Want a better economy?

Some more historical facts.


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Want A Better Economy? History Says Vote Democrat!
Which party will be better for U.S. economy? Some historical facts on the economy worth reviewing.
Want higher unemployment vote Demonrat. Want your interest to be .01% vote Demonrat. Want soaring College tuition vote Demonrat. Want crime to go up vote Demonrat. Want to be completely poor and miserable, be stupid and vote Demonrat.

Bet you forgot that during Obama's terms, peoples savings account payed out .01% interest while the fat cat liberals like Buffet, Gates, and Bezos were raking in the billions. Yep, vote Demonrat if you want the largest income gap of all time.

Yes, Demonrats are that stupid.
I remember in 2006 before the election that every libturd in the US was pissing and moaning about the economy.

Never mind the fact that nothing was wrong with the economy at that point. The DOW was on a steady increase, jobs were plentiful, gas was high but that was a market manipulation.

Even on the Simpson, which I stopped watching that year, there was an episode where Marge made some stupid comment about the economy. The decline didn't actually begin until after the democrooks took over the legislature, and when the meat puppet faggot was elected the DOW crashed. Here it is 10 years later and the economy is just recovering, now we have vacuous bed wetters parroting media matters agitprop about whatever the fuck Edturd posted, which I'm not interested in harming any brain cells by reading, but I have been hearing from all sorts of other places.

The economy is running like a tank moonbats. Everyone who struggled through obozo's 8 years of stagnation and malaise knows it too.

Some more historical facts.


It was also Nixon that pushed to lower the voting age... It was Nixon that was first to show hist Tax Returns and gave us the EPA...

Notice the left forget what the GOP was first to do while ignore how the Democratic Party gave us genocide of of Native Americans, a war with the Confederate States, Jim Crow Laws, Imprisoning Japanese Americans and wars like Vietnam...
Our economy wasn't do badly under Obama But the state of the nation has gone to shit with this racist bigot Trump
What's the problem? Everyone I know either has a job or is retired and doing fine.

I recall a Trump interview with Larry King, where Trump himself said democrooks were better stewards of the economy.

It's one of the reasons I didn't trust him.

However, he brought in some democrook donor money people in his admin like Munchin or whatever his name is, so if the bed wetters are trying to pretend Trump is running some conservative fiscal program, they're full of shit. He hasn't slowed down the debt, he hasn't cut spending at all let alone on any of the bed wetter programs. The bed wetters just hate him because that's what they're programmed to do.

Bush gave those assholes almost everything they wanted except a surrender to jihad, and they act like he was channeling Ayn Rand and Ludwig Von Mises.

Whatever Trump is doing isn't all conservative, but it's probably sound policy if he is taking advisement from from a round table of perspectives. We know if hitlery won, the stagnation and malaise of the communist agenda to weaken America would still be in high gear.

Same usual shit from the Right...

Here explain this:
Germany has Free College
Germany has Universal Healthcare
Germany has a safety net for its citizens...
Germany is using green technologies
Germany has many migrants (percent) as US

Germany ran a surplus for 6 of the last 7 years, last year was 1.7% of GDP...
US ran a 3.8% deficit and Trump wants to increase to 4.5% by the time he leaves office.

But some how the RWers here think moving further away from Germany polices and closer to Russian policies is a good thing...

We keep on asking when do you think America was Great before, so we can see what MAGA standing for...


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