Washington Post Exposes Valerie Plame.


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Just when you think you know the neighborhood...the whole landscape changes.
OK, so there's been a huge shift at CNN...at least of the disseminators.
Now...the Washington post pulls the curtain off the Valerie Plame mythology!
Yes...the paper I've always known as the "Washington Com-Post"!!!

And then President Obama spilled the beans on left-wing propaganda, i.e., that low taxes don't build the economy? Thirty years of Democrat talking points, shredded!!

So, you don't think the Tea Party movement is earth-shaking?

Only the lefties on the USMB didn't get the memo.

Check out this from the WaPo editorial:

1. "In fact, "Fair Game," based on books by Mr. Wilson and his wife, is full of distortions - not to mention outright inventions. To start with the most sensational: The movie portrays Ms. Plame as having cultivated a group of Iraqi scientists and arranged for them to leave the country, and it suggests that once her cover was blown, the operation was aborted and the scientists were abandoned. This is simply false. In reality, as The Post's Walter Pincus and Richard Leiby reported, Ms. Plame did not work directly on the program, and it was not shut down because of her identification.

2.The movie portrays Mr. Wilson as a whistle-blower who debunked a Bush administration claim that Iraq had tried to purchase uranium from the African country of Niger. In fact, an investigation by the Senate intelligence committee found that Mr. Wilson's reporting did not affect the intelligence community's view on the matter, and an official British investigation found that President George W. Bush's statement in a State of the Union address that Britain believed that Iraq had sought uranium in Niger was well-founded.

3. "Fair Game" also resells the couple's story that Ms. Plame's exposure was the result of a White House conspiracy. A lengthy and wasteful investigation by a special prosecutor found no such conspiracy - but it did confirm that the prime source of a newspaper column identifying Ms. Plame was a State Department official, not a White House political operative.

4. Hollywood has a habit of making movies about historical events without regard for the truth; "Fair Game" is just one more example.

5. Mr. Wilson claimed that he had proved that Mr. Bush deliberately twisted the truth about Iraq, and he was eagerly embraced by those who insist the former president lied the country into a war. Though it was long ago established that Mr. Wilson himself was not telling the truth - not about his mission to Niger and not about his wife - the myth endures. We'll join the former president in hoping that future historians get it right. "
Hollywood myth-making on Valerie Plame controversy

OMG....Washington Post....I think I'm about to have the vapors.
I keep conveniently forgetting that the movie is coming out.

I cant believe the way hollywood lies sometimes.
I can.

Its all about the box office

Who want a little thing like facts to get in the way of a whopping good story??
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Now, I just want to be sure that I have the reason for your post correct...are you suggesting that the White House was behind some byzantine plot to reveal the hidden name of a covert spy and, Wilson was brave enough to reveal that the President of the United States was participating in a plot to lie the nation into a war...


are you sane?
How refreshingly and surprisingly honest of the WaPo!

Too bad they didn't apply such critical thinking to the original fracas!
Disinformation follows us like a plague.

What a casual way to pretend that the Plame myth didn't represent a nasty, left-wing perpetuation of an attempt to slander and besmirch the President of the United States, and the members of one of the major parties by using the 'useful idiots' who were willing to believe the worst, and 'eagerly embraced by those who insist the former president lied the country into a war.'

Techy, you may pretend that you don't recall the vitriol and venom, or you may actually have forgotten... but those who spread the lies cannot be excused with the detached "Disinformation follows us like a plague..." as though it was some sort of unforseen accident.
Hollywood, rewriting history again????
Anyway, I see this movie as a "straight to /DVD/video" movie. America wasn't interested when all the Plame/Cheney/Rove/Libby stuff went down, so they are going to be interested now?

Of course you are dead wrong.

I cannot dispute whether of not you were interested at the time...but it was the topic of every Sunday talk show, constant newspaper editorials, and actually resulted in a man's career ended and him sent to prison.

Now, so many seem content to pretend that we are speaking of a movie, when it was the nadir of left wing politics of personal destruction...The ongoing method that the left has of dealing with political enemies.
This is hilarious.

Iraq developing nuclear weapons is about as likely as Iran developing nuclear weapons. How long have they been working on purifying Uranium? 20 years. And after all that time, it's barely good to take a hospital xray.

And Iran's new terrifying air force wooden boat thingys with single props and a 40 year old machine gun. Oooh, so scary.

Saddam, no noticeably industry, no meaningful manufacturing, under sanctions, but working to build nuclear weapons.

Don't forget, he took a trip costing 200 million dollars a day. Or was that a different lie?

This is why right wingers don't do science. They see nuclear weapons under every every bed and board.

And why the Republican leadership is so good at terrifying their base. Because their base doesn't know any better.

Bush invaded Iraq for two reasons, first, because he wanted to be the "man" who liberated the Middle East and second because it was a "business" opportunity.

Turns out they didn't want to be "liberated". The ungrateful ingrates.
Rdean. Hate to break it to you, but Saddam is out of power. They new government isn't making weapons.

As for Iran.... Well, things are going to unpleasant there soon
This is hilarious.

Iraq developing nuclear weapons is about as likely as Iran developing nuclear weapons. How long have they been working on purifying Uranium? 20 years. And after all that time, it's barely good to take a hospital xray.

And Iran's new terrifying air force wooden boat thingys with single props and a 40 year old machine gun. Oooh, so scary.

Saddam, no noticeably industry, no meaningful manufacturing, under sanctions, but working to build nuclear weapons.

Don't forget, he took a trip costing 200 million dollars a day. Or was that a different lie?

This is why right wingers don't do science. They see nuclear weapons under every every bed and board.

And why the Republican leadership is so good at terrifying their base. Because their base doesn't know any better.

Bush invaded Iraq for two reasons, first, because he wanted to be the "man" who liberated the Middle East and second because it was a "business" opportunity.

Turns out they didn't want to be "liberated". The ungrateful ingrates.

Stupid fucking asshole.

The "Bring Back Uncle Saddam" movement only lives in the hearts of America Progressives, Iraq is glad to see him gone

In addition, on 9/11 if AQ had figured out how to add just 2 pounds of plutonium onto a plane, Manhattan would have turned into a ghost town.
This is hilarious.

Iraq developing nuclear weapons is about as likely as Iran developing nuclear weapons. How long have they been working on purifying Uranium? 20 years. And after all that time, it's barely good to take a hospital xray.

And Iran's new terrifying air force wooden boat thingys with single props and a 40 year old machine gun. Oooh, so scary.

Saddam, no noticeably industry, no meaningful manufacturing, under sanctions, but working to build nuclear weapons.

Don't forget, he took a trip costing 200 million dollars a day. Or was that a different lie?

This is why right wingers don't do science. They see nuclear weapons under every every bed and board.

And why the Republican leadership is so good at terrifying their base. Because their base doesn't know any better.

Bush invaded Iraq for two reasons, first, because he wanted to be the "man" who liberated the Middle East and second because it was a "business" opportunity.

Turns out they didn't want to be "liberated". The ungrateful ingrates.

Deanie, I love, love, love your posts!

And not just 6% of them! No, all of them!

That's because we make such a great pair: you love to misapprehend, and I love to write!

First, "They [right-wingers] see nuclear weapons under every every bed and board."
And you left-wingers see racism "under every every bed and board."

The difference is that the world, that means intelligence agencies around the world and it includes both Democrats and Republicans [not just 6%, either] believed that there were weapons of mass destruction- supported by Iraqi agents in Niger to buy yellow cake...so the 'right-wingers' were correct.

And you are wrong. Again.

"1. The Senate report said Wilson brought back denials of any Niger-Iraq uranium sale,…
2. But the Intelligence Committee report also reveals that Wilson brought back something else as well -- evidence that Iraq may well have wanted to buy uranium.
3. Based on what Wilson told them, CIA analysts wrote an intelligence report saying former Prime Minister Mayki "interpreted 'expanding commercial relations' to mean that the (Iraqi) delegation wanted to discuss uranium yellowcake sales." In fact, the Intelligence Committee report said that "for most analysts" Wilson's trip to Niger "lent more credibility to the original Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) reports on the uranium deal."
FactCheck.org: Bush's "16 Words" on Iraq & Uranium: He May Have Been Wrong But He Wasn't Lying

And, from same source:
4. In the CIA's view, Wilson's report bolstered suspicions that Iraq was indeed seeking uranium in Africa. The Senate report cited an intelligence officer who reviewed Wilson’s report upon his return from Niger:
a. Committee Report: He (the intelligence officer) said he judged that the most important fact in the report was that the Nigerian officials admitted that the Iraqi delegation had traveled there in 1999, and that the Nigerian Prime Minister believed the Iraqis were interested in purchasing uranium, because this provided some confirmation of foreign government service reporting.
5. [T]he CIA also had received "several intelligence reports" alleging that Iraq wanted to buy uranium from the Democratic Republic of the Congo and from Somalia, as well as from Niger. The Intelligence Committee concluded that "it was reasonable for analysts to assess that Iraq may have been seeking uranium from Africa based on Central Intelligence Agency reporting and other available intelligence."

Deanie, is this the first post that has contained the word 'intelligence' and your name in proximity?

Hey, I won't say you're a dummy, but what is my humble opinion against so many others?
This is hilarious.

Iraq developing nuclear weapons is about as likely as Iran developing nuclear weapons. How long have they been working on purifying Uranium? 20 years. And after all that time, it's barely good to take a hospital xray.

And Iran's new terrifying air force wooden boat thingys with single props and a 40 year old machine gun. Oooh, so scary.

Saddam, no noticeably industry, no meaningful manufacturing, under sanctions, but working to build nuclear weapons.

Don't forget, he took a trip costing 200 million dollars a day. Or was that a different lie?

This is why right wingers don't do science. They see nuclear weapons under every every bed and board.

And why the Republican leadership is so good at terrifying their base. Because their base doesn't know any better.

Bush invaded Iraq for two reasons, first, because he wanted to be the "man" who liberated the Middle East and second because it was a "business" opportunity.

Turns out they didn't want to be "liberated". The ungrateful ingrates.

Deanie, I love, love, love your posts!

And not just 6% of them! No, all of them!

That's because we make such a great pair: you love to misapprehend, and I love to write!

First, "They [right-wingers] see nuclear weapons under every every bed and board."
And you left-wingers see racism "under every every bed and board."

The difference is that the world, that means intelligence agencies around the world and it includes both Democrats and Republicans [not just 6%, either] believed that there were weapons of mass destruction- supported by Iraqi agents in Niger to buy yellow cake...so the 'right-wingers' were correct.

And you are wrong. Again.

"1. The Senate report said Wilson brought back denials of any Niger-Iraq uranium sale,…
2. But the Intelligence Committee report also reveals that Wilson brought back something else as well -- evidence that Iraq may well have wanted to buy uranium.
3. Based on what Wilson told them, CIA analysts wrote an intelligence report saying former Prime Minister Mayki "interpreted 'expanding commercial relations' to mean that the (Iraqi) delegation wanted to discuss uranium yellowcake sales." In fact, the Intelligence Committee report said that "for most analysts" Wilson's trip to Niger "lent more credibility to the original Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) reports on the uranium deal."
FactCheck.org: Bush's "16 Words" on Iraq & Uranium: He May Have Been Wrong But He Wasn't Lying

And, from same source:
4. In the CIA's view, Wilson's report bolstered suspicions that Iraq was indeed seeking uranium in Africa. The Senate report cited an intelligence officer who reviewed Wilson’s report upon his return from Niger:
a. Committee Report: He (the intelligence officer) said he judged that the most important fact in the report was that the Nigerian officials admitted that the Iraqi delegation had traveled there in 1999, and that the Nigerian Prime Minister believed the Iraqis were interested in purchasing uranium, because this provided some confirmation of foreign government service reporting.
5. [T]he CIA also had received "several intelligence reports" alleging that Iraq wanted to buy uranium from the Democratic Republic of the Congo and from Somalia, as well as from Niger. The Intelligence Committee concluded that "it was reasonable for analysts to assess that Iraq may have been seeking uranium from Africa based on Central Intelligence Agency reporting and other available intelligence."

Deanie, is this the first post that has contained the word 'intelligence' and your name in proximity?

Hey, I won't say you're a dummy, but what is my humble opinion against so many others?

You're the one who's hilarious. Quoting trANNy COULTERgeist is bad enough, but did you even bother to read what you wrote?

Iraq may well have wanted to buy uranium And I "may have" a 10 carrot diamond stuck to my ass cheek, but probably not.

"interpreted 'expanding commercial relations' to mean that the (Iraqi) delegation wanted to discuss uranium yellowcake sales. Or it could have meant Saddam thought the yellow dress of the guys girlfriend showed off her ass to "perfection", either was open to "interpretation".

And I just can't remember the last time, "alleging" was "evidence".
Just when you think you know the neighborhood...the whole landscape changes.
OK, so there's been a huge shift at CNN...at least of the disseminators.
Now...the Washington post pulls the curtain off the Valerie Plame mythology!
Yes...the paper I've always known as the "Washington Com-Post"!!!

And then President Obama spilled the beans on left-wing propaganda, i.e., that low taxes don't build the economy? Thirty years of Democrat talking points, shredded!!

So, you don't think the Tea Party movement is earth-shaking?

Only the lefties on the USMB didn't get the memo.

Check out this from the WaPo editorial:

1. "In fact, "Fair Game," based on books by Mr. Wilson and his wife, is full of distortions - not to mention outright inventions. To start with the most sensational: The movie portrays Ms. Plame as having cultivated a group of Iraqi scientists and arranged for them to leave the country, and it suggests that once her cover was blown, the operation was aborted and the scientists were abandoned. This is simply false. In reality, as The Post's Walter Pincus and Richard Leiby reported, Ms. Plame did not work directly on the program, and it was not shut down because of her identification.

2.The movie portrays Mr. Wilson as a whistle-blower who debunked a Bush administration claim that Iraq had tried to purchase uranium from the African country of Niger. In fact, an investigation by the Senate intelligence committee found that Mr. Wilson's reporting did not affect the intelligence community's view on the matter, and an official British investigation found that President George W. Bush's statement in a State of the Union address that Britain believed that Iraq had sought uranium in Niger was well-founded.

3. "Fair Game" also resells the couple's story that Ms. Plame's exposure was the result of a White House conspiracy. A lengthy and wasteful investigation by a special prosecutor found no such conspiracy - but it did confirm that the prime source of a newspaper column identifying Ms. Plame was a State Department official, not a White House political operative.

4. Hollywood has a habit of making movies about historical events without regard for the truth; "Fair Game" is just one more example.

5. Mr. Wilson claimed that he had proved that Mr. Bush deliberately twisted the truth about Iraq, and he was eagerly embraced by those who insist the former president lied the country into a war. Though it was long ago established that Mr. Wilson himself was not telling the truth - not about his mission to Niger and not about his wife - the myth endures. We'll join the former president in hoping that future historians get it right. "
Hollywood myth-making on Valerie Plame controversy

OMG....Washington Post....I think I'm about to have the vapors.

frankly , imho, the Wapo has always been more even tempered org. than say the Times. etc..BUT this is a bit of a mea culpa..;) ...and thx to PC, we see once again, what any reasonable person already should have known.

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