Watch President Peters...uh, President Biden smirk while his handlers kick the press out of a briefing

What does dumb Don have to do with Joe’s dementia?

Not uniparty think again.
Much of the criticism of Joe is over the top and loses the point that he's going to be challenged when he tries to make the point that he's stable and competent.

Don't exaggerate the criticism. Wait for the opportunity to pounce. It's coming soon and it's going to be a real nosedive in public.
Much of the criticism of Joe is over the top and loses the point that he's going to be challenged when he tries to make the point that he's stable and competent.

Don't exaggerate the criticism. Wait for the opportunity to pounce. It's coming soon and it's going to be a real nosedive in public.
Don was bad and so is Joe. Both incompetent but in different ways. Criticizing both is very warranted.
Don was bad and so is Joe. Both incompetent but in different ways. Criticizing both is very warranted.
Sure but some of the criticism of Joe is over the top and not warranted. That doesn't help.

However, the criticism gets to him and causes him to mess up.

It's the only available weapon even though I would prefer somebody drove a stake through.................
Sure but some of the criticism of Joe is over the top and not warranted. That doesn't help.

However, the criticism gets to him and causes him to mess up.

It's the only available weapon even though I would prefer somebody drove a stake through.................
Yes some criticism of Joe is unwarranted, just as it is with Don. Right?
Yes some criticism of Joe is unwarranted, just as it is with Don. Right?
It's a challenge to imagine what, but maybe true for Americans.

In my opinion as a Canadian and with a Canadian politician, I would prefer a bullet on Jan.6. An attempted coup has consequences!

This is all much too risky for any democracy! (or republic if they must)

Your chances are still no better than 50/50.

A trump win means the 2020 election was stolen and that's it for democracy.

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