Warriors Parade & Celebration


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
I am so proud of Oakland today! The parade and celebration for the Warriors was fabulous - and Oakland truly shined.

Well done, Oaklandtown!
It looks like san fran is getting a lot of opposition to their proposed plan to get the warriors.:biggrin:

As Warriors Celebrate Championship Oakland Official Campaigns For Team To Stay CBS San Francisco

I hope this article here below is correct as well .Its about how the Warriors winning will probably help Keep the Raiders in Oakland but it should mention that it will help and be a big factor to keep ALL of Oaklands sports teams in Oakland,The A's and Warriors along with the Raiders as well because it applies to them as also so i dont know know why they did not mentioned them along with it.oh well.

Raiders could benefit from Warriors winning NBA title
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good news for Oakland residents and warrior fans.more and more opposition mounts for the warriors.I dont care about basketball so it means nothing to me if they leave unlike the raiders and A's however their history is in oakland and thats where they belong as do the Raiders and A's.

I still am thinking that with the warriors winning it all,oakland will keep all their sports teams now.that would be very bad for the sports leagues if an NBA team that won a championship up and left its city.

KGO 810 - Opposition Grows Over Proposed SF Warriors Arena
that would be very bad for the sports leagues if an NBA team that won a championship up and left its city.

Well, you would be able to see the new SF stadium from Oakland. You can take a BART train or a ferry across the Bay. It's not like the Warriors are going to move to Tampa or something. They already have the Golden Gate Bridge on the logo, and The City is a reference to SF, not Oakland.

One thing about the playoffs, they kept showing the overhead blimp view of Oracle, the parking lot and the 880 freeway. Ugly. Should have shown some shots of the Oakland hills, or the Bay, or Mt Diablo or anything other than the eyesore upon which Oracle sits.
that would be very bad for the sports leagues if an NBA team that won a championship up and left its city.

Well, you would be able to see the new SF stadium from Oakland. You can take a BART train or a ferry across the Bay. It's not like the Warriors are going to move to Tampa or something. They already have the Golden Gate Bridge on the logo, and The City is a reference to SF, not Oakland.

One thing about the playoffs, they kept showing the overhead blimp view of Oracle, the parking lot and the 880 freeway. Ugly. Should have shown some shots of the Oakland hills, or the Bay, or Mt Diablo or anything other than the eyesore upon which Oracle sits.

yeah i wonder why they didnt do the same with the warrior games like they do with raider games in the bay area.the one time i liked the raiders was when gannon was there and i been watching old raiders games from that day and with those raider games in the bay area,they always showed many of the locations of oakland that you mentioned.

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