We are damn lucky


Also damned lucky that our ancestors had the good sense to leave the despotic hell holes they were living in, to give us a fighting chance at such luck.
Huh? I wouldn't expect you to be in favor of boat people from Haiti but I guess i don't know you that well. :lol:

Also damned lucky that our ancestors had the good sense to leave the despotic hell holes they were living in, to give us a fighting chance at such luck.
Huh? I wouldn't expect you to be in favor of boat people from Haiti but I guess i don't know you that well. :lol:

I'm a bit confused... I am sorry as hell that those poor people in Haiti had the big earthquake and have had their whole lives turned upside down because of it but I get the feeling that you're trying to lay a quilt trip on me because tonight I am sleeping indoors, have electricity and ate a nice meal for supper. If that is your aim, I think you are a little misguided and a bit too generous with your feelings. Haiti was a shithole before the earthquake. If the world was going to get an enema, they would stick the tube in Haiti. That was before the earthquake. It's even worse now since the earthquake. There is going to be a lot of aid sent to Haiti, there are going to be massive projects started to assist those people rebuild their lives but two years from now, Haiti will still be a shithole and not changed very much inspite of our best efforts to assist them. The country is overwhelmed by corupt individuals and there are more people there that can't read or write than can. What do you see as a proper amount of aid to these people? Who is it you want to help there? The poor masses or the corupt government running Haiti? I am not saying that we should not come to the aid of Haiti but I am saying that before you turn over large sums of money to help these people you should do a little bit of checking as to where your generosity is going and how your aid will be used. There will be stories that will make the scams from Hurricaine Katrina seem like nothing.
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Also damned lucky that our ancestors had the good sense to leave the despotic hell holes they were living in, to give us a fighting chance at such luck.

I have always known that we are a blessed nation, and that it was not luck that got us here in this lucky position.

Being blessed or just lucking out, it doesn't matter, I am safe, and grateful, to all who made this great nation possible

Its not an accident that many Americans equate fortune with virtue, but it is unfortunate.

It's not just Americans. Few and far between are the humans who wouldn't try to control as much of the resources within reach as they could, if given the opportunity.

Can you feel us turning a corner in our evolution? "Survival of The Fittest" has almost served it's usefulness as a tool for life to give birth to a World here. As long as nobody gets nuked, our children may yet reach for the stars.
It's not luck that we have those things. It's preparation. We worked hard to have them, and we positioned ourselves to avoid catastrophes such as the one that hit Haiti. I have no sympathy for the people in New Orleans when the next Katrina occurs. I have no sympathy for those that will rebuild in Haiti, just to be destroyed by nature again. What's the definition of insanity, again?

Sure, I'm not indestructible. A tornado or other catastrophe could wipe out everything I own. That's why I have insurance.
I have always known that we are a blessed nation, and that it was not luck that got us here in this lucky position.

Being blessed or just lucking out, it doesn't matter, I am safe, and grateful, to all who made this great nation possible

Its not an accident that many Americans equate fortune with virtue, but it is unfortunate.

It's not just Americans. Few and far between are the humans who wouldn't try to control as much of the resources within reach as they could, if given the opportunity.

Can you feel us turning a corner in our evolution? "Survival of The Fittest" has almost served it's usefulness as a tool for life to give birth to a World here. As long as nobody gets nuked, our children may yet reach for the stars.

Joe, I agree that is is few and far between who would not take advantage where it presented itself. The fortune = virtue? That is decidedly American made folklore spun from manifest destiny and rugged individualism that comprises the epic narrative of American exceptionalism.

I hope you're right about human evolution. It would be high time, and then some.
It's not luck that we have those things. It's preparation. We worked hard to have them, and we positioned ourselves to avoid catastrophes such as the one that hit Haiti. I have no sympathy for the people in New Orleans when the next Katrina occurs. I have no sympathy for those that will rebuild in Haiti, just to be destroyed by nature again. What's the definition of insanity, again?

Sure, I'm not indestructible. A tornado or other catastrophe could wipe out everything I own. That's why I have insurance.

"We positioned ourselves?" Yeah, the colonists had a clue when they landed about fault lines. :eusa_eh:
not to be the bearer of gloom and doom but hey....we could be in that situation....easily....look at katrina...now think of one of the many active geo hot spots going off....lets take the cuarda under yellowstone...that puppy blows it will make a 7.7 earthquake look like child's play. the earth shakes daily under out feet....and one day the shaking will not stop...we are simply lucky...has nothing to do with where our forefathers landed.....the south is long overdue for a major quake...

IRIS Seismic Monitor
To be sitting in our warm homes, with fresh water and food in our reach, aren't we?

My fresh water and food is downstairs...which is a bit of a struggle.

However, at least it is accessible.

I have made a donation of money.

If I was a better man, I would donate my skills.
To be sitting in our warm homes, with fresh water and food in our reach, aren't we?

My fresh water and food is downstairs...which is a bit of a struggle.

However, at least it is accessible.

I have made a donation of money.

If I was a better man, I would donate my skills.

Everyone should do what they can. Giving cash may not seem all that big a deal but it really is vital.

I hope that everyone who can afford to give a few bucks will do so.
Sorry, I'm not giving cash to rebuild a country ruled by evil dictators.

You seem very 'American'..... :eusa_think: You don't appear broke.... How do you do not pay any taxes? :eusa_think:

Pending further evidence I'll go with 'impressive'.
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Sorry, I'm not giving cash to rebuild a country ruled by evil dictators.

You seem very 'American'..... :eusa_think: You don't appear broke.... How do you do not pay any taxes? :eusa_think:

Pending further evidence I'll go with 'impressive'.

Sorry, let me rephrase: I will not willingly give cash to rebuild a country ruled by an evil dictator. Unfortunately, the government forces me to give my hard-earned cash up so it can waste it on useless social programs to feed the fat, worthless fucks in this country. I'm bitter enough about that, so I'm DEFINITELY not going to give anymore of my cash to useless programs.
To be sitting in our warm homes, with fresh water and food in our reach, aren't we?
Luck had nothing to do with it.

But I have sent a good portion of My non perishables off to Haiti. I can buy more.
To be sitting in our warm homes, with fresh water and food in our reach, aren't we?
Luck had nothing to do with it.

But I have sent a good portion of My non perishables off to Haiti. I can buy more.

Good for you. And yes you can. I have always admired the way people pull together in the times of need. It restores my faith in mankind.

*I also see some are put off by the word "luck."

Maybe I should have said 'fate'
Wasn't fate either, I have no mystical belief that spirts control the universe and create realities.

It simply is.

There is no luck or fate.

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