Watch "Biden Supporters Shocked By His 'Racist' Quotes" on YouTube

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Can you imagine how BRAINWASHED these youngsters truly are by the repeated lies of the malicious left....and these are our 21st century leaders!!!!

Good old racist Joe has a history of racially inflammatory comments. There are only two kinds of people unaware of his history: Those that don't want to know and those who haven't found out yet.
And of course he's more crooked than the Etch-A-Sketch doodles of a cerebral palsy sufferer.
Good old racist Joe has a history of racially inflammatory comments. There are only two kinds of people unaware of his history: Those that don't want to know and those who haven't found out yet.
And of course he's more crooked than the Etch-A-Sketch doodles of a cerebral palsy sufferer.
Three, those who think as he does.
Well let's see. So far we know he's made many racist comments, used his position as VP to pressure a foreign government to drop an investigation of his son, and can't keep his sleazy hands off of women and children. And TRUMP is the one who is supposed to have character flaws?
Well let's see. So far we know he's made many racist comments, used his position as VP to pressure a foreign government to drop an investigation of his son, and can't keep his sleazy hands off of women and children. And TRUMP is the one who is supposed to have character flaws?
He does have character flaws you just can't admit it...

Trump or Biden?
Well let's see. So far we know he's made many racist comments, used his position as VP to pressure a foreign government to drop an investigation of his son, and can't keep his sleazy hands off of women and children. And TRUMP is the one who is supposed to have character flaws?
He does have character flaws you just can't admit it...
I never said he didn't. But if the msm were honest in their reporting and covered both sides equally, everyone would have gotten those questions right. Biden is full of flaws, but you're happy to ignore them and you think it's fine for our media to ignore them at the same time they attack Trump. You're nothing but a disingenuous hack.

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