Washington Post: Cowboy-style cap gun gets 5-year-old suspended from school


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
Cowboy-style cap gun gets 5-year-old ousted from school in Calvert County - The Washington Post

» 5-year-old Interrogated By School Over Toy Cap Gun Until He Wet Himself With Fear Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

But hey!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3qtpdSQox0]MSNBC Host Melissa Harris-Perry » All Your Kids Belong To Us - YouTube[/ame]

5-year-old Interrogated By School Over Toy Cap Gun Until He Wet Himself With Fear

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Then suspended for rest of the year

Steve Watson
May 31, 2013

Yet another child barely out of nappies has been persecuted by school officials for playing with a toy gun on the school bus.

The Washington Post reports that the five-year-old from Dowell Elementary School in Lusby, Maryland was questioned by school officials for over two hours after he showed a friend his cowboy-style cap gun on the way to school.

Officials finally called the boy’s mother when he wet his pants. The mother told the Post that she found it highly unusual that her son soiled himself, indicating that he was very intimidated.

The report states that the boy’s parents bought him the plastic, orange-tipped cap gun at Frontier Town, a western-themed adventure centre. Following the interrogation, the boy told his mother that he had brought it to school because he had “really, really” wanted to show his friend, who had previously brought a water pistol to school.

The school’s principal told the mother that her son had pointed the toy at other students and pretended to shoot them, although the boy and his sister, who was also on the bus and subsequently questioned, say this is not the case.

The principal even stated that had the gun been “loaded” with caps, then it would have been “deemed an explosive and police would have been called in.”

The boy, who remains anonymous has been suspended from school for 10 days. “If the punishment stands, it would become part of the boy’s permanent school record and keep him out of classes the rest of the school year,” the report notes.

“The school was quite obviously taking it very seriously, and he’s 5 years old,” the boy’s mother said. “Why were we not immediately contacted?”

“I have no problem that he had a consequence to his behavior,” the mother added. “What I have a problem with is the severity.”

The family has hired attorney Robin Ficker, who was also the attorney involved in the infamous Hello Kitty bubble gun incident back in January, when school officials in Pennsylvania suspended a five-year-old girl for “threatening” class mates with the toy that contains a harmless soap solution. Officials were also said to have interrogated the girl for several hours, before notifying her parents.

Officials at the Mount Carmel school issued a statement describing the girl’s actions as “terroristic” and then refused to retract it following media coverage.

“Kids play cowboys and Indians,” Ficker stated with regards to the latest incident. He added that the boy’s age is important. “They play cops and robbers. You’re talking about a little 5-year-old here.”

He’s “all bugs and frogs and cowboys,” the boy’s mother added.

School officials said they cannot comment on the matter but have scheduled a “disciplinary conference” today to resolve it.

This latest knee-jerk overreaction to children playing with anything that even remotely resembles a gun comes just days after another kindergartner was punished by school officials and forced to apologise for bringing a tiny miniature lego gun onto a school bus.

The list of previous incidents of this nature is now so long that it has prompted Maryland Sen. J. B. Jennings to introduce a bill to stop such idiotic over reactions being played out over and over again in schools.

In March, a 7-year-old boy from Maryland was suspended for unintentionally biting his pop tart into the shape of a gun.

A third grader in Michigan was reprimanded by school officials when he brought a cupcake to school with a plastic toy soldier, holding a gun, on top of it.

A ten year old Virginia boy who was arrested for taking a plastic toy gun to school was forced to deal with a potentially permanent criminal record over the incident.

A student in Florence, Arizona was recently suspended because he had a picture of a gun on his computer.

A six-year-old kindergartner in South Carolina was suspended for taking a small transparent plastic toy gun to school for a show and tell.

A five-year-old in Massachusetts who faced suspension for building a small toy gun out of lego bricks and play-shooting his classmates.

We also reported on an incident that erupted when a discussion between two children about a toy nerf gun caused a lockdown and a massive armed police response at two elementary schools in the Bronx.

In another incident, a Long Island high school was also placed on lock down for 6 hours in response to a student carrying a toy nerf gun.

The nerf gun was once again the deadly weapon of choice as a university campus in Rhode Island was placed on lockdown, causing panic and minor injuries when a stampede to flee the building ensued.

In another incident, a teacher at Malden High School in Massachusetts who glimpsed sight of a “gun”, alerted police who rushed to the scene only to discover a neon water pistol. School officials then vowed to track down the suspect who brought the toy to school using surveillance cameras.

A South Philadelphia elementary student was searched in front of classmates and threatened with arrest after she mistakenly brought a “paper gun” to school.

A 6-year-old boy was suspended from his elementary school, also in Maryland, for making a gun gesture with his hand and saying “pow”.

Another two 6-year-olds in Maryland were suspended for pointing their fingers into gun shapes while playing “cops and robbers” with each other.

A couple of second grade students at a Virginia elementary school were recently suspended for two days after violating the school’s “zero tolerance” policy on weapons when they pointed pencils at other students and made gun noises.

In Oklahoma, a five-year-old boy was also recently suspended for making a gun gesture with his hand.

A 13-year-old Middle School seventh grade student in Pennsylvania was also suspended for the same hand gesture.

The terrorists really are everywhere these days.
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That's "Freedom"! That's why our boys are over in the Middle East.

Thanks guys!

I don't like this anymore than anyone else. This is the result of School District Administrations being afraid to look at cases on a "case by case" basis anymore....probably due to fear of lawsuits by parents. They take the easy way out by declaring "zero tolerance".
its stupidity running amok....

I have older friends (in their 60's and 70's) that have always been Libertarian, and they say they've seen more tyrannical acts and practices of government (federal state and local) in the past two years, then the entire previous 50 years combined.

They say shit is going down hill fast, and there's a malignant force that is purposely making it so. Within another few years, you won't recognize the United States of America.

Obama needs to come out clean and expose all of the shadow powers orchestrating the downfall of American, on Live TV, 7:00 EST, and do a mass arrest of traitor working against the United States Government from within the government itself.

Short of that wild fantasy, nothing else can stop America's downfall, and even that fantasy might be insufficient to stop it.
its stupidity running amok....

I have older friends (in their 60's and 70's) that have always been Libertarian, and they say they've seen more tyrannical acts and practices of government (federal state and local) in the past two years, then the entire previous 50 years combined.

They say shit is going down hill fast, and there's a malignant force that is purposely making it so. Within another few years, you won't recognize the United States of America.

Obama needs to come out clean and expose all of the shadow powers orchestrating the downfall of American, on Live TV, 7:00 EST, and do a mass arrest of traitor working against the United States Government from within the government itself.

Short of that wild fantasy, nothing else can stop America's downfall, and even that fantasy might be insufficient to stop it.

The President of the United States has no power over local School Boards who vote for "zero tolerance".
its stupidity running amok....

I have older friends (in their 60's and 70's) that have always been Libertarian, and they say they've seen more tyrannical acts and practices of government (federal state and local) in the past two years, then the entire previous 50 years combined.

They say shit is going down hill fast, and there's a malignant force that is purposely making it so. Within another few years, you won't recognize the United States of America.

Obama needs to come out clean and expose all of the shadow powers orchestrating the downfall of American, on Live TV, 7:00 EST, and do a mass arrest of traitor working against the United States Government from within the government itself.

Short of that wild fantasy, nothing else can stop America's downfall, and even that fantasy might be insufficient to stop it.

The President of the United States has no power over local School Boards who vote for "zero tolerance".

Did you miss the "federal, state and local" part of my post? Oh I forgot libtards can't read, they are instructed what to say and chant.
Wasn't it just last week that police shot and killed an IDIOT who had a fake gun?

Leave your guns at home and you'll live longer.
If this were my kid, I would have driven down to the school and raised hell. Forget the lack of common sense; the fact that they would interrogate a five year old for two hours until he peed himself is utterly ridiculous. I can't imagine there isn't a lawyer in the country clamoring to take this case.
Last year, my friend's step-daughter (high school) was in a class that was assigned to write a horror story. No parameters, no guidelines, just write.

So her story included an attack on the school. She got called into the office ASAP. Huge incident, facing expulsion, the whole nine yards.

Then her mother and my friend met with the administrators, read THEM the riot act, and the whole thing was dropped. Parents need to be more active, and more proactive by attending school board meetings and knowing those people and everyone in administration. Watch their every move, and hold THEM accountable.
its stupidity running amok....

I have older friends (in their 60's and 70's) that have always been Libertarian, and they say they've seen more tyrannical acts and practices of government (federal state and local) in the past two years, then the entire previous 50 years combined.

They say shit is going down hill fast, and there's a malignant force that is purposely making it so. Within another few years, you won't recognize the United States of America.

Obama needs to come out clean and expose all of the shadow powers orchestrating the downfall of American, on Live TV, 7:00 EST, and do a mass arrest of traitor working against the United States Government from within the government itself.

Short of that wild fantasy, nothing else can stop America's downfall, and even that fantasy might be insufficient to stop it.

The President of the United States has no power over local School Boards who vote for "zero tolerance".

:eusa_drool:Doesn't mean he can't talk about it. Never stopped him before.
I don't like this anymore than anyone else. This is the result of School District Administrations being afraid to look at cases on a "case by case" basis anymore....probably due to fear of lawsuits by parents. They take the easy way out by declaring "zero tolerance".

Nonsense. Only a mindless, two-bit-punk slug of a bureaucrat would interrogate a five-year-old for two hours over a nothing such as this. This is the mindless claptrap of leftist rubes who think they own us and our children, and the lawsuit is on.
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I have older friends (in their 60's and 70's) that have always been Libertarian, and they say they've seen more tyrannical acts and practices of government (federal state and local) in the past two years, then the entire previous 50 years combined.

They say shit is going down hill fast, and there's a malignant force that is purposely making it so. Within another few years, you won't recognize the United States of America.

Obama needs to come out clean and expose all of the shadow powers orchestrating the downfall of American, on Live TV, 7:00 EST, and do a mass arrest of traitor working against the United States Government from within the government itself.

Short of that wild fantasy, nothing else can stop America's downfall, and even that fantasy might be insufficient to stop it.

The President of the United States has no power over local School Boards who vote for "zero tolerance".

:eusa_drool:Doesn't mean he can't talk about it. Never stopped him before.

Exactly. He could pretend he is an actual leader and state how utterly ridiculous the schools are for panicking over the slightest thing. They are treating innocent little children like criminals and will probably scar them for life.

Of course, Obama won't speak out against the idiots because he agrees with their agenda. It's not about safety, it's about making the future generation scared of guns to the point where they will support banning them completely for the public.
I wonder how long this kid will carry around this embarrassment?
And our Liberal elite... are they proud that they used a child to strike back at the NRA!

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