Was Jesus all that great?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
last stop for sanity before reaching the south
If God appeared to you and told you that for a few days, 33 years into your life, you'd be tortured and crucified; but in exchange you would come back to life 3 days later, sit at the right hand of the father in paradise for all eternity, and free the entirety of humanity from their sins and live forever...

Would you do it?

In my opinion that's a SLAM DUNK YES! Does that really count as a sacrifice? Since I would take the same deal without thinking twice about it does that make me as moral as Jesus?
Such a deal for you is illogical, if Jesus has already freed humanity from its transgressions. How can you liberate a humanity that's already liberated?

Sorry, you're stuck being who you are. Might as well get used to it.
I think Mary Magdeline rated him B+. She said he was pretty good at OS and S & M, but he really sucked at NUJ, CL, and he didn't have a clue when it came to LMNOP. She also said that after the first few times, it really didn't feel all that exclusive being fucked by a God, since everybody, sooner or later, get's fucked by the Gods.
If God appeared to you and told you that for a few days, 33 years into your life, you'd be tortured and crucified; but in exchange you would come back to life 3 days later, sit at the right hand of the father in paradise for all eternity, and free the entirety of humanity from their sins and live forever...

Would you do it?

In my opinion that's a SLAM DUNK YES! Does that really count as a sacrifice? Since I would take the same deal without thinking twice about it does that make me as moral as Jesus?

Hi TheOldSchool
If you ask anyone who's ever had to forgive something they didn't want to,
believe me it's a huge sacrifice at the time, and then after you forgive you get over it.
like childbirth
it hurts like hell going through it, but after the child is born you are so thankful you forget the pain

the main difference between you and me and Jesus
is Jesus represents the collective sacrifice and redemption process of all humanity combined collectively

when you and I go through our grief process, our ups and downs,
anger forgiveness and recovery/resolution
we only experience a portion of it.

it is still a microcosm of what all humanity goes through.
so each tiny step for us, represents the same step for everyone

but Jesus carries that process for all of us combined.
that's what he represents, the entire collective process of Justice coming to fruition.

so it would take all of us combined and connected to equal what Jesus reprsents for all humanity
I think Mary Magdeline rated him B+. She said he was pretty good at OS and S & M, but he really sucked at NUJ, CL, and he didn't have a clue when it came to LMNOP. She also said that after the first few times, it really didn't feel all that exclusive being fucked by a God, since everybody, sooner or later, get's fucked by the Gods.

perhaps, but all that foreplay ain't nothing like the Second Coming.
When the Lord comes a second time. Whoo-eee! That rapture is pretty exciting stuff.
Very climactic, heavenly joy without end!
Well this thread went to shit pretty quick.

Well, you can reply to the serious posts and let the silly ones slide, as comic relief.

Did you have a reply to this one:

Hi TheOldSchool
If you ask anyone who's ever had to forgive something they didn't want to,
believe me it's a huge sacrifice at the time, and then after you forgive you get over it.
like childbirth
it hurts like hell going through it, but after the child is born you are so thankful you forget the pain

the main difference between you and me and Jesus
is Jesus represents the collective sacrifice and redemption process of all humanity combined collectively

when you and I go through our grief process, our ups and downs,
anger forgiveness and recovery/resolution
we only experience a portion of it.

it is still a microcosm of what all humanity goes through.
so each tiny step for us, represents the same step for everyone

but Jesus carries that process for all of us combined.
that's what he represents, the entire collective process of Justice coming to fruition.

so it would take all of us combined and connected to equal what Jesus reprsents for all humanity
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Well this thread went to shit pretty quick.

Well, you can reply to the serious posts and let the silly ones slide, as comic relief.

Did you have a reply to this one:

Hi TheOldSchool
If you ask anyone who's ever had to forgive something they didn't want to,
believe me it's a huge sacrifice at the time, and then after you forgive you get over it.
like childbirth
it hurts like hell going through it, but after the child is born you are so thankful you forget the pain

the main difference between you and me and Jesus
is Jesus represents the collective sacrifice and redemption process of all humanity combined collectively

when you and I go through our grief process, our ups and downs,
anger forgiveness and recovery/resolution
we only experience a portion of it.

it is still a microcosm of what all humanity goes through.
so each tiny step for us, represents the same step for everyone

but Jesus carries that process for all of us combined.
that's what he represents, the entire collective process of Justice coming to fruition.

so it would take all of us combined and connected to equal what Jesus reprsents for all humanity

Please take a step back and recognize how fantastical and unsubstantial your post was.

It doesn't even address the OP. But that IS some impressively flowerful language you used :thup:
Well this thread went to shit pretty quick.

Well, you can reply to the serious posts and let the silly ones slide, as comic relief.

Did you have a reply to this one:

Hi TheOldSchool
If you ask anyone who's ever had to forgive something they didn't want to,
believe me it's a huge sacrifice at the time, and then after you forgive you get over it.
like childbirth
it hurts like hell going through it, but after the child is born you are so thankful you forget the pain

the main difference between you and me and Jesus
is Jesus represents the collective sacrifice and redemption process of all humanity combined collectively

when you and I go through our grief process, our ups and downs,
anger forgiveness and recovery/resolution
we only experience a portion of it.

it is still a microcosm of what all humanity goes through.
so each tiny step for us, represents the same step for everyone

but Jesus carries that process for all of us combined.
that's what he represents, the entire collective process of Justice coming to fruition.

so it would take all of us combined and connected to equal what Jesus reprsents for all humanity

Please take a step back and recognize how fantastical and unsubstantial your post was.

It doesn't even address the OP. But that IS some impressively flowerful language you used :thup:

Sorry it wasn't clear
what I'm saying is we cannot be put into Jesus place as individuals

Not literally

We DO go through OUR part of the process
and that's the most we can do.

So yes, we experience the Equivalent of the same sacrifice
but on our individual scale. What Jesus went through
represents going through our process but on a collective scale,
adding up all humanity's experiences and sacrifices combined.

Does that make more sense that I tried to address the OP.
I thought the point was if any of us went through that, aren't we just as great as Jesus

Yes and no.

Yes on an individual level we do go through the same process in life
But no, we don't individually go through this to represent the salvation of all humanity as Jesus does.
Fucking right he was great. Look at all those black friday bargains you goyim love for Christmas.

This message was approved by the Worldwide Confederation of Jewish Retailers.
Ok TheOldSchool
I went back and reread OP since you said I missed the point.
I think you are also asking since there was such a greater reward for just a temporary sacrifice,
how was this any big deal?

I think when Jesus was coming to terms with this whole process
he probably saw all the wars and genocides that would still happen in his name
that it was still going to involve a lot of pain and suffering
and he wept for humanity as he wept for himself

All that was going to have to be atoned for
So he went into it with all that on his conscience, and had to be at peace with it.
His process of resolving it was the equivalent of all humanity going through
our collective pains and coming to peace with it.

It wasn't just boom boom boom it's done. on God's level yes, but on the human level, no it isnt instantaneous.
He took on and felt all that pain and suffering collectively for all humanity

that is what the process Jesus went through represents
so it is great and grievous. He experienced the understanding of the collective pain and suffering of all humanity.

each of us experiences a microcosm of it when we go through our grief and recovery
just not on that same scale.

I thought you were asking what if it wasn't any skin off your back to go through that,
would you be as great or as moral as Jesus

Yes but we are just individuals and Jesus represents all humanity's process on a collective scale

so it would still be just a fraction of what all humanity goes through,
but yes, it is 100% just as important as our part as Jesus part was 100% important as his.

your question reminds me of something Mother Teresa said
that we cannot do great things but little things with great love

so even if God's love is infinite and we can just do our part of the whole
that love we do share is 100% important to the people we share it with

Nobody else can do what we do in life, our purpose and impact is unique and 100% necessary

collectively that's God's love being expressed, and none of us can express it all.
but even the little things we do mean the world to others

so yes, it does have the impact of God's love, it is just as moral and just as important as Jesus
even if it is not at the same magnitude as all the love of humanity combined

I hope that answers your question
I'm a member of the LDS faith. The Christ I have come to know is a being of complete and utter love for his fellow man. In the LDS faith we do not believe that things were created ex nihilo or out of nothing. We don't even believe that God can create out nothing. In fact we believe that there is a part of man that has always existed. So when God speaks of the creation, we do not believe that he made us out of nothing but that he took of our spirits that already existed and formed the first man's mortal body out of the dust of the earth. Since God took what already existed and formed mortal man from these elements and spirit, he didn't have the power to create us perfect. The mind of man or his intelligence that was part of his spirit had always existed and could not be created or made. It was coeternal with God. Since God could not create his creatures to be perfect, he took their spirits and gave them a mortal body and sent them to this earth. On this earth they were to learn to become more like God.

God is a being who has total free agency. Nobody tells God what to do. God chooses to do everything good in and of himself. We are his children. He wants us to be like him. Thus Jesus taught, "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your father in heaven is perfect". This earth was a place where we were separated from God and our memory of the pre-mortal world God has caused us not to remember. The purpose of this is to learn to walk by faith and become more like our Father in heaven. Similar to seeing how your kids will obey you when you leave the house, God sends us to this world and takes our memory away so that we will learn to by faith to choose good. If we are good and become more like our Father in heaven, we will learn to choose the right in and of ourselves. We will not choose the bad thing while here alone on this earth. But God knew from the beginning that we were imperfect beings. He knew we would make mistakes and not always seek to do what is right. He knew that mankind needed a way to overcome sin and his fallen state.

Because God knew that we were imperfect beings and He knew that we would fall, He provided a way before the foundation of the earth for us to repent and find forgiveness of our sins. In order for us to become like our Father in heaven, it was essential for us to gain free will to choose between right and wrong. So when we came to this earth we were given free will to choose good or evil. The ultimate goal was for us to repent and become better and better while on this earth. But no unclean thing can enter into the kingdom of heaven. So it was important to provide a way for man to repent and be forgiven so that he would have no sin. The law says that if you are a sinner then you have fallen short of the kingdom and cannot enter therein. So once you have sinned you have forever lost the opportunity to go to heaven on your own merit. God knew this and he wanted you and I to have more than one chance as we struggle in this live to be better and better each day. So the father came up with a plan that would satisfy the demands of justice that the law of heaven creates. You see, if God allows the unworthy into heaven it would not be just. For according to his own law, no unclean thing can enter therein. So once we have sinned we have fallen short. If God were to do so he would be an unjust God.

So, the Father came up with a plan to overcome the demands of justice and institute the law of mercy. Now do you suppose that mercy can rob justice? No! Not one wit. God's plan required a sacrifice but not just any sacrifice, but the sacrifice of a pure and holy being, blameless without spot. One that had no sin. The plan was for this sinless being to go down to earth and set an example by teaching mankind first how to live. Then he would take upon him all the sins of all mankind which suffering caused even Jesus to suffer both mind and spirit and caused great drops of blood to come from every pour of his body. This was all done in the Garden of Gethsemane. The Savior of the world was then taken and tried illegally and sentenced to death. He was whipped, mocked, and spit upon by those whom he came to give Salvation. They hammered spikes into his feet, hands, and wrists and caused him to hang from those spikes with the weight of his own body for several hours. In this way Jesus suffered and died, but three days later he rose from the grave and finished his great atoning sacrifice. So how does this satisfy the demands of justice you might ask? Was it just for a sinless, pure and holy being to have suffered what Jesus suffered? The answer is no! He did not deserve even the slightest amount of pain. He never did anything wrong, not even once! It was a great injustice that a pure and holy being should have gone through such pain and anguish, let alone his excruciating death. But Christ was even obedient to the very end. This injustice surely needed to be recompensed! And that was the plan of the father all along. He now could give Jesus a recompense for all he went through. And the recompense needed to be as great as the suffering he went through. Jesus was granted the power to grant mercy to all mankind that would strive to be good and repent of their sins. Because he suffered for all, his mercy can cover all except those who choose to become sons of perdition.

John 3:16
16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Jesus is a most excellent being to have kept himself without sin. He reached Godhood in the pre-mortal existence and loved us so much that he was willing to sacrifice himself, so that we could repent and have more than one chance to return to our Father who also loves us.

1 Peter 3:18
18 For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit:

I hope this message of hope will leave with you the spirit of joy and gladness as you approach the celebration of his birth, in Jesus' name. amen.
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