Wasn't it Dubya's Policy That Got The Troops INTO Iraq?...


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
And Obama is simply getting the boys out of that Quagmire?...

Am I Misremembering HIStory?...

The Surge happened to be Successful and President Obama has done everything within his power to repair (43)'s Policies in Iraq, so...

Shrub's not going to try to take Credit for this, is he?...

Last edited:
And Obama is simply getting the boys out of that Quagmire?...

Am I Misremembering HIStory?...

The Surge happened to be Successful and President Obama has done everything within his power to repair (43)'s Policies in Iraq, so...

Shrub's not going to try to take Credit for this, is he?...


The surge worked? What did it accomplish? I mean, besides getting more of our troops killed? What did we win?
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And Obama is simply getting the boys out of that Quagmire?...

Am I Misremembering HIStory?...

The Surge happened to be Successful and President Obama has done everything within his power to repair (43)'s Policies in Iraq, so...

Shrub's not going to try to take Credit for this, is he?...


The surge worked? What did it accomplish? I mean, besides getting more of our troops killed? What did we win?
Let the RightWingers and/or RepubliCON$ answer that one.
Are Conservatives upset because the combat troops are out of Iraq and the remaining troops are only advisers and trainers? Would they be happier if the war still dragged on?

Are the Conservatives upset because the troop pull out happened under the Obama administration not the Bush administration? Didn't the Bush policies have enough time to run their course? Were the Bush policies about Iraq well conceived and implemented? Should it have taken five years under Bush administration oversight to achieve whatever we think might have been achieved by invading Iraq?

Are the Conservatives upset because they think there's 'credit' to be dolled out after the Iraq war? Didn't Bush land on an aircraft carrier and proclaim "In the Battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed"?

Are the Conservatives upset because Iraq isn't just like a fifty first state? That the expectation of a Jeffersonian democracy blooming in the desert just never really happened?

Or, are the Conservatives upset because it's the nature of the beast? When you're out of power and out of ideas you just get cranky.
And Obama is simply getting the boys out of that Quagmire?...

Am I Misremembering HIStory?...

The Surge happened to be Successful and President Obama has done everything within his power to repair (43)'s Policies in Iraq, so...

Shrub's not going to try to take Credit for this, is he?...


The surge worked? What did it accomplish? I mean, besides getting more of our troops killed? What did we win?

The civil war in Iraq had reached a turning point and was resolving itself long before the surge even happened. Even General Petraeus has acknowledged that the surge may not have been necessary.

Ironically, just as our surge was happening, the British were pulling OUT. And strangely enough, the sectors where the British un-surged calmed down along with all the places where there was a surge. Basra for example.

The surge was a well-timed publicity stunt.
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And Obama is simply getting the boys out of that Quagmire?...

Am I Misremembering HIStory?...

The Surge happened to be Successful and President Obama has done everything within his power to repair (43)'s Policies in Iraq, so...

Shrub's not going to try to take Credit for this, is he?...


No,a ctually it was not Bush's policy. It was the UN's policy, one that they subsequently refused to enforce. The U.S. merely chose to enforce existing U.N. policy.
Here is 1441, which set that policy:

Further it was Bush's policy to withdraw troops at this time:
U.S.?Iraq Status of Forces Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So your premise that Bush got us into Iraq is flawed.
Your premise that Obama is getting us out of Iraq is flawed.

Basically your whole world view is flawed and contributes to your growing reputation as a liberal hack and ignoramus of continental proportions.
And Obama is simply getting the boys out of that Quagmire?...

Am I Misremembering HIStory?...

The Surge happened to be Successful and President Obama has done everything within his power to repair (43)'s Policies in Iraq, so...

Shrub's not going to try to take Credit for this, is he?...


Why do people insist on forgetting the fact that the time line being followed here was negotiated under W? Or that Obama actually had the chance to actually pull everyone out of Iraq unilaterally, and decided to keep the accords negotiated by W's administration rather than do any work himself, then actually keep more people in Iraq than W promised. Yet somehow, the people who point out the facts, while W remains silent, are rewriting history.

I wonder why that is.
Amazing how quick some are trying to rewrite history.

The Surge worked

Bush arranged the withdrawal time table

Obama is taking credit.

Not really shocked. But come on people. You just look stupid acting all partisan
I mean technically we still have special forces troops coducting combat patrols on a daily basis. Not sure if we will ever be out of there completely. I honestly don't know how alot of the IAs and IPs could fend for themselves without American troops but perhaps they have made great strides in their military training and bearing.
honestly can anyone tell me that we as Americans want the end result of Iraq to be. Do we have a measurable goal where we can say look SUCCESS! ? If we do I dont know what it is. Don't get me wrong Suddam Hussein was a P.O.S. who committed Genocide on millions. I just don't know how we can measure success to the point that what we gave up for the war will someday be worth what the result happens to be.
Bump: RepubliCON$ want to give all the credit to Bush for whatever's done right and all the blame to Obama for whatever's done wrong (in their opinions)

However, they never want to blame Bush for whatever went wrong and never want to give credit to Obama for whatever went right.

Quite an interesting phenomenon.


Bump: RepubliCON$ want to give all the credit to Bush for whatever's done right and all the blame to Obama for whatever's done wrong (in their opinions)

However, they never want to blame Bush for whatever went wrong and never want to give credit to Obama for whatever went right.

Quite an interesting phenomenon.



That's just politics. The Democrats do it too, and now these new "Independent" candidates blame everything on the incumbents. Bush was wrong to invade Iraq. Obama was a fool to say or believe the surge worked.
Bump: RepubliCON$ want to give all the credit to Bush for whatever's done right and all the blame to Obama for whatever's done wrong (in their opinions)

However, they never want to blame Bush for whatever went wrong and never want to give credit to Obama for whatever went right.

Quite an interesting phenomenon.



Would you care to respond to the original ass-whipping you took when I pointed out that it was neither Bush's policy that got us into Iraq or Obama's policy that got us out? The points I supported with news stories and links.
Or do you just want to spew partisan hackery?

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