Wasserman-Schultz Spy In Pakistan Under govt Protection


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Sources: Democratic Aide Suspected Of Major Security Breach Under Government Protection In Pakistan

It is UNBELIEVABLE that this story - this DNC National Security CLUSTER F* - is not one of the top 5 stories in US news!

1. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (DWS) hires 3 Pakistani Brothers to work for the DNC and House Democrats as IT Techs, without Security Clearances. An EVENTUAL background check reveals:
- The brothers are connected to TERRORISTS
- 1 of the Brothers has a criminal record
- The brothers reportedly killed their father, kidnapped their mother, and has been taking all their father's / mother's money

2. The House Cyber Security caught the 3 Brothers, who have no security clearances, illegally accessing classified House Files. The brothers were immediately BANNED from the House, and an 'Espionage' investigation was opened up on them.

3. IGNORING the House Ban and criminal 'Espionage' investigation, DWS RE-HIRED the oldest Pakistani IT SPY brother to come work for her. She AGAIN gave him illegal access to House files as well as access to DNC e-mails, usernames, and passwords. (These are the same e-mails 'the Russians' supposedly hacked. :p)

4. Once all this is discovered, in the midst of the 'DNC E-Mail Hacking' scandal, the Pakistani brother is fired, still under investigation. Instead of being PERP-WALKED for giving 3 terrorist-connected spies illegal access to House files and then RE-HIRING one, again giving him illegal access to House files, DWS is simply FIRED as DNC Chairwoman
- Several Days later, Hillary Clinton HIRED her (to be part of her law-breaking, national security jeopardizing server/e-mail team).

5. Approx 1 - 2 months later (last week), is was reported that House Members are being BLACKMAILED using information found in the House files the 3 Pakistani brothers had access to.

6. As if it could not get any worse for DWS and the DNC/Democrats, it is NOW being reported that one of the 3 Pakistani SPY brothers are back in Pakistan UNDER PAKISTANI GOVERNMENT PROTECTION. We know the brothers are connected to terrorists, but were they also spying for the Pakistani govt (who we know 'tolerates' / is 'Taliban-friendly'?)

Once again, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz should be PERP-WALKED in HANDCUFFS and IN JAIL right now.

This latest 'episode' of 'National Security Endangering Democrats' only goes to prove Democrats should NEVER be entrusted with classified information of any kind at any security level.

Years ago Clinton Cabinet Member Sandy 'The Burglar' Burger was caught trying to steal classified documents involving the Clintons by stuffing them down his pants and walking out of the classified repository.

Thanks to Ex-FBI Comey's testimony under oath before Congress we now know Secretary of State / 2016 Presidential Candidate Clinton broke several laws and endangered National Security during her server / e-mail scandal.

Comey testified Democrats exercised extremely poor Cyber Security practices - not keeping secure-ware updated / current, having 'password' as their passwords, etc...

The Obama administration and his loyalists perpetrated 'Felony Espionage' against the United States by illegally releasing Protected classified personal information for political reasons in a seditious attempt to undermine / overthrow the newly elected govt.

Democrats and their operatives / Obama holdovers have not only been leaking classified information like a sieve, they have been on talk shows 'bragging' about it.

It is time to SILENCE the leaks and STOP the spying, and the best way to do that would be for a new Director of the FBI and the US AG to investigate / re-investigate Hillary and DWS, Indict / charge / PERP-WALK Hillary, DWS, and the 2 Pakistani spies that are not in Pakistan being protected by the govt.

Conduct an investigation into the Obama holdovers' Felony Espionage, and jail anyone you find involved - Intel Agency Members (Farkas, etc...), Obama Cabinet members (Rice), and / or even Obama himself if involved (or just Impeach his ass).

The Obama administration's / Democrats had 'Leak' / 'Spy' problems a lot earlier than 2016....

New Report Claims China Killed CIA Sources Between 2010 to 2012 - Breitbart

A newly released report claims that the Chinese government killed or imprisoned as many as 20 CIA sources between 2010 and 2012.

"The International Business Times reports that the CIA and FBI both refused to comment on new reports stating that between 18 and 20 CIA sources were killed or imprisoned by the Chinese government between 2010 and 2012. This was reportedly done to dismantle the CIA’s operations in the country. Current and former American officials told the New York Times that this would constitute one of the biggest intelligence breaches in decades.

The source of the information breach is currently unknown, at the moment the two most likely scenarios are that a CIA double agent provided information on CIA sources to the Chinese government, or the Chinese government has somehow gained access to CIA communications and intercepted messages sent between the agency and their informants. Officials stated that the number of assets lost to China was comparable to the loss of US assets to the Soviet Union as a result of the work of spies Aldrich Ames and Robert Hanssen who leaked classified US documents to the Soviets."

The US spy agencies who have been proven to have been spying on Americans have been spied on, hacked, their 'spy technique secrets' stolen and used against them and the world....and Liberals are making their jobs easier through such scandals as Hillary's illegal server / e-mail scandal, the DNC Chairwoman hiring Pakistani spies and giving them illegal access to classified info, etc...
Disgusting, inbred, zionist trash the jews (inbred by definition) vote for.
Meanwhile mush mouth McCain and other RINO's worry about the fake news concerning Trump and Russia. Drain the swamp.

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