Watch for the Corporate Funded Fake Activist Groups


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
Rachel Maddow warns us about the lastest astroturf group which we're sure to see more of as the debate over financial reform continues. As she notes, Rick Berman has been setting up web sites and corporate front groups that mirror legitimate watchdog sites to try to undermine them. The Consumer Rights League was set up in 2007 and it shares the same acronym with the Center for Responsible Lending, which was set up thirty years ago as an actual consumer rights group. The Consumer Rights League is now organizing protests against the real consumer rights group, the Center for Responsible Lending.

Rachel Maddow: Watch for the Corporate Funded Fake Activist Groups and Right Wing Media That Loves Them | Video Cafe

The same tricks they use to fight HCR...
I recall Nancy Pelosi derided the Tea Party groups as "astroturf" as well.
From Rule For Radicals: Marginalize your opponent first.
This dipshit problem actually believes we got "healthcare reform"

LOL!!!!!!!!!!! No limits to their gullibility.
Um, so whatever happened to the group that initially outed Mark Foley? Anyone remember them?
I recall Nancy Pelosi derided the Tea Party groups as "astroturf" as well.
From Rule For Radicals: Marginalize your opponent first.
Like the right did with the "liberal media" for the last 30 years?

Or Owebama?
Hussein Obama?
Rachel Maddow warns us about the lastest astroturf group which we're sure to see more of as the debate over financial reform continues. As she notes, Rick Berman has been setting up web sites and corporate front groups that mirror legitimate watchdog sites to try to undermine them. The Consumer Rights League was set up in 2007 and it shares the same acronym with the Center for Responsible Lending, which was set up thirty years ago as an actual consumer rights group. The Consumer Rights League is now organizing protests against the real consumer rights group, the Center for Responsible Lending.

Rachel Maddow: Watch for the Corporate Funded Fake Activist Groups and Right Wing Media That Loves Them | Video Cafe

The same tricks they use to fight HCR...

This in no way pertains to the teabaggers who were in no way funded by PACs run by Dick Armey with money from pharmaceutical companies.

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