Was Oprah’s reference to a 1944 interracial rape case racist demagoguery that was meant to incite


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Was Oprah’s reference to a 1944 interracial rape case racist demagoguery that was meant to incite racial tension?
Why did she choose that case?
Why not one of her friend Harvey Weinstein's rape victims?
It’s great that she has empathy for rape victim Recy Taylor, however the Democrats never show any sympathy for white women rape victims who are 12 times more likely to be the victims of interracial rape.
The left has never shown any sympathy for the Duke Lacrosse team that was falsely accused of interracial rape.
Why can’t/won’t the Dems ever be balanced and honest?
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Was Oprah’s reference to a 1944 interracial rape case racist demagoguery that was meant to incite racial tension?
Why did she choose that case?
Why not one of friend Harvey Weinstein's rape victims?
It’s great that she has empathy for rape victim Recy Taylor, however the Democrats never show any sympathy for white women rape victims who are 12 times more likely to be the victims of interracial rape.
The left has never shown any sympathy for the Duke Lacrosse team that was falsely accused of interracial rape.
Why can’t/won’t the Dems ever be balanced and honest?

Anyone who has watched Oprah on TV is fully cognizant of her overt racism. She is just another racist pig.

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