Warren, Obama, and Harvard's Culture of Corruption


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Warren, Obama, and Harvard's Culture of Corruption

5/29/12 By Jack Cashill

As Massachusetts Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren and her Harvard partners in crime are learning, academic fraud is not as easy to get away with as it used to be in the good old days before the emergence of a vigilant alternative media.

Writing for Breitbart, Michael Patrick Leahy revealed on Friday a spring 1993 article that listed Warren as one of approximately 250 "women of color" in legal academia. The article was published in what was then called the Harvard Women's Law Journal and would have been released roughly when Warren was being considered for tenure.

At the time, Harvard Law was desperately seeking just such women. Just three years earlier, the Law School found itself embroiled in a nasty racial brouhaha. Black firebrand law professor Derrick Bell was demanding that Harvard appoint a woman of color to the law faculty. This protest would culminate in vigils and protests by the racially sensitive student body, in the course of which Bell supporter Barack Obama would compare the increasingly absurd Bell to Rosa Parks.

Feeling the pressure, Harvard Law Review editors wanted to elect their first African-American president. "Obama cast himself as an eager listener," the New York Times reported in the article that would catch the eye of literary agent Jane Dystel, "sometimes giving warring classmates the impression that he agreed with all of them at once."

In effect, the pressure Bell had brought to bear launched Obama's political career, and it may have given Warren the idea to reinvent herself as Pocahontas. One could almost forgive Warren for cheating a little. At the time, the Law School faculty was flush with cheats, including Obama's two most prominent mentors.


One has to wonder whether Obama, when pressed to complete his book, took his cue from his esteemed Harvard mentors. Did one or the other whisper in his ear, "Have someone else write it. We do this all the time."? If so, his appointment of Kagan to the Supreme Court made sense. Her history of whitewashing the sins of the powerful would not have troubled Obama as it did Velvel, who wanted her fired for helping turn Harvard into a joke:

Since it is now known that Harvard professors have plagiarized, copycatted, and pretty certainly have had stuff ghostwritten for them, the bona fides and reputations of nearly everyone at Harvard is called into question, especially people in the law school.

Articles: Warren, Obama, and Harvard's Culture of Corruption
Using the logic of the author of the article- Jack Cashill, since there have been cheating scandals at Purdue University, where Cashill earned his Ph.D., the bona fides and reputations of nearly everyone at Purdue
is called into question.

10 Purdue students cited in cheating investigation

Education | Indianapolis Star | indystar.com
Using the logic of the author of the article- Jack Cashill, since there have been cheating scandals at Purdue University, where Cashill earned his Ph.D., the bona fides and reputations of nearly everyone at Purdue
is called into question.

10 Purdue students cited in cheating investigation

Education | Indianapolis Star | indystar.com

Except that the OP talks of Harvard WHILE barack obama was a law student there and your Purdue story is dated 2009, 27 years after Cashill got his PHD there. Try again, Salty.
As I understand it, Obama was a below average student in school, so how exactly did he get into an ivy league school like Harvard anyway?
As I understand it, Obama was a below average student in school, so how exactly did he get into an ivy league school like Harvard anyway?

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."
As I understand it, Obama was a below average student in school, so how exactly did he get into an ivy league school like Harvard anyway?

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."

Mitt Romney has 2 degrees from Harvard.

Why isn't he part of this thread?

Oh wait.

The Bishop Vampire..has been blessed with the eye of not seeing..

Mitt Romney has 2 degrees from Harvard.

Why isn't he part of this thread?

Oh wait.

The Bishop Vampire..has been blessed with the eye of not seeing..

Mitt has TWO from Harvard? I didn't know that. There's another piece of the puzzle.
Mitt Romney has 2 degrees from Harvard.

Why isn't he part of this thread?

Oh wait.

The Bishop Vampire..has been blessed with the eye of not seeing..


Again! The article talks of the climate at Harvard while barack obama was a Law student there. He received his JD in 1991. Mitt Romney received his MBA and JD in 1975.

Romney's studies at Harvard hadn't been part of the thread until you brought them up because they were not relevant.
Using the logic of the author of the article- Jack Cashill, since there have been cheating scandals at Purdue University, where Cashill earned his Ph.D., the bona fides and reputations of nearly everyone at Purdue
is called into question.

10 Purdue students cited in cheating investigation

Education | Indianapolis Star | indystar.com

Except that the OP talks of Harvard WHILE barack obama was a law student there and your Purdue story is dated 2009, 27 years after Cashill got his PHD there. Try again, Salty.

When did Harvard become so bad? Oh thats right, after Obama became POTUS. When GWB was POTUS Harvard was AOK.

Or did you forget GWB went to Harvard too? :lol:
When did Harvard become so bad? Oh thats right, after Obama became POTUS. When GWB was POTUS Harvard was AOK.

Or did you forget GWB went to Harvard too? :lol:
No, George Carlin was making fun of Bush going to Harvard:

"Well that pretty much destroys the value of that institution doesn't it?" (Huge laughter)

What you have to ask yourself is: Why is it that we must endure an endless string of Ivy League "educated" types that f*ck our system up?

Mittens included.
Look, if Lizzie Warren tells the Mass electorate she's against anal fornication, she'll lose the election, and not until. They vote according to their vegetative state in Massachussetts, eating, sleeping, defecating, micturating, and fornicating.
Why else would they send a politician who drove a car off a Cape Cod bridge, drowning his female passenger in the process, who then waited twelve hours before reporting the accidental death, time after time after time to the Senate?
Harvard is rapidly losing its luster as being in the forefront of academic inquiry and learning in this country: ie The impromptu faculty discussion session in which then Harvard President Larry Summers suggested that perhaps real anatomical and physiological gender differences were responsible for the lack of gender achievement in certain fields of academic study and scientific research at which point some of the Harvard faculty attending suddenly began hyperventilating, running bizaarely in circles, and screaming hysterically for airplane vomit bags.
The second was a study Harvard published last summer in which the authors stated that too frequent attendance at or participation in Fourth of July parades and fireworks displays turned ordinary honest, hardworking, reasonable down to earth Americans into (Gasp!) Republicans.
Then there is the admission of the "C" average in Poly Sci at Columbia Barack Obama into Harvard Law.
When did Harvard become so bad? Oh thats right, after Obama became POTUS. When GWB was POTUS Harvard was AOK.

Or did you forget GWB went to Harvard too? :lol:
No, George Carlin was making fun of Bush going to Harvard:

"Well that pretty much destroys the value of that institution doesn't it?" (Huge laughter)

What you have to ask yourself is: Why is it that we must endure an endless string of Ivy League "educated" types that f*ck our system up?

Mittens included.

I agree but I dont see how Harvard only now is considered a radical education when GWB and Romney both went there as well.
Zakaria and Harvard's Culture of Corruption: 3.0

By Jack Cashill


The culprit this time is the painfully smug Fareed Zakaria, CNN host, Time Magazine columnist, and Harvard Ph.D. Not surprisingly, Harvard Law's own Barack Obama is a Zakaria fan. In a famous photo, the president is seen holding a copy of Zakaria's book, The Post-American World, a world that Obama has been hastening to make a reality.

http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/assets/Obama shills Zakaaria.JPG

In brief, Zakaria got caught lifting a passage on gun control from an article by historian Jill Lepore published in April 2012 in the New Yorker. There is a bit of irony here in that the New Yorker, whose editor David Remnick wrote a disingenuous puff biography of Obama, very recently had to fire wunderkind writer Jonah Lehrer for making up Bob Dylan quotes for his bestseller Imagine. Although Lehrer did not attend Harvard, he did graduate, like Obama, from Columbia University.


Forced to review the twin cases, Harvard Law School dean, Elena Kagan -- yes, that Elena Kagan -- and Harvard president, Larry Summers, faced an obvious challenge: Ogletree was a black star on a faculty often criticized for being overly white, and Tribe was the superstar of the judicial left. Had the plagiarizers-in-residence not been such sacred cows, Harvard would have likely ground them into hamburger.

Instead, Summers and Kagan appointed a chummy insider committee that somehow managed to clear Ogletree and Tribe of wrongdoing. The transgressions, Summers and Kagan agreed, had surely been the "product of inadvertence." This being so, they thought it time to "consider the matter closed" and move on.


Wherever he got the message, Obama had separate authors craft large parts of both Dreams from My Father and Audacity of Hope, and the Harvard establishment has been no more eager to notice his transgressions than Kagan was those of Tribe and Ogletree. Au contraire, the comically myopic Harvard History chair James Kloppenberg has gushed that the "genius" Obama writes "brilliantly and poignantly" and that "no one who knows him has expressed any doubt to me that both books are his work."


Since it is now known that Harvard professors have plagiarized, copycatted, and pretty certainly have had stuff ghostwritten for them, the bona fides and reputations of nearly everyone at Harvard is called into question, especially people in the law school.

Worse, as I document in my book, Hoodwinked: How Liberal Hucksters Have Hijacked American Culture, what Harvard folks do is pretty much the norm in liberal literary America.

Read more: Articles: Zakaria and Harvard's Culture of Corruption: 3.0

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