was Obama being elected merely a fluke?


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
if people knew president obama as well as they have gotten to know him by now, would he defeat a relatively poor mccain campaign peddling an unknown female as vice? what about the race element?
if people knew president obama as well as they have gotten to know him by now, would he defeat a relatively poor mccain campaign peddling an unknown female as vice? what about the race element?

If they knew him as well as they do now, he wouldn't be running against McCain. Hillary would have destroyed him.
He would not have won. It has become apparent that Palin was more experienced than him with a excellent gubernatorial record to back her up which the media never showed to the masses. It is apparent that Palin was a patriot who loves her country and doesn't have marxist views. It is apparent that McCain and she would have never bowed to world leaders. It is apparent that they would have never cancelled our advanced weapons systems. Yes it is apparent that she was a full blooded American Natural Born Citizen born to two american citizens. It is apparent that Obama was not a natural born citizen but merely a dual citizen (British National as he was governed by his dad) as he stated on his website. Also, Palin operated a budget but Obama never did such a thing. She had hiring skills and he did not as you can tell because most of his cabinet hires and appointees were tax evaders. Yes Obama would have lost if we knew all of his plans for America in the name of letting illegals enter the country and preventing the laws from being upheld and all at the behest of his muslim outreach.
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Barack Obama is President because George Soros wanted him to be President. Puppet & Puppet Master.

Did he want Bush to be President as well?

Doubt it, but his choices then were John Kerry & Owl Gore. Both too stupid to be an effective puppet. Kerry would get hopelessly tangled in the strings, and Gore would burn them, then write a book blaming global warming for the reason he could no longer dance or wave his arms
if people knew president obama as well as they have gotten to know him by now, would he defeat a relatively poor mccain campaign peddling an unknown female as vice? what about the race element?

If they knew him as well as they do now, he wouldn't be running against McCain. Hillary would have destroyed him.

This. And we would have another President Clinton right now.
Obama won because the Bush Administration was so alarmingly bad that there was a tremendous backlash against the "conservative brand" that was sufficient enough to elect the first black President in this country.

Conservatives always seem to want to gloss over that and act like their piss-poor leadership had nothing to do with Obama winning.
Obama won because the Bush Administration was so alarmingly bad that there was a tremendous backlash against the "conservative brand" that was sufficient enough to elect the first black President in this country.

Conservatives always seem to want to gloss over that and act like their piss-poor leadership had nothing to do with Obama winning.

Not true. Most conservatives I know were well aware that the republican leadership had abandoned their conservative base. Which they compounded by nominating McCain, who did not even try to appear conservative except in contrast to Obama. Had a true conservative run, Obama would currently be on the road promoting the latest book Bill Ayers wrote for him. (Or perhaps he would have purchased his old senate seat from Blago).
Obama won because the Bush Administration was so alarmingly bad that there was a tremendous backlash against the "conservative brand" that was sufficient enough to elect the first black President in this country.

Conservatives always seem to want to gloss over that and act like their piss-poor leadership had nothing to do with Obama winning.

Conservatism is not a brand. It is an ideology. "Republican" is a brand.

Lookie, another thread where the weak of mind try to rationalize why Obama won. Fact is that he ran the better campaign.
Obama won because the Bush Administration was so alarmingly bad that there was a tremendous backlash against the "conservative brand" that was sufficient enough to elect the first black President in this country.

Conservatives always seem to want to gloss over that and act like their piss-poor leadership had nothing to do with Obama winning.

Not true. Most conservatives I know were well aware that the republican leadership had abandoned their conservative base. Which they compounded by nominating McCain, who did not even try to appear conservative except in contrast to Obama. Had a true conservative run, Obama would currently be on the road promoting the latest book Bill Ayers wrote for him. (Or perhaps he would have purchased his old senate seat from Blago).
With that last line goes any credibility you might have had.:eusa_shhh:
Fact is that he ran the better campaign.
Of that, few fair-minded and rational could question. McCain's campaign was a disaster, was chaotic, disorganized, and it was so bad that I decided this was a display of his executive skills, and I didn't want him anywhere near the Oval Office. Now to the original question:
was Obama being elected merely a fluke?
It was a demonstration of voter fed-upness, exactly as we saw in 2006 and then again in 2010. We have a reasonably disgusted electorate, have had since at least 2005, who is almost willing to try any ill to find a cure.

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