Was New Hamshire Hillary's 'Titanic Iceberg'?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Hillary Loses Every Demographic Except '65+'
Bernie Sanders Wins Every Demographic Group

Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign is falling apart.
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Bernie is there to give progressives cover when, once again, they vote for the corporatist establishment candidate in the general election.

Then they can spend the next four years saying "...but Bernie..." every time they're blamed for electing Hillary. Kinda like they spent the last four saying "single payer" every time they were blamed for ACA.
To me, the telling fact is that she totally lost the Independent vote. It is mindboggling that Sanders beat her 60% to 38%. The claim that Sanders won because he is next door doesn't hold water because Sanders was next door a month or so ago when he was trailing by 40 points.
Nah. Its one primary.

Bernie's 20 point win has got to have her doubting her popularity and electability though.

The folks in NH don't like her and they aren't the only ones.

Time will tell. SC is next.

This is why I hate the primary schedule. The tiny relatively insignificant states of IW and NH get so much significance that people say to drop out of the race based on how they do. Doesn't matter than Clinton looks for a huge win in NV and SC and on Super Tuesday. Yet getting creamed in NH means she is done. So damn foolish.
I'd like to think so, but i think she's still the favorite. She has all the Banker Elite-cash backing her. That's a lotta power & influence. She isn't done yet.

This is why I hate the primary schedule. The tiny relatively insignificant states of IW and NH get so much significance that people say to drop out of the race based on how they do. Doesn't matter than Clinton looks for a huge win in NV and SC and on Super Tuesday. Yet getting creamed in NH means she is done. So damn foolish.

I agree. Its one primary and there are many more to go.

I'm sure she's not liking that 20 points Sanders beat the hell out of her with though.

Have to wait and see how she does in SC.

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