WASHINGTON POST: "Obama should NOT run for re-election in 2012"

He'll make sure they come out to vote for him. The gop has nobody good enough to stop him.
Love her or hate her.

Only the foolish will discount her.

Sarah Palin will be stronger than ever for the GOP ticket.

Plus, you never know who will come out of the Republican fold to challenge Obama.

Sarah Palin/Allen West 2012

If that's the ticket, they will come in third behind the Democrats and the Libertarian Party.
I concur. :clap2:

This is a critical moment for the country. From the faltering economy to the burdensome deficit to our foreign policy struggles, America is suffering a widespread sense of crisis and anxiety about the future. Under these circumstances, Obama has the opportunity to seize the high ground and the imagination of the nation once again, and to galvanize the public for the hard decisions that must be made. The only way he can do so, though, is by putting national interests ahead of personal or political ones.

To that end, we believe Obama should announce immediately that he will not be a candidate for reelection in 2012.

Obama himself once said to Diane Sawyer: "I'd rather be a really good one-term president than a mediocre two-term president." He now has the chance to deliver on that idea.

Opinion | One and done: To be a great president, Obama should not seek reelection in 2012


Did you bother reading the artcie?? They said that so that he can do what he wants and not have to think about re-election.


Will you please stop peeing on their Post Tosties. I mean it's the typical Rightie Tightie Hate Feast based on an incomplete knowledge of the subject. Let them wallow.....

I think the article said:

The best way for him to address both our national challenges and the serious threats to his credibility and stature is to make clear that, for the next two years, he will focus exclusively on the problems we face as Americans, rather than the politics of the moment - or of the 2012 campaign.

Quite simply, given our political divisions and economic problems, governing and campaigning have become incompatible. Obama can and should dispense with the pollsters, the advisers, the consultants and the strategists who dissect all decisions and judgments in terms of their impact on the president's political prospects.
Obama is going to run and the Gop has nobody who can beat him.

Obama can't Run on the Fear and Loathing of 700,000 Jobs a Month being Lost again...

The GOP can Run AGAINST him and his continuing near 10% Unemployment, if that is the case in 2012.



The unemployment rate in the construction industry is currently 17%
At this time 10 years ago it was only 5%

There is a wealth of data on this industry at the Bureau of Labor Web Site

Construction is one industry where the jobs can't be outsourced to China or India.
Can someone explain how cutting taxes for the wealthy, which seems to be a major obsession with the Republicans, will create jobs in the construction industry?

Also, I don't think that repealing the Health Care program that was recently enacted by Congress, which is another stated high priority with the newly elected Republicans, will contribute to creating jobs in the construction industry.

No one is Suggesting Cutting Taxes...

The Potential for Taxes to Increase for some is up for Debate...

Prior to this Asskickin' Obama and his Party took, they were going to let Taxes go up for EVERYONE...

Not so much now.



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