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What morals would that be.

Keep pushing the lies. Trump did a photo shoot with Ivanka on his bed when she was 13. He was sued for raping and beating one of Epstein's girls when she was 13.

These are facts, not some bullshit lie Republicans made up.
Trump was never sued for raping and beating anyone.
Yep, and as I said, that’s a part of allowing unionization of government employees. It’s not right. Government employee unions should be dismantled.

So it was the Govt Employee unions that made Congress pass this law?

How about this...I know it is pretty crazy...but how about Congress just do it fucking job and not use the employees of the Fed Govt as bargaining chips?
Sure there is...tons of pressure. Just like every other president.

Didn’t you say that your blob was going to be different?

The democrats have/had a paper thin majority in both houses for 2 years of your blob’s administration. And you’re only blaming the democrats. God damn...at least pretend that you have some sort of tether to reality.

You guys stated that Trump was going to cut spending. He didn’t do it. In fact, he increased it. Just like every other president.

But somehow, you want to keep pretending that your blob was the victim of nefarious legislators.
No, I’m saying you’re placing the blame in the wrong place. Probably so you can sooth your anger by calling Trump names…pathetic.
No, I’ve stated clearly it has been BOTH parties in congress that have committed this fraud on the taxpayer.

You seem to read only what you want to attack, and ignore the rest.

yet not a single itty bitty witty part of it was Trump's fault due to all the mean pressure put on him
So it was the Govt Employee unions that made Congress pass this law?

How about this...I know it is pretty crazy...but how about Congress just do it fucking job and not use the employees of the Fed Govt as bargaining chips?
How about we start abolishing agencies and departments that are not mandated in the constitution, and return those powers to the states?
How about we start abolishing agencies and departments that are not mandated in the constitution, and return those powers to the states?

And who was the last person you voted for that did so?
See, this is a perfect example…

Trump isn’t in office dolt…

he was for 8T dollars in debt added to our national debt. And you gave him a free pass due to all the mean pressure put on him.

When will we hear you complain about Biden reckless spending?

I do it all the time, one of the many reasons I will not vote for the man.
There hasn’t been any in my voting lifetime…Both dem, and rep presidents have signed on to growing government.

Trump says this time around that he’s going to…We’ll see if that holds true, I hope so.

As the old saying goes....hope in one hand and shit in the other and see which fills up faster
Harpy Eagle what’s so funny?

You want so badly to get me to bad mouth Trump, but you won’t consider calling Biden out…That’s the epitome of a dishonest argument…

I do it all the time, and yet you give Trump a free pass because of all the mean pressure put upon the poor little man.

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
It’s going to be glorious to watch you whine when Trump is President again.

I do not give a fuck which one wins, my life will not change one iota.

When one is looking at being shot or being poisoned, there is not a winning choice.
I do not give a fuck which one wins, my life will not change one iota.

When one is looking at being shot or being poisoned, there is not a winning choice.
Correct. Your life is a steaming pile of poo. No president can change that. Not even Trump.

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