Washington Democrats Can't Keep A Secret Unless It's Their Own


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Israel’s diplomatic and military correspondents got quite the surprise watching the live feed of the Senate Intelligence Committee when Chairman Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) revealed the head of the Mossad had made a secret visit to Washington earlier this week to hold talks with senior U.S. officials.

The item led the “Mabat” main newscast on Israel’s government-run network IBA on Tuesday evening and was the headline on Ha’aretz newspaper’s website.

The travels of Mossad Director Tamir Pardo are usually kept secret and in fact, the name of the head of the Mossad and Shin Bet [Israel’s version of the FBI] were up until a few years ago kept secret from the public.

Ha’aretz reports:

The clandestine Washington visit was exposed during a hearing of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, which was participated by CIA Director David Petraeus, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and Dianne Feinstein, who chairs the Senate panel.

During the meeting, Feinstein asked Clapper whether or not Israel intended to strike Iran’s nuclear facilities, with the top U.S. intelligence official answering that he would rather discuss the issue behind closed doors.

Feinstein then indicated that she had met Mossad chief Pardo earlier in the week in Washington, with Petraeus adding that he too met Pardo and cited what he called Israel‘s growing concern over Iran’s nuclear ambitions.

The CIA chief also said that it was important to note that Israel considered a nuclear Iran as an existential threat.

In Sen. Feinstein’s defense, the travels of the head of the CIA to close allies is not as closely guarded, and she might not have known Israel’s modus operandi on the matter. On the other hand, as head of the Intelligence Committee, the senior Senator from California might have considered that with tensions running so high, some meetings are best held close to the vest. The question also remains: why did CIA Director Petraeus also publicly confirm the meetings?
He called it “part of an ongoing dialogue.”

Threats to U.S. National Security - C-SPAN Video Library

It was also nice of Defense Secretary Leon Panetta to tip off Iran by saying that he had discussed with Israel the possibility of an attack this spring. He even said openly the months that they may have discussed. Sometime in March, April, or May.

I'm sure Iran thanks you for the help bro.


Leon Panetta 'believes Israel could attack Iran in the spring' - Telegraph

Looks like Afghanistan is getting ready for a rushed withdrawal of US troops before the November election. They're betting on Obama pulling the stunt to help his reelection.

Maybe they know him better than Democrat voters do.

Afghan soldiers 'co-operating with the Taliban and signing ceasefire deals'
Afghan soldiers are selling their weapons and vehicles to the Taliban, sharing intelligence and even signing covert ceasefire agreements with the insurgent group as they prepare for the withdrawal of Nato forces, according to a classified military report.


US military prepares to shed 100,000 troops - Telegraph

Afghan soldiers 'co-operating with the Taliban and signing ceasefire deals' - Telegraph

Leon Panetta says US Marines urinating video 'utterly deplorable' - Telegraph

Leon Panetta toasts Osama bin Laden's death with £6,000 Chateau Lafite Rothschild - Telegraph

Video: Al-Qaeda leader supports Arab Spring in 9/11 anniversary video - Telegraph
Jesus and we elect these big mouths??

Hell. I wouldn't trust any of em to guard the damned sugar bowl.
You're thinking checkers, and he's thinking chess, that's why you don't understand why he'd "tip them off."

It's really not a 4 steps ahead check mate move, either. It's not that hard to figure out.
You're thinking checkers, and he's thinking chess, that's why you don't understand why he'd "tip them off."

It's really not a 4 steps ahead check mate move, either. It's not that hard to figure out.

I'm sure it's just a clever attempt at misinformation.

I figured some schmuck would make that claim.

The best way to catch somebody by surprise it to not tip your hand at all.

If they hadn't been tipped off before they're tipped off now, and will do whatever it takes to be ready if or when it happens.

I think we need a White House that doesn't treat our enemies more like friends than he does our own people, you know, Tea Party folks, Republicans, anyone that writes a book about him.
You're thinking checkers, and he's thinking chess, that's why you don't understand why he'd "tip them off."

It's really not a 4 steps ahead check mate move, either. It's not that hard to figure out.

I'm sure it's just a clever attempt at misinformation.

I figured some schmuck would make that claim.

The best way to catch somebody by surprise it to not tip your hand at all.

If they hadn't been tipped off before they're tipped off now, and will do whatever it takes to be ready if or when it happens.

I think we need a White House that doesn't treat our enemies more like friends than he does our own people, you know, Tea Party folks, Republicans, anyone that writes a book about him.

You dont think enough.

Before examining the possibilities, you're always signing in and knee-jerking to the attack. That's the very reason why partisanship is irrational, you personally display it everyday.

Here, I'll help you. You said above: "the best way to catch somebody by surprise"

What you didn't consider, is that it's designed to NOT be a surprise, for a REASON.

Now before you go knee jerking again, try thinking about those possible reasons and discuss something rationally for once instead of lil bitch assed blind hatred.
Wonder if they let Saddam know ahead of time that they were gonna hit his Nuclear site??

Somehow I doubt it.
Wonder if they let Saddam know ahead of time that they were gonna hit his Nuclear site??

Somehow I doubt it.

They let him know ahead of time that they'd attack him - yes, yes they did.

Why do you think that is, Claudette? Put your hatred of Obama down for three seconds and use your brain.
You're thinking checkers, and he's thinking chess, that's why you don't understand why he'd "tip them off."

It's really not a 4 steps ahead check mate move, either. It's not that hard to figure out.

I'm sure it's just a clever attempt at misinformation.

I figured some schmuck would make that claim.

The best way to catch somebody by surprise it to not tip your hand at all.

If they hadn't been tipped off before they're tipped off now, and will do whatever it takes to be ready if or when it happens.

I think we need a White House that doesn't treat our enemies more like friends than he does our own people, you know, Tea Party folks, Republicans, anyone that writes a book about him.

Yeah, I'm sure that up until now the thought that Israel might make a strike on their facilities has never dawned on Iranian leadership.

Jesus fuck you're so damned thick headed sometimes.
I'm going to let him try to think this through and maybe for once do the right thing and admit he irrationally jumped to conclusions JUST to get in his daily smear of Obama o.c.d. taken care of, in time for his weekend.
You're thinking checkers, and he's thinking chess, that's why you don't understand why he'd "tip them off."

It's really not a 4 steps ahead check mate move, either. It's not that hard to figure out.

I'm sure it's just a clever attempt at misinformation.

I figured some schmuck would make that claim.

The best way to catch somebody by surprise it to not tip your hand at all.

If they hadn't been tipped off before they're tipped off now, and will do whatever it takes to be ready if or when it happens.

I think we need a White House that doesn't treat our enemies more like friends than he does our own people, you know, Tea Party folks, Republicans, anyone that writes a book about him.

You dont think enough.

Before examining the possibilities, you're always signing in and knee-jerking to the attack. That's the very reason why partisanship is irrational, you personally display it everyday.

Here, I'll help you. You said above: "the best way to catch somebody by surprise"

What you didn't consider, is that it's designed to NOT be a surprise, for a REASON.

Now before you go knee jerking again, try thinking about those possible reasons and discuss something rationally for once instead of lil bitch assed blind hatred.

Sorry. I spent enough time in the military to know that your best bet is not to let the enemy know anything. Once you're engaged you conduct Psyops to confuse them. Telling Iran what Israel's plans are, even if they're wrong, does nothing but increase tension.

All you're doing is assuming the best of a bad situation. The only thing that will result from this is Israel will ether have to attack within days or call the thing off, which is probably what the White House wanted in the first place.

You want to spin the ham-fisted screwups of this administration into something positive, but you have to go to tremendous lengths to do it.
I'm sure it's just a clever attempt at misinformation.

I figured some schmuck would make that claim.

The best way to catch somebody by surprise it to not tip your hand at all.

If they hadn't been tipped off before they're tipped off now, and will do whatever it takes to be ready if or when it happens.

I think we need a White House that doesn't treat our enemies more like friends than he does our own people, you know, Tea Party folks, Republicans, anyone that writes a book about him.

You dont think enough.

Before examining the possibilities, you're always signing in and knee-jerking to the attack. That's the very reason why partisanship is irrational, you personally display it everyday.

Here, I'll help you. You said above: "the best way to catch somebody by surprise"

What you didn't consider, is that it's designed to NOT be a surprise, for a REASON.

Now before you go knee jerking again, try thinking about those possible reasons and discuss something rationally for once instead of lil bitch assed blind hatred.

Sorry. I spent enough time in the military to know that your best bet is not to let the enemy know anything. Once you're engaged you conduct Psyops to confuse them. Telling Iran what Israel's plans are, even if they're wrong, does nothing but increase tension.

All you're doing is assuming the best of a bad situation. The only thing that will result from this is Israel will ether have to attack within days or call the thing off, which is probably what the White House wanted in the first place.

You want to spin the ham-fisted screwups of this administration into something positive, but you have to go to tremendous lengths to do it.

Panetta was the director of the CIA, he knows alot more about Psyops than you do.

You're an asshole and jumped to the knee jerk again, instead of trying to imagine for five fucking seconds why they'd say this publicly.

It's not Obama's or Panetta's fault that you can't think rationally. It's your own fault.

Here's what you fail to grasp: Since like 2005 Bush has been threatening Iran with rhetoric about sanctions and stopping its program, sanctions and stopping its program, sanctions and stopping its program. Since 2009 Obama has been threatening Iran the same and hey, we've got the UN on board now with sanctions. Thing is, it's not seeming to deter Iran and they think that nobody will do SHIT/DICK/SQUAT.

Now, by making it realer for them - Panetta brings something new to the table. The problem is, you're too dumb to imagine why. The problem is not: that he did it. Let the grown ups do their jobs while you message board about it from the sidelines, which is basically nipping at a giant's heels, toto.
You're thinking checkers, and he's thinking chess, that's why you don't understand why he'd "tip them off."

It's really not a 4 steps ahead check mate move, either. It's not that hard to figure out.

I'm sure it's just a clever attempt at misinformation.

I figured some schmuck would make that claim.

The best way to catch somebody by surprise it to not tip your hand at all.

If they hadn't been tipped off before they're tipped off now, and will do whatever it takes to be ready if or when it happens.

I think we need a White House that doesn't treat our enemies more like friends than he does our own people, you know, Tea Party folks, Republicans, anyone that writes a book about him.

Yeah, I'm sure that up until now the thought that Israel might make a strike on their facilities has never dawned on Iranian leadership.

Jesus fuck you're so damned thick headed sometimes.

It doesn't help to give them a rough date so they can be ready dip-shit.

Kind of like letting the enemy know the time period for our withdrawal.

Panetta is good at tipping our enemies off.

It seems that National Security is an afterthought to these people. Who needs spies and wiki leaks.
I'm sure it's just a clever attempt at misinformation.

I figured some schmuck would make that claim.

The best way to catch somebody by surprise it to not tip your hand at all.

If they hadn't been tipped off before they're tipped off now, and will do whatever it takes to be ready if or when it happens.

I think we need a White House that doesn't treat our enemies more like friends than he does our own people, you know, Tea Party folks, Republicans, anyone that writes a book about him.

Yeah, I'm sure that up until now the thought that Israel might make a strike on their facilities has never dawned on Iranian leadership.

Jesus fuck you're so damned thick headed sometimes.

It doesn't help to give them a rough date so they can be ready dip-shit.

Kind of like letting the enemy know the time period for our withdrawal.

Panetta is good at tipping our enemies off.

It seems that National Security is an afterthought to these people. Who needs spies and wiki leaks.

Yea, National Security is an after thought for these people.....that's why for almost four years now you've been able to sit your fat ass on this board and whine, free of charge and have not been blown up.....they must really suck.
I'm sure it's just a clever attempt at misinformation.

I figured some schmuck would make that claim.

The best way to catch somebody by surprise it to not tip your hand at all.

If they hadn't been tipped off before they're tipped off now, and will do whatever it takes to be ready if or when it happens.

I think we need a White House that doesn't treat our enemies more like friends than he does our own people, you know, Tea Party folks, Republicans, anyone that writes a book about him.

Yeah, I'm sure that up until now the thought that Israel might make a strike on their facilities has never dawned on Iranian leadership.

Jesus fuck you're so damned thick headed sometimes.

It doesn't help to give them a rough date so they can be ready dip-shit.

Kind of like letting the enemy know the time period for our withdrawal.

Panetta is good at tipping our enemies off.

It seems that National Security is an afterthought to these people. Who needs spies and wiki leaks.


Which is why our invasion of Iraq caught the whole world by surprise and why we didn't follow the so-called "Bush plan" for withdrawal from Iraq, with a time table and everything.
I'm going to let him try to think this through and maybe for once do the right thing and admit he irrationally jumped to conclusions JUST to get in his daily smear of Obama o.c.d. taken care of, in time for his weekend.

Dude, he went after Obama in a thread about a girl painting a picture with a basketball before there were five posts in the thread......in the Arts and Crafts forum of all places.

I wouldn't hold my breath.
It was also nice of Defense Secretary Leon Panetta to tip off Iran by saying that he had discussed with Israel the possibility of an attack this spring. He even said openly the months that they may have discussed. Sometime in March, April, or May.

I'm sure Iran thanks you for the help bro.
Too-much transparency (now), huh?

You're thinking checkers, and he's thinking chess, that's why you don't understand why he'd "tip them off."

It's really not a 4 steps ahead check mate move, either. It's not that hard to figure out.

I'm sure it's just a clever attempt at misinformation.

I figured some schmuck would make that claim.
.....And, you did so, extremely-well.

Don't break your arm, pattin'-yourself-on-the-back.

You're thinking checkers, and he's thinking chess, that's why you don't understand why he'd "tip them off."

It's really not a 4 steps ahead check mate move, either. It's not that hard to figure out.

I'm sure it's just a clever attempt at misinformation.

I figured some schmuck would make that claim.

The best way to catch somebody by surprise it to not tip your hand at all.

If they hadn't been tipped off before they're tipped off now, and will do whatever it takes to be ready if or when it happens.

I think we need a White House that doesn't treat our enemies more like friends than he does our own people, you know, Tea Party folks, Republicans, anyone that writes a book about him.

You dont think enough.

Before examining the possibilities, you're always signing in and knee-jerking to the attack. That's the very reason why partisanship is irrational, you personally display it everyday.

Here, I'll help you. You said above: "the best way to catch somebody by surprise"

What you didn't consider, is that it's designed to NOT be a surprise, for a REASON.

Now before you go knee jerking again, try thinking about those possible reasons and discuss something rationally for once instead of lil bitch assed blind hatred.
You expect too-much from Mudd-Butt.​

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