Wayne LaPierre says U.S. just 200 million guns away...


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
last stop for sanity before reaching the south
... from ending gun violence.

“If everyone is afraid of everyone else blowing them away over simple disputes and the like,” LaPierre said at one point during the press conference, “that is the very definition of freedom. The freedom to live in abject fear of your neighbor’s arms cache and to plump yours up to epic proportions. Just like George Washington envisioned.”

Wayne LaPierre Says U.S. Just '200 Million More Guns Away' From Ending Gun Violence

It finally makes sense to me! Thank you mudwhistle for letting me know about this news site!
The NRA gives guns to terrorists.
RWNJs give money to the NRA.
Repubs voted again yesterday to give guns to terrorists.

Pretty much says it all.
WillHaftawaite thinks its funny that the right gives guns to terrorists.

RWNJs are becoming more and more anti-America.

I think it's funny the way you parrot talking points about Congress voting to give terrorists the right to purchase firearms.

Every time I see one of you post something along that line, I remember Cat Stevens surprise when he found out he was on the No-Fly list after he changed his name.
WillHaftawaite thinks its funny that the right gives guns to terrorists.

RWNJs are becoming more and more anti-America.

I think it's funny the way you parrot talking points about Congress voting to give terrorists the right to purchase firearms.

Every time I see one of you post something along that line, I remember Cat Stevens surprise when he found out he was on the No-Fly list after he changed his name.

The consistent votes to arm terrorists is not a "talking point". Its reality. And its a reality YOU support.

And, Cat Stevens? You're saying that since one Muslim is a peace loving singer, we should arm all known and suspected terrorists in the US. And, I'll be you're one of the assholes who hates all Muslims and Muslim Americans.

You don't want to fly with them but you want them have guns on the ground.

The right is the cause of ALL terrorist shootings.
WillHaftawaite thinks its funny that the right gives guns to terrorists.

RWNJs are becoming more and more anti-America.

I think it's funny the way you parrot talking points about Congress voting to give terrorists the right to purchase firearms.

Every time I see one of you post something along that line, I remember Cat Stevens surprise when he found out he was on the No-Fly list after he changed his name.

The consistent votes to arm terrorists is not a "talking point". Its reality. And its a reality YOU support.

And, Cat Stevens? You're saying that since one Muslim is a peace loving singer, we should arm all known and suspected terrorists in the US. And, I'll be you're one of the assholes who hates all Muslims and Muslim Americans.

You don't want to fly with them but you want them have guns on the ground.

The right is the cause of ALL terrorist shootings.

You're in the wrong era.

You belong in the 40s, either rounding up Japanese-Americans to put in camps, opr harassing people of German descent, because they might be German sympathizers, or even worse, spies.

Possibly in the 50s, helping McCarthy round up communists.

Keep someone from buying a firearm, because he MIGHT be a terrorist?

How 'liberal' of you.

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