Was Jan 6th an actual insurrection or a democrat hoax?

Was Jan 6th an actual insurrection or a democrat hoax?

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What is your opinion? Was it an actual insurrection or a hoax on the American public?


Timing??? What do you mean by that poster BJ?

Flashbangs by the cops? I hadn't heard that. Can you vet that? Explain that? Link us to a source?

I saw the video.....it was with the new batch that was released by the new speaker, hadn't seen that before...the crowd was just standing there when the capitol cops fired the flash bangs......then the crowd got mad...
the crowd was just standing there when the capitol cops fired the flash bangs......then the crowd got mad...
I didn't see that. Was it when the crowd was on the steps? What time did those flash bangs go off?

Timing??? What do you mean by that poster BJ?

Flashbangs by the cops? I hadn't heard that. Can you vet that? Explain that? Link us to a source?

This isn't the same video, this is from a different view point...two different points showing the flash bangs .....but it shows the crowd standing around, and then you see the flashbang going into the crowd...

I didn't see that. Was it when the crowd was on the steps? What time did those flash bangs go off?

Not sure.....I just saw the crowd, milling around, then you see 3 cops, and then they fire flash bangs into the crowd, one of them hit one of the guys in the crowd...that is when the crowd started to get mad...
I didn't see that. Was it when the crowd was on the steps? What time did those flash bangs go off?

Here, another video......notice the what the crowd is doing......just milling around, then the flash bangs and tear gas go into the crowd...

There is a second video in the link, from a tower or the bleachers......again showing the crowd simply standing around doing nothing, not attacking the police, then the flashbangs go in.......and the crowd starts to get mad...

The third video of the link is from a lower vantage point and you can see the flashbangs going into the crowd, again....the crowd isn't attacking the police, they are just milling around
Look retard, it's all in the timing.
Do you even know what that is?
Do you understand what you written?
The ability to make a coherent statement does not come easy for some.
if you have a point , then state it.
Better yet, save yourself some embarrassment and just hit press the emoji icon.
"Here, another video......notice the what the crowd is doing......just milling around, then the flash bangs and tear gas go into the crowd..."
I wasn't there, so can not offer firsthand experiences, but.....but from what I have read from various source (NYT, WSJ, WaPo)...that segment of the crowd may have been temporarily non-riotous, but violent assaults and attempts to breach the Capitol from other points was occurring, led by an organized effort by Proud Boys. Violent battering of police lines was already underway. Gateway Pundit chose not to show those simultaneous assaults.

Those police who fired the crowd-control flashbang would have been well aware....the onsite commander would have been well aware.... of the injuries already perpetrated on some officers and also the violent ripping away of barricades. All occurring right around 1pm.

And that followed the reports of a big crowd...again, led by Proud Boys....who had torn down barricades at the Washington Monument earlier in the morning. That would have been in the earpieces of site commanders. So, undertandably, there is a earnest effort to ensure that what is going on nearby does not spread.

In my opinion, to suggest...as the Blaze reporter now does, and Gateway Pundit has trumpeted.....that it was those depicted flash-bangs that started the violence is disingenuous and intentionally misleading.

The Proud Boys, spearheaded by Joe Biggs, Zachary Rehl, Ethan Nordean, and others....were attacking police at multiple entrances, stirring the crowd with bullhorns and shouted commands, and then moving from site to site to finally get a breach into the Capitol, which finally happened with Dominic Pezzola's use of a stolen police shield to shatter a window allowing members of the crowd to stream in and begin unlocking doors from the inside.

By the way, for one's information:

  • Joe Biggs = 17 years in prison
  • Zachary Rehl - 15yrs in prison
  • Ethan Nordean = 18yrs
  • Dominic Pezzola = 10yrs
What is your opinion? Was it an actual insurrection or a hoax on the American public?

I cannot claim to know with any confidence what that happening really was, or was about.

The only thing that I do know about it, with great confidence, is that nearly everything that the media and the government have told us about it are lies.

And that an unarmed woman was shot in the back and killed, by a fucking coward, that ought to be put to death for that murder.
I think it was a bunch of folks, that got whipped up in the moment, and something that was likely intended to be a rowdy crowd in the street, got out of hand and they ended up directing their wrath on the then Dimocrat controlled Capitol facilities.
The idea that these people intended to take control is not only laughable, it's insane.

One thing is for sure, Dimocrats are so utterly over the top obssesed over Jan 6th, that they must truly believe America is a house of cards, and the cries of "the day we almost lost our democracy" just demonstrate their complete and total weakness.
On one hand Democrats wanted the election certified asap which essentially muted all reasonable investigations of the multitudes of obvious election irregularities.

On the other hand they blame Trump for wanting to investigate the election irregularities before the election was certified.

Damned if you do and Damned if you don’t where Trump is concerned.🤔

I’m thinking that if Pence had delayed the certification as Trump reasonably recommended.

Democrats would have shown us what a real insurrection looks like. Riots, rapes, arson, looting, death and mayhem .. all proven and often employed Democrat specialties and tactics no doubt.
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I think your poll didn't leave enough room for reality.

I'm not into false dichotomies when there's a jillion other solutions.

Were you trying to push some kind of stupid narrative yesterday? Or today?
Well, if there was an actual insurrection then "yes" would be the answer. If not, then whoever is claiming there was is either lying or a fool. If you have no opinion then that would be your answer. What else are you thinking? How would you have structured the poll?
Well, if there was an actual insurrection then "yes" would be the answer. If not, then whoever is claiming there was is either lying or a fool. If you have no opinion then that would be your answer. What else are you thinking? How would you have structured the poll?
I would have had more and more realistic choices. And pineapple, too.
It was an orchestrated distraction from an obviously stolen election.

Pardons and reparations for the J6 hostages will not be enough to undue this soulless depravity created by the party that likes to fuck kids, but it will be a start in 2025.
Nothing was stolen.

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