we are all the democrats who built the White House

Slaves built the White House.

yeah....show the link.....

There are many links. Here is just one...

The legend of slaves building Capitol is correct - PolitiFact

Oh...I thought you were going to use an actual link....politifact is just another media organ of the democrat party...thanks for trying though....

In other words, no links would satisfy your racist brain. Thanks for the clarification...
Slaves built the White House.

yeah....show the link.....

There are many links. Here is just one...

The legend of slaves building Capitol is correct - PolitiFact

Oh...I thought you were going to use an actual link....politifact is just another media organ of the democrat party...thanks for trying though....

In other words, no links would satisfy your racist brain. Thanks for the clarification...

Oh! Now THAT is a wonderful concession.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
We are all the same democrats that supported slavery and opposed civil rights legislation in the 1950s. Will Obama ever say that?

Except those Democrats are Republicans now. If they haven't died off.

Racism is a cultural wart, not a political directive. Racists, like non-racists, go to political party X, Y or Z for a power channel. That's its sole purpose.

Sorry....not true....the racist democrats stayed in the democrat party.....like the klan member robert "sheets" byrd......all of the racists have now joined the democrat party, the white racists, the black racists, the latino racists, and they all want the same thing...control over the American people so they can destroy their enemies...

Keep in mind, the leader of the democrat party President obama, sat in a racist church, which was also anti semitic, and anti American....for 20 years......a rabidly, racist minister, jeremiah wright married him and michelle, and baptized their children....he sat in that racist church for 20 years......he has had racist al "tawana brawley" sharpton to the white house close to 80 times........

the true racists are in the democrat party...they have just broadened their desire to own people...now, instead of particular colors of people, they want to control all people....

There is no such thing as the "Democrat Party" so that's a non-starter. But scan some political maps of the South some time, before and after Strom Thurmond led the migration starting in 1964.

Doesn't matter anyway; racism is cultural, not political. I already made that point, and it stands.

racism is political.....you can't discriminate at the national level if you don't have control of the government.....democrats are the racists...have been since slavery...they just changed tactics....thanks to LBJ and his great society......instead of chains and whips...they addicted all the poor to government welfare...vote for us...or your handouts get cut.........no muss, no fuss....and as long as they can keep the poor confined to small areas of democrat controlled cities, the rich white, black and latino racist democrats don't have to bother with them till the next election......

Wrong again Gummo. Racism is cultural -- it exists with or without politics. You don't need a political party to practice racism. Joining one might give you access to power, if that's what you want, but that's a whole separate issue.

The Simmons KKK (second one) did some of that in the 1920s -- got some Senators and Governors and lower city level people elected. And they were all Republicans. Doesn't mean squat.

No, you don't need a political party to be a racist...but the democrat party is the party of racists...thru and thru....from the days of slavery, when they fought to keep slavery, fought to expand slavery and fought to reopen the slave trade with africa, to the period after the Republicans freed the black slaves and the democrat enforcers...the kkk killed freed blacks and Republicans to keep them from being truly free, to the implementation of jim crow when the democrats began the transition from lynching and other murder to simple intimidation........and thru to today when the democrats use government dependence to keep black and other poor people dependent on them......democrats simply changed tactics and goals....use the government to enslave thru handouts...and you can enslave all colors, not just blacks.....
Except those Democrats are Republicans now. If they haven't died off.

Racism is a cultural wart, not a political directive. Racists, like non-racists, go to political party X, Y or Z for a power channel. That's its sole purpose.

Sorry....not true....the racist democrats stayed in the democrat party.....like the klan member robert "sheets" byrd......all of the racists have now joined the democrat party, the white racists, the black racists, the latino racists, and they all want the same thing...control over the American people so they can destroy their enemies...

Keep in mind, the leader of the democrat party President obama, sat in a racist church, which was also anti semitic, and anti American....for 20 years......a rabidly, racist minister, jeremiah wright married him and michelle, and baptized their children....he sat in that racist church for 20 years......he has had racist al "tawana brawley" sharpton to the white house close to 80 times........

the true racists are in the democrat party...they have just broadened their desire to own people...now, instead of particular colors of people, they want to control all people....

There is no such thing as the "Democrat Party" so that's a non-starter. But scan some political maps of the South some time, before and after Strom Thurmond led the migration starting in 1964.

Doesn't matter anyway; racism is cultural, not political. I already made that point, and it stands.

racism is political.....you can't discriminate at the national level if you don't have control of the government.....democrats are the racists...have been since slavery...they just changed tactics....thanks to LBJ and his great society......instead of chains and whips...they addicted all the poor to government welfare...vote for us...or your handouts get cut.........no muss, no fuss....and as long as they can keep the poor confined to small areas of democrat controlled cities, the rich white, black and latino racist democrats don't have to bother with them till the next election......

Wrong again Gummo. Racism is cultural -- it exists with or without politics. You don't need a political party to practice racism. Joining one might give you access to power, if that's what you want, but that's a whole separate issue.

The Simmons KKK (second one) did some of that in the 1920s -- got some Senators and Governors and lower city level people elected. And they were all Republicans. Doesn't mean squat.

No, you don't need a political party to be a racist...but the democrat party is the party of racists...thru and thru....from the days of slavery, when they fought to keep slavery, fought to expand slavery and fought to reopen the slave trade with africa, to the period after the Republicans freed the black slaves and the democrat enforcers...the kkk killed freed blacks and Republicans to keep them from being truly free, to the implementation of jim crow when the democrats began the transition from lynching and other murder to simple intimidation........and thru to today when the democrats use government dependence to keep black and other poor people dependent on them......democrats simply changed tactics and goals....use the government to enslave thru handouts...and you can enslave all colors, not just blacks.....

Once again, there is no "Democrat Party". There is a Democratic Party, and for a century in the South it was the only game in town, so if you were a racist in the South and you were registered to vote you were probably a Democrat; at the same time if you were not a racist in the South and you were registered to vote you were still a Democrat. Then there were the non-racists in the North who were Democrats. Then there were the racists in the South who didn't care to participate in politics.

What you're trying to do here is float a fallacy of Composition. It doesn't work. They're not related. The OP tried to do the same thing. He ran away.

It's a charming tinfoil conspiracy theory you have there but your ignorance of what a political party's actual name is tells me who you got it from.
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Construction on the President’s House began in 1792 in Washington, D.C., a new capital situated in sparsely settled region far from a major population center. The decision to place the capital on land ceded by two slave states–Virginia and Maryland–ultimately influenced the acquisition of laborers to construct its public buildings. The D.C. commissioners, charged by Congress with building the new city under the direction of the president, initially planned to import workers from Europe to meet their labor needs. However, response to recruitment was dismal and soon they turned to African Americans – slave and free – to provide the bulk of labor that built the White House, the United States Capitol, and other early government buildings.

Much More: White House History Timelines - African Americans

So, blacks built the White House, U.S. Capital, and other early government buildings.

Construction on the President’s House began in 1792 in Washington, D.C., a new capital situated in sparsely settled region far from a major population center. The decision to place the capital on land ceded by two slave states–Virginia and Maryland–ultimately influenced the acquisition of laborers to construct its public buildings. The D.C. commissioners, charged by Congress with building the new city under the direction of the president, initially planned to import workers from Europe to meet their labor needs. However, response to recruitment was dismal and soon they turned to African Americans – slave and free – to provide the bulk of labor that built the White House, the United States Capitol, and other early government buildings.

Much More: White House History Timelines - African Americans

So, blacks built the White House, U.S. Capital, and other early government buildings.

See....you don't have to resort to a hack, left wing website that doubles as tool for the racist democrat party......good for you, that shows growth......

And then....so. Over 239 years ago.......so. A practice brought here...well...the native population also practiced it.....brought here from Africa and Europe and which took a Civil War against the slave owning democrats to end...and we ended the practice, with much blood shed and killing of slave owning democrats...who just wouldn't stop owning people.....and sure...the democrats keep trying to enslave people....and we keep have to voting them out of office to stop it.......but again....so.
I mean....communism/socialists murdered 100 million people in the last 60 years...and you guys still support that silliness...what is the problem with something that happened 239 years ago.....thru a practice from Europe and Africa.....that we stopped cold, shooting a lot of democrats to end slavery, in 1865.....over 150 years ago........you guys have to let it go....of course...you still cling to your racism and your hate....but with work, you can get over that too.....
Slaves built the White House.

Under white supervision.
The Architect was white.
Slaves dug the foundations, sawed the lumber, hauled the stones, and performed all the unskilled labor tasks, all under white supervision.
Obama has never built jack shit. Never worked a real job, never had to struggle like the rest of us, etc etc

All he ever does is tear things apart with his nasty words and hate

He is as phony as a three dollar bill

As queer too.
Slaves built the White House.

Under white supervision.
The Architect was white.
Slaves dug the foundations, sawed the lumber, hauled the stones, and performed all the unskilled labor tasks, all under white supervision.

again....so.....again...239 years ago....slavery ended after Republicans defeated the slave owning democrats 150 years ago.........the lefties act like it was yesterday......they wish it was...true....but it isn't.....

Listen to how they talk about the govermment....they want it to control your healthcare, your wages, your retirement, your salary, what you can drive....every aspect of your life....if that isn't good old fashioned slavery.....what is?
Sorry....not true....the racist democrats stayed in the democrat party.....like the klan member robert "sheets" byrd......all of the racists have now joined the democrat party, the white racists, the black racists, the latino racists, and they all want the same thing...control over the American people so they can destroy their enemies...

Keep in mind, the leader of the democrat party President obama, sat in a racist church, which was also anti semitic, and anti American....for 20 years......a rabidly, racist minister, jeremiah wright married him and michelle, and baptized their children....he sat in that racist church for 20 years......he has had racist al "tawana brawley" sharpton to the white house close to 80 times........

the true racists are in the democrat party...they have just broadened their desire to own people...now, instead of particular colors of people, they want to control all people....

There is no such thing as the "Democrat Party" so that's a non-starter. But scan some political maps of the South some time, before and after Strom Thurmond led the migration starting in 1964.

Doesn't matter anyway; racism is cultural, not political. I already made that point, and it stands.

racism is political.....you can't discriminate at the national level if you don't have control of the government.....democrats are the racists...have been since slavery...they just changed tactics....thanks to LBJ and his great society......instead of chains and whips...they addicted all the poor to government welfare...vote for us...or your handouts get cut.........no muss, no fuss....and as long as they can keep the poor confined to small areas of democrat controlled cities, the rich white, black and latino racist democrats don't have to bother with them till the next election......

There is nothing democratic about the Democratic Party, that's why we call it the Democrat Party, it's the Party of Democrats.
The Democrats in Congress vote in 'lockstep' with their leaders in the House and Senate, or they get Primaried out next election.

Wrong again Gummo. Racism is cultural -- it exists with or without politics. You don't need a political party to practice racism. Joining one might give you access to power, if that's what you want, but that's a whole separate issue.

The Simmons KKK (second one) did some of that in the 1920s -- got some Senators and Governors and lower city level people elected. And they were all Republicans. Doesn't mean squat.

No, you don't need a political party to be a racist...but the democrat party is the party of racists...thru and thru....from the days of slavery, when they fought to keep slavery, fought to expand slavery and fought to reopen the slave trade with africa, to the period after the Republicans freed the black slaves and the democrat enforcers...the kkk killed freed blacks and Republicans to keep them from being truly free, to the implementation of jim crow when the democrats began the transition from lynching and other murder to simple intimidation........and thru to today when the democrats use government dependence to keep black and other poor people dependent on them......democrats simply changed tactics and goals....use the government to enslave thru handouts...and you can enslave all colors, not just blacks.....

Once again, there is no "Democrat Party". There is a Democratic Party, and for a century in the South it was the only game in town, so if you were a racist in the South and you were registered to vote you were probably a Democrat; at the same time if you were not a racist in the South and you were registered to vote you were still a Democrat. Then there were the non-racists in the North who were Democrats. Then there were the racists in the South who didn't care to participate in politics.

What you're trying to do here is float a fallacy of Composition. It doesn't work. They're not related. The OP tried to do the same thing. He ran away.

It's a charming tinfoil conspiracy theory you have there but your ignorance of what a political party's actual name is tells me who you got it from.

There is nothing democratic about the "Democratic Party", that's why we call it the Democrat Party.
The Democrats in Congress vote in lockstep with their Dear Leader, or else!
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Construction on the President’s House began in 1792 in Washington, D.C., a new capital situated in sparsely settled region far from a major population center. The decision to place the capital on land ceded by two slave states–Virginia and Maryland–ultimately influenced the acquisition of laborers to construct its public buildings. The D.C. commissioners, charged by Congress with building the new city under the direction of the president, initially planned to import workers from Europe to meet their labor needs. However, response to recruitment was dismal and soon they turned to African Americans – slave and free – to provide the bulk of labor that built the White House, the United States Capitol, and other early government buildings.

Much More: White House History Timelines - African Americans

So, blacks built the White House, U.S. Capital, and other early government buildings.

See....you don't have to resort to a hack, left wing website that doubles as tool for the racist democrat party......good for you, that shows growth......

And then....so. Over 239 years ago.......so. A practice brought here...well...the native population also practiced it.....brought here from Africa and Europe and which took a Civil War against the slave owning democrats to end...and we ended the practice, with much blood shed and killing of slave owning democrats...who just wouldn't stop owning people.....and sure...the democrats keep trying to enslave people....and we keep have to voting them out of office to stop it.......but again....so.

You're the moron on the left...

Sorry....the left loves the state....a big powerful, all controlling state with no limits on its power....

I am a modern American conservative sympathetic to the Tea Party/libertarians who believes in a limited central government constrained by checks and balances, and separation of powers and whose actions are defined by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and whose guiding principal is the Declaration of Independence.......

So...not a lefty at all......
Here is a photo of democrats at Selma...from the actual event....the democrats are in the uniforms....beating the Republicans......

4:07 AM March 7, 2012 4:07 am

Another democrat interacting with a peaceful republican......at Selma....

Hands up....don't hit me......Mr. democrat.....
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