"Clueless" that hurts

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
I've been out of the loop for a few days but this doesn't sound good for the worlds love affair with Obama...


Global anger at a fresh round of liquidity injections into the US economy swelled on Friday as Germany called the move "clueless" and emerging nations protested that it will wreak havoc on them.

Harsh criticism poured in as President Barack Obama headed for Asia on a trip he had hoped to use as a springboard for pressuring China to revalue its yuan but may end up in a fractious Group of 20 leaders summit next week.

The United States has been pressing China, largely unsuccessfully, to let its yuan currency rise more quickly to reflect the strength of what is now the world's second-largest economy and help correct global trade imbalances.

Global anger mounts at 'clueless' Fed actions
Clueless in Hopey Changey Land. Sounds like a movie. A Horror flick maybe.
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I've been out of the loop for a few days but this doesn't sound good for the worlds love affair with Obama...


Global anger at a fresh round of liquidity injections into the US economy swelled on Friday as Germany called the move "clueless" and emerging nations protested that it will wreak havoc on them.

Harsh criticism poured in as President Barack Obama headed for Asia on a trip he had hoped to use as a springboard for pressuring China to revalue its yuan but may end up in a fractious Group of 20 leaders summit next week.

The United States has been pressing China, largely unsuccessfully, to let its yuan currency rise more quickly to reflect the strength of what is now the world's second-largest economy and help correct global trade imbalances.

Global anger mounts at 'clueless' Fed actions
The rest of the world has discovered we've elected something they wanted: A socialist tard.

Now they realize there are consequences to elections. Big painful ones.

Ever watch the movie "Rope"? The realization of Jimmy Stewart in the last 10 minutes of the film when he sees what his two students have done is remarkable.

The world media is having their "Rope" moment.
Maybe Obama should focus more on whats going on at home then abroad.

mmm... lets think about that....:lol:
Hey I'm fine with him playing failed fiddle-fuckaround out there with the world press. The more he's out there, the more damage he does to world socialism and the less damage he's doing to the USA.

Keep up the good work P-BO.
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I don't really have anythiing to add. I saw the word clueless and just checked in to see what was being said about the Big 0.
Maybe Obama should focus more on whats going on at home then abroad.

mmm... lets think about that....:lol:
Hey I'm fine with him playing failed fiddle-fuckaround out there with the world press. The more he's out there, the more damage he does to world socialism.

Keep up the good work P-BO.

But is it a fair trade for O to make the United States to appear as schmucks in the process?

But then we are in the process of righting that...and I think a good reason why he was snubbed by the G20...
I don't really have anythiing to add. I saw the word clueless and just checked in to see what was being said about the Big 0.

Honestly.. I'm getting tired of picking on Obama..

I wish he'd do something right for a change, you know, break the monotony..
mmm... lets think about that....:lol:
Hey I'm fine with him playing failed fiddle-fuckaround out there with the world press. The more he's out there, the more damage he does to world socialism.

Keep up the good work P-BO.

But is it a fair trade for O to make the United States to appear as schmucks in the process?

But then we are in the process of righting that...and I think a good reason why he was snubbed by the G20...
They already think we're schmucks. he's just proving they were right for once.

That said I think the foreign press is interested in listening to Billie Holliday's "Strange Fruit" at this point, cause they're lynching him.
My worry lies in will we reach that point?
The point of no return.
In everything in the universe - everything - any problem that is not resolved will always, without exception, reach a point in which it cannot be resolved.
A point in which all you can do is deal with the aftermath.

In the late 70's America began borrowing from it's past successes.
Valuable assets of all kinds were sold to the highest bidder, often someone who erased any further value by piecing it out and selling those assets in parts.
Once that ran out, about 1985 or so - America began borrowing from it's future success. Selling what has not yet been produced, but selling the mere prospect of future production.
Now, in 2010, here we sit.
Both as a nation and as a people, we owe more than we are worth.
At this point folks, it really is possible.
.I guess it was 6 years ago I wrote a post in a different forum in a thread about America's biggest threats. (As in other countries)

I wrote "China, not for it's guns, but it's patience".
As I have been saying Obama turned out to be a 3rd Bush term.

:eusa_eh:... There is some truth in that...

Not really.
Bush was not anti business. Bush would never have put through a healthcare bill like this one. Bush was not for cap n trade. Bush was not in the unions' pocket.
The policies Obama have continued were so logical and so reasonable that he had no choice.

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