Was your education a waste?

Confederate Soldier

Diamond Member
Apr 8, 2021
Southerner trapped in a yankee state

I know a lot of you guys will hate on this fellow because of his hair and his style of getting his message out, but that's fine, you're entitled to your opinion. I personally watched this and realized that he was right. We were taught all this useless shit in school, but were we taught things that we could actually use in the real world? I'd say rarely.

Why is it that from 4th grade on up, school is preparing you for college and not life? Why are so many kids useless and clueless when they leave school? Why are kids uninterested in school? I wasn't a fan of most of my subjects, and Math was the one I hated most. But when I started taking business math, I actually enjoyed it because it was applicable, I could use that math, even if it was for basic shit. Unless I'm going to be an engineer, why would I need to learn algebra?

I think schools need to get their priorities straight, and should teach kids how to be prepared for adulthood, so they're not hit in the face like a ton of bricks when being an adult finally hits them.

I know a lot of you guys will hate on this fellow because of his hair and his style of getting his message out, but that's fine, you're entitled to your opinion. I personally watched this and realized that he was right. We were taught all this useless shit in school, but were we taught things that we could actually use in the real world? I'd say rarely.

Why is it that from 4th grade on up, school is preparing you for college and not life? Why are so many kids useless and clueless when they leave school? Why are kids uninterested in school? I wasn't a fan of most of my subjects, and Math was the one I hated most. But when I started taking business math, I actually enjoyed it because it was applicable, I could use that math, even if it was for basic shit. Unless I'm going to be an engineer, why would I need to learn algebra?

I think schools need to get their priorities straight, and should teach kids how to be prepared for adulthood, so they're not hit in the face like a ton of bricks when being an adult finally hits them.

There is something to be said for a well-rounded education even if you don't "use it in the real world".
Cool. What would you add? What would you subtract? To be clear this is not the usual " YOU'RE STUPID!" Post. Education is a big deal to me and I am interested in your thoughts.
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Cool. What would you add? What would you subtract?

Basic life skills like taxes, budgeting, how to find work and keep it, how to invest your money, how to read laws and know what the laws are, government and how it works, how does money work, how to save for the future, what the hell 401k's are, etc. Some schools have these courses, and they are optional. Why optional? Make Calculus optional, make life skills mandatory. First aid and general health and well being, how to raise children, how to prevent diseases, how to keep healthy and safe, sounds like a better idea than learning about scientific notation. Some schools have these optional programs, a lot of them don't.
These are excellent points CS. Further, they could be added without removing anything if they don't have them already.
So what do you use from school in real life, besides the basic math, and English/grammar?

I became an Engineer and used math, science, computer skills, writing, reading skills, geography, typing, drivers Ed

In life, I have found history, civics, literature, art, music, shop, useful knowledge

The key is…..you don’t know what skills you will need in life
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I became an Engineer and used math, science, computer skills, writing, reading skills, geography, typing, drivers Ed

In life, I have found history, civics, literature, art, music useful knowledge

The key is…..you don’t know what skills you will need in life
sure you did,,
... sounds like a better idea than learning about scientific notation. Some schools have these optional programs, a lot of them don't.

There is a good reason to learn math and science in school. So that when you grow up, people can't bullshit you about climate science, or election fraud, or even vaccinations. Too many people know so little about math and science, that the so call "experts" can pull the wool over their eyes.
So what do you use from school in real life, besides the basic math, and English/grammar?
Lol, you have been out in adult life for a very short time and had now one real job. Give it time. You will see. For instance a blue collar job that uses both algebra and geometry is construction. How about machinist? Machinists use coordinate geometry. Realtors and loan officers use many financial calculations impossible with out having algebra as a base. There are a multitude of jobs out there you have not experienced. Keep living and experiencing. Your brain is a muscle continue to expand your knowledge through out your life or your brain will go to mush.
So what do you use from school in real life, besides the basic math, and English/grammar?
It all came in handy for me all through my life even in Mythology and American Lit. Ag Science, shop classes, and gym class learning experiences I got from those all came in handy and help to develop me into who I am. I never made it into college but my classmates who did exactly 50% said it was waste of time.
The key is…..you don’t know what skills you will need in life

The biggest skill, which I don't even think they can teach, is when somebody is trying to bullshit you. They will throw around all kinds of buzz words, and so called facts and figures. And really in the end, you have to apply enough of what you know, to figure out what they're telling you isn't so.

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