Warning: Gravity is "Only a Theory"

Check out the movie Interstellar. The science in this movie is based on the book Gravitation, written by Nobel winning physicist Kip Thorne. In it, he explains that black holes couldn't exist without gravity.
Well, that sucks
So, you are smarter then every accredited university in the world. Amazing. You should be a chancellor.
Thanks. Its clear you are no match for logic, reason, truth and COMMON SENSE.

Some of the most stupid people I have encountered have PhDs attached to their name. If you don't have "horse sense" you have no sense. There are those WHO CAN.......then you have those who attempt to teach that which have never done. I see no difference between a left wing politician and a left wing PROF. Both base their careers on the backs of those who have actually accomplished something.....while seeking the accolade of their peers.....truth does not matter, Any ends to a means, just ask your political hero, "Saul Alinsky".

Again. Its worth reposting ....................

Beware of the snake oil salesmen that pitch the "ISMS". Liberal"ISM", Progressive"ISM", Social"ISM", Commun"ISM", Fasc"ISM" All the preceding attempt to replace INDIVIUDAL FREEMON by transferring it to the STATE. Example. Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Castro, Mao Tse-tung, Ho Chi Minh, Hugo Chavez......etc.

You want to see the end results of your "ISMS"? Look at Venezuela, the poster child of your LIBERAL AGENDA. Perhaps you can sell your philosophy that the universe naturally created itself from NOTHING, or that fish morphed into Human Beings over billions of years. As for Me...........I have been endowed with "Common Sense" and taught to "TEST EVERYTHING and HOLD ONTO THAT WHICH IS GOOD and PROVEN TO BE TRUE." (1 Thes. 5:21)

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Thanks. Some of the most stupid people I have encountered have PhDs attached to their name. If you don't have "horse sense" you have no sense. There are those WHO CAN.......then you have those who attempt to teach that which have never done. I see no difference between a left wing politician and a left wing PROF. Both base their careers on the backs of those who have actually accomplished something.

Again. Its worth reposting ....................

Beware of the snake oil salesmen that pitch the "ISMS".

Well, because what you say is not supported by any accredited university in the world, you must think you’re smarter then all of them. Do you know how silly your posts are when no one with any brains agrees with you ? Oh, you have horse sense and they don’t. Wow. Imagine that.
Well, because what you say is not supported by any accredited university in the world, you must think you’re smarter then all of them. Do you know how silly your posts are when no one with any brains agrees with you ? Oh, you have horse sense and they don’t. Wow. Imagine that.
No comprehension skills? You know that is an indication that you have no COMMON SENSE? You keep presenting "circular logic", repeating the same lame ass argument over and over as if repeating it makes it true. I can see why you believe in a universe that created itself from nothing (magic)......or attempt to teach that FISH morphed into man over billions of years........WITHOUT presenting any OBJECTIVE evidence to support your lack of horse sense. :smoochEE:

Or your logic or lack thereof............CONSENSUS (Accolade)..........everyone else accepts it, I simply get on the band wagon. I don't want my wittle liberal feelings hurt.

You have presented no OBJETIVE EVIDENCE that passes the scientific method of Observation, Reproduction, and Consistency via applied experimentation that ends with FACTS in evidence. Just like all liberals.......you are nothing but MOUTH. Its others that don't understand because you are better, YOU ARE EDUCATED........condesending rhetoric :abgg2q.jpg:

You know......a monkey can be taught to beat on a piano keyboard but that does not make him Mozart. Your education amounts to what you have been taught. If you are taught untruths....then your supposed superior education is worthless in THE REAL WORLD. As for Me I have a degree in Applied Science and Technology. Just how many more "unemployed" social workers or teachers does the world need?
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Many famous scientists were Christian. Issac Newton for one. Charles Townes established that a huge black hole exists in the center of our galaxy. Townes - a Christian - also invented the laser.
So what? That's like telling me a famous big game hunter is also a vegan. So who cares?
No comprehension skills? You know that is an indication that you have no COMMON SENSE? You keep presenting "circular logic", repeating the same lame ass argument over and over as if repeating it makes it true. I can see why you believe in a universe that created itself from nothing (magic)......or attempt to teach that FISH morphed into man over billions of years........WITHOUT presenting any OBJECTIVE evidence to support your lack of horse sense. :smoochEE:

Or your logic or lack thereof............CONSENSUS (Accolade)..........everyone else accepts it, I simply get on the band wagon. I don't want my wittle liberal feelings hurt.

You have presented no OBJETIVE EVIDENCE that passes the scientific method of Observation, Reproduction, and Consistency via applied experimentation that ends with FACTS in evidence. Just like all liberals.......you are nothing but MOUTH. Its others that don't understand because you are better, YOU ARE EDUCATED........condesending rhetoric :abgg2q.jpg:

You know......a monkey can be taught to beat on a piano keyboard but that does not make him Mozart. Your education amounts to what you have been taught. If you are taught untruths....then your supposed superior education is worthless in THE REAL WORLD. As for Me I have a degree in Applied Science and Technology. Just how many more "unemployed" social workers or teachers does the world need?
Ha ha
4 paragraphs, and still you’re pretending you know more then every a credited university, govt and major corporation in the fking world. Geesus, you guys have no shame. Just a bunch of used car salesmen.
I see this a lot from those with an anti-science agenda. Because not every question is answered, science, knowledge and learning is to be vilified and condemned as flawed and untrustworthy.

One could make the case that it was approximately the middle of the 19th century when tools and methods of science began to expand exponentially We began a transition away from superstitious beliefs thanks to the ever expanding success of science investigation and technology. The idea that science and reason are subordinate to fear and superstition is self-imposed blindness.

You want to denigrate science for not explaining the origin of the universe using “natural laws of physics”. Using those natural laws, science has largely (not entirely), explained the expansion of the universe to fractions of a second, Planck time, after the start of expansion. Those pesky natural laws of physics, motion, gravity seem to be consistent from Planck time going forward. Are you suggesting that natural laws are inferior and we need “un-natural laws” to gain a complete understanding?

The process of life developing from non-living matter, (abiogenesis), is not entirely understood. We know with absolute, 100% certainty abiogenesis occurred because life on the planet obviously exists. Either the process is natural or supernatural…. or maybe space aliens. If supernatural, how do we study or recreate it? Perhaps we don’t and just ignore it with, “we’ll never know”?
Of course, they can’t tell you where they get their information from. Any white supremest backed minority. These guys are afraid of anything that supports equality of any kind.
some of the most stupid people I have encountered have PhDs attached to their name. If you don't have "horse sense" you have no sense.
Take ie, Warming denier westwall here. A claimed PhD who can't write a paragraph in any post/thread.
A mental defective with no game at all.
Never started a thread either in Science or Environment.

There are those WHO CAN.......then you have those who attempt to teach that which have never done. I see no difference between a left wing politician and a left wing PROF. Both base their careers on the backs of those who have actually accomplished something.....while seeking the accolade of their peers.....truth does not matter, Any ends to a means, just ask your political hero, "Saul Alinsky".
You clearly have a wild bias/"Ism."
Joe Biden is Saul Alinsky?

You want to see the end results of your "ISMS"? Look at Venezuela, the poster child of your LIBERAL AGENDA.
Actually leftists/'socialists' here are thinking more of Norway/Scandinavia than Venezuela.
This is a classic ConservatISM dope Trope.

Perhaps you can sell your philosophy that the universe naturally created itself from NOTHING, or that fish morphed into Human Beings over billions of years. As for Me...........I have been endowed with "Common Sense" and taught to "TEST EVERYTHING and HOLD ONTO THAT WHICH IS GOOD and PROVEN TO BE TRUE." (1 Thes. 5:21)

Perhaps you can sell us YOUR philosophy that god created himself/POOF!
And that all creatures were created at the same time instead of evolving, ie Genesis.
Demonstrably False if you are up to 6th grade Science.

And please tell us Which/WITCH god because at least 75% of the planet is wrong even if one stepped in it.
This is classic 'God of the Gaps' BS that didn't work when we tried it on Fire, Lightning, Fertility, etc x10,000.
Clearly WE CREATED GODS.. lots of them.

You may be able to BS others for pages but you've already took a powder on my posts.
They never last more than Two posts with me because I can confront their logic problems.
No place to go except troll. (as many of the RW regulars do here.) This IS Fox News Jr High, with 80% RW trolls/mb rejects.

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Take ie, Warming denier westwall here. A claimed PhD who can't write a paragraph in any post/thread.
A mental defective with no game at all.
Never started a thread either in Science or Environment.

You clearly have a wild bias/"Ism."
Joe Biden is Saul Alinsky?

Actually leftists/'socialists' here are thinking more of Norway/Scandinavia than Venezuela.
This is a classic ConservatISM dope Trope.

Perhaps you can sell us YOUR philosophy that god created himself/POOF!
And that all creatures were created at the same time instead of evolving, ie Genesis.
Demonstrably False if you are up to 6th grade Science.

And please tell us Which/WITCH god because at least 75% of the planet is wrong even if one stepped in it.
This is classic 'God of the Gaps' BS that didn't work when we tried it on Fire, Lightning, Fertility, etc x10,000.
Clearly WE CREATED GODS.. lots of them.

You may be able to BS others for pages but you've already took a powder on my posts.
They never last more than Two posts with me because I can confront their logic problems.
No place to go except troll. (as many of the RW regulars do here.) This IS Fox News Jr High, with 80% RW trolls/mb rejects.

God is an eternal spirit being..........there is nothing physical about the God of Creation. Duh. Question? If creatures were not CREATED just how did an EGG evolve itself into existence? What? We are expected to accept as truth that a fully developed Chicken evolved itself into existence with no intelligence required to explain its DNA links? :auiqs.jpg:

Simply present your Applied Science that falsifies Louis Pasteur's experimentation that states..... LIFE can only be reproduced from pre-existing life within the same species. On the other hand there are thousands of experiments falsified by Applied Science when there is an attempt to reproduce life from non living matter.

That is truth. Prove otherwise.

Nothing but more "MOUTH" from a pseudo intellectual that starts and ends with the attempt to tell everyone how smart you are how stupid everyone is that don't agree with your great intellect. Got any more "ISMS"? If not just falsify an experiment that was conducted in the 19th century and still stands today. Pasteur's scientific experiment demonstration that Abiogenesis is impossible as determined by the laws of physics.

You know who agrees with the scientific experiments concerning the reproduction of life by Pastuer?

The Holy Scriptures.

"And God said, let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that has life, and fowl that fly above the earth in the open firmament of the earth (atmosphere).................

And God said, let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so. And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, the cattle after their kind, and everything that creepeth upon the earth after his kind...........So God created man, male and female created He them.........and God blessed them, and God said unto them, be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth and subdue it (the earth)...........(Genesis 1:20-28)

Something YOUR GUILD (pseudo scientists) have never been able to falsify using the Scientific Method of Applied Science and Experimentation. Life can only be reproduced, each after its own kind..........

Now just how smart an ole boy/girl (you can't tell today) are ya? Your science (cough, cough) has been falsified time and time again.......God's science has never been subject to falsification via the Scientific Method.
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Hopefully someone else has already pointed out to the OP that Newton's "Law of Universal Gravity," was superseded by Einstein's Theory of General Relativity.
God is an eternal spirit being..........there is nothing physical about the God of Creation. Duh. Question? If creatures were not CREATED just how did an EGG evolve itself into existence?

Simply present your Applied Science that falsifies Louis Pasteur's experimentation that states the LIFE can only be reproduced from pre-existing life within the same species. On the other hand there are thousands of experiments falsified by Applied Science when there is an attempt to reproduce life from non living matter.

That is truth. Prove otherwise.

Nothing but more "MOUTH" from a pseudo intellectual that starts and ends with the attempt to tell everyone how smart you are how stupid everyone is that don't agree with your great intellect. Got any more "ISMS"? If not just falsify and experiment that was conducted in the 19th century and still stands today. Pasteur's scientific experiment demonstration that Abiogenesis is impossible as determined by the laws of physics.
So NO answer to almost everything I posted, including the classic conservative trope of using "Venezuela" instead of ie, Norway.

NO answer to my refutation of you similarly painting all liberals/progressives as "Saul Alinsky." Like Biden is Karl Marx.

NO answer to Which/WITCH god? (there's so many We Created)

"""God is an eternal spirit being..........there is nothing physical about the God of Creation.""

Any evidence of this god, or will it be the old 'everything is evidence of god.'

You Literalist Lunatic, you're not within 50 IQ points of debating me and you are a COMPLETE FRAUD UNABLE TO ANSWER MY POSTS, While I cut yours to ribbons.

This is the Science section you are Proselytizing/Citing Scripture in clown, we talk evidence.

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So NO answer to almost everything I posted, including the classic conservative trope of using "Venezuela" instead of ie, Norway.

NO answer to my refutation of you similarly painting all liberals/progressives as "Saul Alinsky." Like Biden is Karl Marx.

NO answer to Which/WITCH god? (there's so many We Created)

"""God is an eternal spirit being..........there is nothing physical about the God of Creation.""

Any evidence of this god, or will it be the old 'everything is evidence of god.'

You Literalist Lunatic, you're not within 50 IQ points of debating me and you are a COMPLETE FRAUD UNABLE TO ANSWER MY POSTS, While I cut yours to ribbons.

This is the Science section you are Proselytizing/Citing Scripture in clown, we talk evidence.

Are lies really worth addressing when they have been previously addressed AD NAUSEM? :eusa_think: As I stated you pseudo characters deal only in Circular Logic.........you keep repeating the same Bull Sh...........that has been refuted by Applied Science time and time again under the pretention that if you keep repeating yourself it someone becomes truth.

You cannot present any FACTS of SCIENCE as determined by the Scientific Method of "observable", "reproducible", consistent experimentation.....that refutes the Creation model and verifies your false premise of a self created physical universe that defies the very laws of physics, to include the Laws of Causality, the Laws of Theromodynamics etc.,

And then you attempt tell everyone that intelligently designed life evolved from non living matter thru acts of violent explosions and chaos, which is falsified in every attempt to verify that false premise through Applied Science.

Where and when has life been reproduced in the lab through scientific experiment, that does not use pre-existing life as a starting point? Its always some lame ass excuse......the atmosphere was different......and it can't be reproduced, when in reality you or your guilt have no idea what type of atmosphere existed because Science requires OBSERVATION not speculation and assumption of a constant Universe having existed the same eons' ago as it exists today. (as assumed in using Radio Carbon Dating....when simple water leeching can drastically change the final data and projected dates). Its not like the Science of Archaeology has determined that every inch of earth's land masses have been under water at some point in their history.
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Are lies really worth addressing when they have been previously addressed AD NAUSEM? :eusa_think: As I stated you pseudo characters deal only in Circular Logic.........you keep repeating the same Bull Sh...........that has been refuted by Applied Science time and time again under the pretention that if you keep repeating yourself it someone becomes truth.

You cannot present any FACTS of SCIENCE as determined by the Scientific Method of "observable", "reproducible", consistent experimentation.....that refutes the Creation model and verifies your false premise of a self created physical universe that defies the very laws of physics, to include the Laws of Causality, the Laws of Theromodynamics etc.,

And then you attempt tell everyone that intelligently designed life evolved from non living matter thru acts of violent explosions and chaos, which is falsified in every attempt to verify that false premise through Applied Science.

Where and when has life been reproduced in the lab through scientific experiment, that does not use pre-existing life as a starting point? Its always some lame ass excuse......the atmosphere was different......and it can't be reproduced, when in reality you or your guilt have no idea what type of atmosphere existed because Science requires OBSERVATION not speculation and assumption of a constant Universe having existed the same eons' ago as it exists today. (as assumed in using Radio Carbon Dating....when simple water leeching can drastically change the final data and projected dates). Its not like the Science of Archaeology has determined that every inch of earth's land masses have been under water at some point in their history.
That’s “facts in science”
Are lies really worth addressing when they have been previously addressed AD NAUSEM? :eusa_think: As I stated you pseudo characters deal only in Circular Logic.........you keep repeating the same Bull Sh...........that has been refuted by Applied Science time and time again under the pretention that if you keep repeating yourself it someone becomes truth.

You cannot present any FACTS of SCIENCE as determined by the Scientific Method of "observable", "reproducible", consistent experimentation.....that refutes the Creation model and verifies your false premise of a self created physical universe that defies the very laws of physics, to include the Laws of Causality, the Laws of Theromodynamics etc.,

And then you attempt tell everyone that intelligently designed life evolved from non living matter thru acts of violent explosions and chaos, which is falsified in every attempt to verify that false premise through Applied Science.

Where and when has life been reproduced in the lab through scientific experiment, that does not use pre-existing life as a starting point? Its always some lame ass excuse......the atmosphere was different......and it can't be reproduced, when in reality you or your guilt have no idea what type of atmosphere existed because Science requires OBSERVATION not speculation and assumption of a constant Universe having existed the same eons' ago as it exists today. (as assumed in using Radio Carbon Dating....when simple water leeching can drastically change the final data and projected dates). Its not like the Science of Archaeology has determined that every inch of earth's land masses have been under water at some point in their history.
You're one Giant 'God of the Gaps' no-logic idiot.
I've already explained that too and you have NO answer.
I put my old thread in your face too.

Because we don't know/know YET, is no reason to inject a god.
You would have thought yourself justified with the Fire, Lightening and Fertility gods too. RIGHT?
Now gone.

"Science requires observation.""
Exactly MORON, and we have millions of years of ever more complex animal fossils in exactly the right strata worldwide.
For the reason OF evolution we are able to predict we will find intermediate species... and indeed we do.
There has been an explosion of new sciences in the 160 years since Darwin.
NONE contradict evolution, and many help Confirm it. (DNA, Isotopic dating, etc)

And what "observation" is there for god?
Which/Witch one?

You can't debate me!!!! You're a brainwashed/indoctrinated clown who spouts NT and can't afford the truth or your whole life (family, friends, social life) falls apart.
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Ha ha
4 paragraphs, and still you’re pretending you know more then every a credited university, govt and major corporation in the fking world. Geesus, you guys have no shame. Just a bunch of used car salesmen.

You are yet to prove anything I presented to be a falsehood. As I have said many times, you can sprinkle sugar on a pile of feces but that does not make it candy. You have not falsified the CREATION MODEL of biogenesis..........you have not presented evidence of how the known universe created itself from nothing, when science proves that when you begin with nothing, nothing is all you will ever have............you have not presented/applied any science in proving that man evolved from fish as claimed.

Question? WHAT CREDIBILITY are you speaking of when you speak of UNIVERSTY teaching? :dunno:

That's some REAL SCIENCE you are presenting your greatness..........your skills of writing with articulation reveal your true educational status. You can't hide from your "ID". What? You are about 15, 16? You demonstrate the skills of a middle schooler. My Bad.........hell, this is modern America, you could hold a PhD and your reading and comprehension skills would be at an 8th grade level if you are a product of public education.

ID, Super Ego, and Ego. You can't hide from that which you do not possess........intelligence. That's why the majority of you left wing nuts PARROT AND PASTE the skills of others while pretending to be smart.

Dumb downed democrats are dangerous, they actually believe they are intelligent, that's why the US stands at 30th place among world peers in math and science comprehension skills behind nations such as Hungry and the Slovak Republic....

You know the department where the U.S. leads the world in education? MONEY SPENT. OPM (the democrat favorite, other peoples money) The US averages spending over 16K per student per year, when rest of the world averages but 10K per student per year, those other 30 nations ahead of the US in actual skills learned vs. skills attempted to be taught. Hell.........someone has to make inept teacher's jobs secure through the union, and who would pay for all those political adds if the tax payers were not being conned? :smoochEE:
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You are yet to prove anything I presented to be a falsehood. As I have said many times, you can sprinkle sugar on a pile of feces but that does not make it candy. You have not falsified the CREATION MODEL of biogenesis..........you have not presented evidence of how the known universe created itself from nothing, when science proves that when you begin with nothing, nothing is all you will ever have............you have not presented/applied any science in proving that man evolved from fish as claimed.

Question? WHAT CREDIBILITY are you speaking of when you speak of UNIVERSTY teaching? :dunno:

That's some REAL SCIENCE you are presenting your greatness..........your skills of writing with articulation reveal your true educational status. You can't hide from your "ID". What? You are about 15, 16? You demonstrate the skills of a middle schooler. My Bad.........hell, this is modern America, you could hold a PhD and your reading and comprehension skills would be at an 8th grade level if you are a product of public education.

ID, Super Ego, and Ego. You can't hide from that which you do not possess........intelligence. That's why the majority of you left wing nuts PARROT AND PASTE the skills of others while pretending to be smart.

Dumb downed democrats are dangerous, they actually believe they are intelligent, that's why the US stands at 30th place among world peers in math and science comprehension skills behind nations such as Hungry and the Slovak Republic....

You know the department where the U.S. leads the world in education? MONEY SPENT. OPM (the democrat favorite, other peoples money) The US averages spending over 16K per student per year, when rest of the world averages but 10K per student per year, those other 30 nations ahead of the US in actual skills learned vs. skills attempted to be taught. Hell.........someone has to make inept teacher's jobs secure through the union, and who would pay for all those political adds if the tax payers were not being conned? :smoochEE:
This was all so predictable. Inevitably, the science loathing, science denying types will retreat to the religious / supernatural “CREATION MODEL” (note the capital letters for added melodrama).

While the poster makes no case, offers nothing to support his supernatural creation model of the gods, others are somehow required to falsify his appeals to magic and supernaturalism as an explanation for existence.

It seems to me that a reasonable argument from “the gods did it” crowd is to first present their “General Theory of Supernatural Creation”.

It’s important for the creation’istas to identify those components of objective reality which are explicitly not encompassed by science and rationality? I have no doubt that science today is better able to answer the workings of the natural world than Bibles, Korans, Books of the Dead, etc., so instead of rational arguments being required to falsify supernaturalism, the burden of proof for claims to the gods falls to those who assert their gods. Seems simple enough.
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This was all so predictable. Inevitably, the science loathing, science denying types will retreat to the religious / supernatural “CREATION MODEL” (note the capital letters for added melodrama).

While the poster makes no case, offers nothing to support his supernatural creation model of the gods, others are somehow required to falsify his appeals to magic and supernaturalism as an explanation for existence.

It seems to me that a reasonable argument from “the gods did it” crowd is to first present their “General Theory of Supernatural Creation”.

It’s important for the creation’istas to identify those components of objective reality which are explicitly not encompassed by science and rationality? I have no doubt that science today is better able to answer the workings of the natural world than Bibles, Korans, Books of the Dead, etc., so instead of rational arguments being required to falsify supernaturalism, the burden of proof for claims to the gods falls to those who assert their gods. Seems simple enough.
Again..........HOT AIR. All hat no "cowGIRL"? You parrot and paste and pretend to be smart. You have presented no argument based upon any objective evidence.

You have done nothing other than launch into some hyperbolic personal attack (just like all BIGOTED big mouthed liberals) in order to deflect from the fact that YOUR SCIENCE ( :question: ) cannot support the absolute nonsense you profess as truth. 1. A self creating universe whose source of energy simply created itself from "nothing", in direct contradiction to the laws of physics. 2. You cannot falsify the Creation Model of biogenesis demonstrated by Applied Science that states with Scientific Evidence that Life can only be reproduced via pre-existing life WITHIN the same species.....as demonstrated by Pasteur.

Several Reasons for such an attack void of Scientific Objectivity......or, Why is an atheist an atheist?

1. Greed, Materialism, Accolade. "I can make a living selling this snakeoil because I am smarter than these religious freaks. Can we spell BIGOT?
2. Jealousy: See point 1 accolade: "If I hold this viewpoint I will be held in high esteem by my peers.
3. Loyalty: My parents taught me this position and I am loyal regardless of the facts presented to disprove my position
4. Ambition: "If everyone sees just how smart I am, I might advance my position in life. (reality: They professed themsevles to be wise but became fools)
5. Selfishness: This poistion makes me feel better without any thought of judgment, I can live how I want to......
6. Sensualism: I can indulge my sexual fantasies without guilt.
7. Ignorance: I can't prove why I am an atheist, I just know that I am an atheist (its in vogue)
8. Bias/Prejudice/Bigotry: I don't believe in God because my peers dont' believe in God, its difficult to seek accolade when you disagree
9. Pride: All the smart people believe as I do........
10. Indifference: I know that I am always right......
Again..........HOT AIR. All hat no "cowGIRL"? You parrot and paste and pretend to be smart. You have presented no argument based upon any objective evidence.

You have done nothing other than launch into some hyperbolic personal attack (just like all BIGOTED big mouthed liberals) in order to deflect from the fact that YOUR SCIENCE ( :question: ) cannot support the absolute nonsense you profess as truth. 1. A self creating universe whose source of energy simply created itself from "nothing", in direct contradiction to the laws of physics. 2. You cannot falsify the Creation Model of biogenesis demonstrated by Applied Science that states with Scientific Evidence that Life can only be reproduced via pre-existing life WITHIN the same species.....as demonstrated by Pasteur.

Several Reasons for such an attack void of Scientific Objectivity......or, Why is an atheist an atheist?

1. Greed, Materialism, Accolade. "I can make a living selling this snakeoil because I am smarter than these religious freaks. Can we spell BIGOT?
2. Jealousy: See point 1 accolade: "If I hold this viewpoint I will be held in high esteem by my peers.
3. Loyalty: My parents taught me this position and I am loyal regardless of the facts presented to disprove my position
4. Ambition: "If everyone sees just how smart I am, I might advance my position in life. (reality: They professed themsevles to be wise but became fools)
5. Selfishness: This poistion makes me feel better without any thought of judgment, I can live how I want to......
6. Sensualism: I can indulge my sexual fantasies without guilt.
7. Ignorance: I can't prove why I am an atheist, I just know that I am an atheist (its in vogue)
8. Bias/Prejudice/Bigotry: I don't believe in God because my peers dont' believe in God, its difficult to seek accolade when you disagree
9. Pride: All the smart people believe as I do........
10. Indifference: I know that I am always right......
Nothing in that angry, petulant rant does anything to support a silly supernatural creation argument. I’m under no obligation to refute some “creation model of biogenesis” because just like the “General Theory of Supernatural Creationit is never offered.

I’m never surprised at how quickly those who insist supernaturalism is a viable argument recoil in shocked surprise and angry tirades when they’re tasked with supporting their claims to gods, magic and supernaturalism.

As to objectivity, that’s an interesting subject as nothing in claims to gods and supernaturalism can be judged by objective measures. What are the objective standards for claims to supernaturalism? I think it’s pretty clear that nothing in your responses has been presented in a way to support your claims. Your tirade does nothing to define what some “creation model of biogenesis”, is. You offer literally no evidence for “creation model of biogenesis”, yet you choose to believe that unquestioningly and launch into angry tirades when you’re tasked with defending it. What does that say about your objective decision-making skills?
Hopefully someone else has already pointed out to the OP that Newton's "Law of Universal Gravity," was superseded by Einstein's Theory of General Relativity.
It's key to point out to the atheists and OP here that gravity is a law and not a theory. The non-believers, especially the OP, can't explain how Newton came up with his theory that became law.

Here is how. Around the 1680s, "scientists were puzzled by the fact that bodies on earth and bodies in the heavens appeared to follow different laws. Imagine a ball rolling across a perfectly smooth and level table. It rolls forward at a constant speed in a straight line. It only slows because of air resistance and the friction between it and the table. The moon, like a ball on a flat and perfectly smooth table, keeps moving year after year without slowing. However, the moon does not travel in a straight line. Instead, it circles the earth.

Why did the moon not travel in a straight line?

Isaac Newton remembered the force of the wind. Although invisible, it turned his windmill. The force of the storm had uprooted trees. He concluded that a force acts upon the moon to bend its straight-line path into a closed orbit. What was the unknown force?

One day an apple fell from the tree overhead and banged onto Isaac's worktable in the orchard. He picked up the apple. As he held it, he noticed the moon, which had risen in the east.

Could it be, Isaac asked, that the moon and the apple are both subject to the same force of gravity? Isaac proved that gravity acts on both the apple and the moon He showed that earth's gravity extends far out into space and controls the moon in its orbit."

One can just ignore people like the OP as they do not really say anything by trying to make a mountain out of a molehill.
It's key to point out to the atheists and OP here that gravity is a law and not a theory. The non-believers, especially the OP, can't explain how Newton came up with his theory that became law.

Here is how. Around the 1680s, "scientists were puzzled by the fact that bodies on earth and bodies in the heavens appeared to follow different laws. Imagine a ball rolling across a perfectly smooth and level table. It rolls forward at a constant speed in a straight line. It only slows because of air resistance and the friction between it and the table. The moon, like a ball on a flat and perfectly smooth table, keeps moving year after year without slowing. However, the moon does not travel in a straight line. Instead, it circles the earth.

Why did the moon not travel in a straight line?

Isaac Newton remembered the force of the wind. Although invisible, it turned his windmill. The force of the storm had uprooted trees. He concluded that a force acts upon the moon to bend its straight-line path into a closed orbit. What was the unknown force?

One day an apple fell from the tree overhead and banged onto Isaac's worktable in the orchard. He picked up the apple. As he held it, he noticed the moon, which had risen in the east.

Could it be, Isaac asked, that the moon and the apple are both subject to the same force of gravity? Isaac proved that gravity acts on both the apple and the moon He showed that earth's gravity extends far out into space and controls the moon in its orbit."

One can just ignore people like the OP as they do not really say anything by trying to make a mountain out of a molehill.

“…gravity is a law and not a theory.”

Is that what they teach you at the Benny Hinn Madrassah?

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