveillance without a description or"profile" of the person? Left wingers profile everyone every day. Everything is race based to them. An extreme form of profiling happened when the government rounded up American citizens and placed them behind barbed wire shortly after the Pearl Harbor attack but FDR was a democrat and an icon and the media went along with it.

And republicans disagreed or fought this action?
When I was going to the local community college last year, most of the Muslim population was from Indonesia. There were a bunch from Somalia and even a few from Morocco. But if you wanted to define what a Moslem was from that population, it would have been SE Asian, rather than arab.

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