Watch: Kerry Indicates US Will Defend Iran from Israel


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
When the world gets this fucked up, SOMETHING HAS TO HAPPEN!

inn ^ | 7/23/15
US Secretary of State John Kerry indirectly conceded that the US would defend Iran's nuclear program from Israeli sabotage on Thursday, in a hearing at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in which he was grilled over the deal reached last Tuesday. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) put Kerry on the spot when he asked him and Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz whether the controversial articles in Annex III on page 142 of the 159-page deal would stipulate that the US block Israeli attempts to scupper the Iranian nuclear threat. The articles in question state that the US, world powers and the...
Hey vig, lets play a game.

You tell ME what the percentage is for enriched uranium to be considered as "weapons grade" uranium from your very favorite zio propaganda media outlet and then I'll tell YOU what the correct percentage really is.
Hey vig, lets play a game.

You tell ME what the percentage is for enriched uranium to be considered as "weapons grade" uranium from your very favorite zio propaganda media outlet and then I'll tell YOU what the correct percentage really is.
Iran is on the wrong side of history buddy.
Hey vig, lets play a game.

You tell ME what the percentage is for enriched uranium to be considered as "weapons grade" uranium from your very favorite zio propaganda media outlet and then I'll tell YOU what the correct percentage really is.
Iran is on the wrong side of history buddy.

That's hilarious. Iran has ALWAYS been on the right side of history, buddy. Look it up.

Preferably on a non zionist jew owned website.

Since vig is afraid to show his ass, how about you? Tell us what the enrichment level of weapons grade uranium is.
Hey vig, lets play a game.

You tell ME what the percentage is for enriched uranium to be considered as "weapons grade" uranium from your very favorite zio propaganda media outlet and then I'll tell YOU what the correct percentage really is.
Iran is on the wrong side of history buddy.

That's hilarious. Iran has ALWAYS been on the right side of history, buddy. Look it up.

Preferably on a non zionist jew owned website.
Remember Purim you nazi shitstain. Don't think it can't happen again.
Hey vig, lets play a game.

You tell ME what the percentage is for enriched uranium to be considered as "weapons grade" uranium from your very favorite zio propaganda media outlet and then I'll tell YOU what the correct percentage really is.
Iran is on the wrong side of history buddy.

That's hilarious. Iran has ALWAYS been on the right side of history, buddy. Look it up.

Preferably on a non zionist jew owned website.
Remember Purim you nazi shitstain. Don't think it can't happen again.


You mean NA_tional ZI_onist ? As in The National Zionist Party. Zio Nazis..."Jews",(tm). that is.

How about you, Herr Hasbara agent? How about YOU tell us what the correct percentage of enriched uranium for weapons grade uranium is.
Hey vig, lets play a game.

You tell ME what the percentage is for enriched uranium to be considered as "weapons grade" uranium from your very favorite zio propaganda media outlet and then I'll tell YOU what the correct percentage really is.
Iran is on the wrong side of history buddy.

That's hilarious. Iran has ALWAYS been on the right side of history, buddy. Look it up.

Preferably on a non zionist jew owned website.

Since vig is afraid to show his ass, how about you? Tell us what the enrichment level of weapons grade uranium is.

You can't google?? From wiki
The fissile uranium in nuclear weapon primaries usually contains 85% or more of 235U known as weapons-grade, though theoretically for an implosion design, a minimum of 20% could be sufficient (called weapon(s)-usable) although it would require hundreds of kilograms of material and "would not be practical to design";[4][5] even lower enrichment is hypothetically possible, but as the enrichment percentage decreases the critical mass for unmoderated fast neutrons rapidly increases, with for example, an infinite mass of 5.4% 235U being required.[4] For criticality experiments, enrichment of uranium to over 97% has been accomplished.[6]

The very first uranium bomb, Little Boy dropped by the United States on Hiroshima in 1945, used 64 kilograms of 80% enriched uranium. Wrapping the weapon's fissile core in a neutron reflector (which is standard on all nuclear explosives) can dramatically reduce the critical mass. Because the core was surrounded by a good neutron reflector, at explosion it comprised almost 2.5 critical masses. Neutron reflectors, compressing the fissile core via implosion, fusion boosting, and "tamping", which slows the expansion of the fissioning core with inertia, allow nuclear weapon designs that use less than what would be one bare-sphere critical mass at normal density. The presence of too much of the 238U isotope inhibits the runaway nuclear chain reaction that is responsible for the weapon's power. The critical mass for 85% highly enriched uranium is about 50 kilograms (110 lb), which at normal density would be a sphere about 17 centimetres (6.7 in) in diameter.

Later US nuclear weapons usually use plutonium-239 in the primary stage, but the secondary stage which is compressed by the primary nuclear explosion often uses HEU with enrichment between 40% and 80%[7] along with the fusion fuel lithium deuteride. For the secondary of a large nuclear weapon, the higher critical mass of less-enriched uranium can be an advantage as it allows the core at explosion time to contain a larger amount of fuel. The 238U is not fissile but still fissionable by fusion neutrons.

HEU is also used in fast neutron reactors, whose cores require about 20% or more of fissile material, as well as in naval reactors, where it often contains at least 50% 235U, but typically does not exceed 90%. The Fermi-1 commercial fast reactor prototype used HEU with 26.5% 235U. Significant quantities of HEU are used in the production of medical isotopes, for example molybdenum-99 for technetium-99m generators.[8]

So what's your reason for wanting to know?

Hey vig, lets play a game.

You tell ME what the percentage is for enriched uranium to be considered as "weapons grade" uranium from your very favorite zio propaganda media outlet and then I'll tell YOU what the correct percentage really is.
Iran is on the wrong side of history buddy.

That's hilarious. Iran has ALWAYS been on the right side of history, buddy. Look it up.

Preferably on a non zionist jew owned website.
Remember Purim you nazi shitstain. Don't think it can't happen again.


You mean NA_tional ZI_onist ? As in The National Zionist Party. Zio Nazis..."Jews",(tm). that is.

How about you, Herr Hasbara agent? How about YOU tell us what the correct percentage of enriched uranium for weapons grade uranium is.
A power plant requires uranium with three to four percent U-235 (this is known as low-enriched or reactor-grade uranium), and a bomb needs uranium with a whopping 90 percent U-235 (highly enriched uranium)
correct percentage of enriched uranium for weapons grade uranium is. - Google Search
Kerry knows 87% of America knows Israel did 911 and wants vengeance for what the Israelis did to America on September 11, 2001.

Could be America is going to get PAYBACK this year.
Hey vig, lets play a game.

You tell ME what the percentage is for enriched uranium to be considered as "weapons grade" uranium from your very favorite zio propaganda media outlet and then I'll tell YOU what the correct percentage really is.
Iran is on the wrong side of history buddy.

That's hilarious. Iran has ALWAYS been on the right side of history, buddy. Look it up.

Preferably on a non zionist jew owned website.
Remember Purim you nazi shitstain. Don't think it can't happen again.


You mean NA_tional ZI_onist ? As in The National Zionist Party. Zio Nazis..."Jews",(tm). that is.

How about you, Herr Hasbara agent? How about YOU tell us what the correct percentage of enriched uranium for weapons grade uranium is.
A power plant requires uranium with three to four percent U-235 (this is known as low-enriched or reactor-grade uranium), and a bomb needs uranium with a whopping 90 percent U-235 (highly enriched uranium)

That's right. 90%. Which Iran does not have the technology to do.

So why do you suppose Israel and the zio clan media have been claiming Iran is "months away" from making nukes since at least 1992?
Hey vig, lets play a game.

You tell ME what the percentage is for enriched uranium to be considered as "weapons grade" uranium from your very favorite zio propaganda media outlet and then I'll tell YOU what the correct percentage really is.
Iran is on the wrong side of history buddy.

That's hilarious. Iran has ALWAYS been on the right side of history, buddy. Look it up.

Preferably on a non zionist jew owned website.

Since vig is afraid to show his ass, how about you? Tell us what the enrichment level of weapons grade uranium is.

You can't google?? From wiki
The fissile uranium in nuclear weapon primaries usually contains 85% or more of 235U known as weapons-grade, though theoretically for an implosion design, a minimum of 20% could be sufficient (called weapon(s)-usable) although it would require hundreds of kilograms of material and "would not be practical to design";[4][5] even lower enrichment is hypothetically possible, but as the enrichment percentage decreases the critical mass for unmoderated fast neutrons rapidly increases, with for example, an infinite mass of 5.4% 235U being required.[4] For criticality experiments, enrichment of uranium to over 97% has been accomplished.[6]

The very first uranium bomb, Little Boy dropped by the United States on Hiroshima in 1945, used 64 kilograms of 80% enriched uranium. Wrapping the weapon's fissile core in a neutron reflector (which is standard on all nuclear explosives) can dramatically reduce the critical mass. Because the core was surrounded by a good neutron reflector, at explosion it comprised almost 2.5 critical masses. Neutron reflectors, compressing the fissile core via implosion, fusion boosting, and "tamping", which slows the expansion of the fissioning core with inertia, allow nuclear weapon designs that use less than what would be one bare-sphere critical mass at normal density. The presence of too much of the 238U isotope inhibits the runaway nuclear chain reaction that is responsible for the weapon's power. The critical mass for 85% highly enriched uranium is about 50 kilograms (110 lb), which at normal density would be a sphere about 17 centimetres (6.7 in) in diameter.

Later US nuclear weapons usually use plutonium-239 in the primary stage, but the secondary stage which is compressed by the primary nuclear explosion often uses HEU with enrichment between 40% and 80%[7] along with the fusion fuel lithium deuteride. For the secondary of a large nuclear weapon, the higher critical mass of less-enriched uranium can be an advantage as it allows the core at explosion time to contain a larger amount of fuel. The 238U is not fissile but still fissionable by fusion neutrons.

HEU is also used in fast neutron reactors, whose cores require about 20% or more of fissile material, as well as in naval reactors, where it often contains at least 50% 235U, but typically does not exceed 90%. The Fermi-1 commercial fast reactor prototype used HEU with 26.5% 235U. Significant quantities of HEU are used in the production of medical isotopes, for example molybdenum-99 for technetium-99m generators.[8]

So what's your reason for wanting to know?


Who is Greg?

Doesn't the zio clan media usually claim the level for weapons grade uranium is MUCH lower than that?

The same level of enrichment necessary to make medical isotopes for cancer research?
Hey vig, lets play a game.

You tell ME what the percentage is for enriched uranium to be considered as "weapons grade" uranium from your very favorite zio propaganda media outlet and then I'll tell YOU what the correct percentage really is.
Iran is on the wrong side of history buddy.

That's hilarious. Iran has ALWAYS been on the right side of history, buddy. Look it up.

Preferably on a non zionist jew owned website.
Remember Purim you nazi shitstain. Don't think it can't happen again.


You mean NA_tional ZI_onist ? As in The National Zionist Party. Zio Nazis..."Jews",(tm). that is.

How about you, Herr Hasbara agent? How about YOU tell us what the correct percentage of enriched uranium for weapons grade uranium is.

No: you seem to be a person of low intellectual capacity. The workings of an A-Bomb are pretty straight forward. The use of
A neutron reflector is any material that reflects neutrons. This refers to elastic scattering rather than to a specular reflection. The material may be graphite, beryllium, steel, tungsten carbide, or other materials. A neutron reflector can make an otherwise subcritical mass of fissile material critical, or increase the amount of nuclear fission that a critical or supercritical mass will undergo. Such an effect was exhibited twice in accidents involving the Demon Core, a subcritical plutonium pit that went critical in two separate fatal incidents when the pit's surface was momentarily surrounded by too much neutron reflective material.

means that the amount of fissile material is not the only factor that must be considered. Lesser concentrations are just as usable.

Hey vig, lets play a game.

You tell ME what the percentage is for enriched uranium to be considered as "weapons grade" uranium from your very favorite zio propaganda media outlet and then I'll tell YOU what the correct percentage really is.
Iran is on the wrong side of history buddy.

That's hilarious. Iran has ALWAYS been on the right side of history, buddy. Look it up.

Preferably on a non zionist jew owned website.

Since vig is afraid to show his ass, how about you? Tell us what the enrichment level of weapons grade uranium is.

You can't google?? From wiki
The fissile uranium in nuclear weapon primaries usually contains 85% or more of 235U known as weapons-grade, though theoretically for an implosion design, a minimum of 20% could be sufficient (called weapon(s)-usable) although it would require hundreds of kilograms of material and "would not be practical to design";[4][5] even lower enrichment is hypothetically possible, but as the enrichment percentage decreases the critical mass for unmoderated fast neutrons rapidly increases, with for example, an infinite mass of 5.4% 235U being required.[4] For criticality experiments, enrichment of uranium to over 97% has been accomplished.[6]

The very first uranium bomb, Little Boy dropped by the United States on Hiroshima in 1945, used 64 kilograms of 80% enriched uranium. Wrapping the weapon's fissile core in a neutron reflector (which is standard on all nuclear explosives) can dramatically reduce the critical mass. Because the core was surrounded by a good neutron reflector, at explosion it comprised almost 2.5 critical masses. Neutron reflectors, compressing the fissile core via implosion, fusion boosting, and "tamping", which slows the expansion of the fissioning core with inertia, allow nuclear weapon designs that use less than what would be one bare-sphere critical mass at normal density. The presence of too much of the 238U isotope inhibits the runaway nuclear chain reaction that is responsible for the weapon's power. The critical mass for 85% highly enriched uranium is about 50 kilograms (110 lb), which at normal density would be a sphere about 17 centimetres (6.7 in) in diameter.

Later US nuclear weapons usually use plutonium-239 in the primary stage, but the secondary stage which is compressed by the primary nuclear explosion often uses HEU with enrichment between 40% and 80%[7] along with the fusion fuel lithium deuteride. For the secondary of a large nuclear weapon, the higher critical mass of less-enriched uranium can be an advantage as it allows the core at explosion time to contain a larger amount of fuel. The 238U is not fissile but still fissionable by fusion neutrons.

HEU is also used in fast neutron reactors, whose cores require about 20% or more of fissile material, as well as in naval reactors, where it often contains at least 50% 235U, but typically does not exceed 90%. The Fermi-1 commercial fast reactor prototype used HEU with 26.5% 235U. Significant quantities of HEU are used in the production of medical isotopes, for example molybdenum-99 for technetium-99m generators.[8]

So what's your reason for wanting to know?


Who is Greg?

Doesn't the zio clan media usually claim the level for weapons grade uranium is MUCH lower than that?

The same level of enrichment necessary to make medical isotopes for cancer research?

Sigh. You are another buffoon. The use of neutron reflectors does reduce the concentration required. Learn to bloody read!!

Hey vig, lets play a game.

You tell ME what the percentage is for enriched uranium to be considered as "weapons grade" uranium from your very favorite zio propaganda media outlet and then I'll tell YOU what the correct percentage really is.
Iran is on the wrong side of history buddy.

That's hilarious. Iran has ALWAYS been on the right side of history, buddy. Look it up.

Preferably on a non zionist jew owned website.
Remember Purim you nazi shitstain. Don't think it can't happen again.


You mean NA_tional ZI_onist ? As in The National Zionist Party. Zio Nazis..."Jews",(tm). that is.

How about you, Herr Hasbara agent? How about YOU tell us what the correct percentage of enriched uranium for weapons grade uranium is.

No: you seem to be a person of low intellectual capacity. The workings of an A-Bomb are pretty straight forward. The use of
A neutron reflector is any material that reflects neutrons. This refers to elastic scattering rather than to a specular reflection. The material may be graphite, beryllium, steel, tungsten carbide, or other materials. A neutron reflector can make an otherwise subcritical mass of fissile material critical, or increase the amount of nuclear fission that a critical or supercritical mass will undergo. Such an effect was exhibited twice in accidents involving the Demon Core, a subcritical plutonium pit that went critical in two separate fatal incidents when the pit's surface was momentarily surrounded by too much neutron reflective material.

means that the amount of fissile material is not the only factor that must be considered. Lesser concentrations are just as usable.

Nice try at a strawman; I asked you why you are calling me "Greg". Do you have a reading/comprehension disability? Or, do you have what you are falsely accusing me of being?

Lesser concentrations are just as usable


What percentage of the "lesser concentration" would it be then?

Would it by chance be the same percentage to manufacture medical isotopes for cancer research?
Hey vig, lets play a game.

You tell ME what the percentage is for enriched uranium to be considered as "weapons grade" uranium from your very favorite zio propaganda media outlet and then I'll tell YOU what the correct percentage really is.
Iran is on the wrong side of history buddy.

That's hilarious. Iran has ALWAYS been on the right side of history, buddy. Look it up.

Preferably on a non zionist jew owned website.

Since vig is afraid to show his ass, how about you? Tell us what the enrichment level of weapons grade uranium is.

You can't google?? From wiki
The fissile uranium in nuclear weapon primaries usually contains 85% or more of 235U known as weapons-grade, though theoretically for an implosion design, a minimum of 20% could be sufficient (called weapon(s)-usable) although it would require hundreds of kilograms of material and "would not be practical to design";[4][5] even lower enrichment is hypothetically possible, but as the enrichment percentage decreases the critical mass for unmoderated fast neutrons rapidly increases, with for example, an infinite mass of 5.4% 235U being required.[4] For criticality experiments, enrichment of uranium to over 97% has been accomplished.[6]

The very first uranium bomb, Little Boy dropped by the United States on Hiroshima in 1945, used 64 kilograms of 80% enriched uranium. Wrapping the weapon's fissile core in a neutron reflector (which is standard on all nuclear explosives) can dramatically reduce the critical mass. Because the core was surrounded by a good neutron reflector, at explosion it comprised almost 2.5 critical masses. Neutron reflectors, compressing the fissile core via implosion, fusion boosting, and "tamping", which slows the expansion of the fissioning core with inertia, allow nuclear weapon designs that use less than what would be one bare-sphere critical mass at normal density. The presence of too much of the 238U isotope inhibits the runaway nuclear chain reaction that is responsible for the weapon's power. The critical mass for 85% highly enriched uranium is about 50 kilograms (110 lb), which at normal density would be a sphere about 17 centimetres (6.7 in) in diameter.

Later US nuclear weapons usually use plutonium-239 in the primary stage, but the secondary stage which is compressed by the primary nuclear explosion often uses HEU with enrichment between 40% and 80%[7] along with the fusion fuel lithium deuteride. For the secondary of a large nuclear weapon, the higher critical mass of less-enriched uranium can be an advantage as it allows the core at explosion time to contain a larger amount of fuel. The 238U is not fissile but still fissionable by fusion neutrons.

HEU is also used in fast neutron reactors, whose cores require about 20% or more of fissile material, as well as in naval reactors, where it often contains at least 50% 235U, but typically does not exceed 90%. The Fermi-1 commercial fast reactor prototype used HEU with 26.5% 235U. Significant quantities of HEU are used in the production of medical isotopes, for example molybdenum-99 for technetium-99m generators.[8]

So what's your reason for wanting to know?


Who is Greg?

Doesn't the zio clan media usually claim the level for weapons grade uranium is MUCH lower than that?

The same level of enrichment necessary to make medical isotopes for cancer research?

Sigh. You are another buffoon. The use of neutron reflectors does reduce the concentration required. Learn to bloody read!!


Still calling me Greg, I see. I guess "Greg" must be somebody that soundly spanked you in the past whose bitch you became.

You haven't said what the reduced percentage is. All you're doing is making a strawman argument that is irrelevant.
Iran is on the wrong side of history buddy.

That's hilarious. Iran has ALWAYS been on the right side of history, buddy. Look it up.

Preferably on a non zionist jew owned website.
Remember Purim you nazi shitstain. Don't think it can't happen again.


You mean NA_tional ZI_onist ? As in The National Zionist Party. Zio Nazis..."Jews",(tm). that is.

How about you, Herr Hasbara agent? How about YOU tell us what the correct percentage of enriched uranium for weapons grade uranium is.
A power plant requires uranium with three to four percent U-235 (this is known as low-enriched or reactor-grade uranium), and a bomb needs uranium with a whopping 90 percent U-235 (highly enriched uranium)

That's right. 90%. Which Iran does not have the technology to do.

So why do you suppose Israel and the zio clan media have been claiming Iran is "months away" from making nukes since at least 1992?
Two dozen centerfuges is more then enough and Iran has that at one site alone. Besides stupid you are talking about a "clean" bomb. A "dirty" one can be made as low as 20.
That's hilarious. Iran has ALWAYS been on the right side of history, buddy. Look it up.

Preferably on a non zionist jew owned website.
Remember Purim you nazi shitstain. Don't think it can't happen again.


You mean NA_tional ZI_onist ? As in The National Zionist Party. Zio Nazis..."Jews",(tm). that is.

How about you, Herr Hasbara agent? How about YOU tell us what the correct percentage of enriched uranium for weapons grade uranium is.
A power plant requires uranium with three to four percent U-235 (this is known as low-enriched or reactor-grade uranium), and a bomb needs uranium with a whopping 90 percent U-235 (highly enriched uranium)

That's right. 90%. Which Iran does not have the technology to do.

So why do you suppose Israel and the zio clan media have been claiming Iran is "months away" from making nukes since at least 1992?
Two dozen centerfuges is more then enough and Iran has that at one site alone. Besides stupid you are talking about a "clean" bomb. A "dirty" one can be made as low as 20.

SUUURE, it can. That's why you posted a link to confirm your claim.

Oh wait, you didn't.

Oh btw? Name calling doesn't impress me one iota.

I know how you Zio Nazis can't resist calling goyim names, but TRY and act like a human being (w/ a soul) for a change, huh?
Hey vig, lets play a game.

You tell ME what the percentage is for enriched uranium to be considered as "weapons grade" uranium from your very favorite zio propaganda media outlet and then I'll tell YOU what the correct percentage really is.
Iran is on the wrong side of history buddy.

That's hilarious. Iran has ALWAYS been on the right side of history, buddy. Look it up.

Preferably on a non zionist jew owned website.
Remember Purim you nazi shitstain. Don't think it can't happen again.


You mean NA_tional ZI_onist ? As in The National Zionist Party. Zio Nazis..."Jews",(tm). that is.

How about you, Herr Hasbara agent? How about YOU tell us what the correct percentage of enriched uranium for weapons grade uranium is.
A power plant requires uranium with three to four percent U-235 (this is known as low-enriched or reactor-grade uranium), and a bomb needs uranium with a whopping 90 percent U-235 (highly enriched uranium)
correct percentage of enriched uranium for weapons grade uranium is. - Google Search



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