Walls, and Other Expenses


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
The Dems tried to claim that the wall would cost too much. That has been sufficiently debunked, considering we would save billions each year if we didn't have to deal with the extremely high cost of illegal immigration.

But, the left also has other big plans, ones that would eventually mean over 50% of our earnings being confiscated by government. That means the average person, even low income. The top earners would be paying at least 70%.

Of course, idiots like Cortez have no idea how wealth is created but socialists see all the money people have and they want to take it because they have a mental illness that causes them to believe that they are superior and, therefore, should be allowed to rule us. When the money eventually runs out, they are confused.

Government does not create wealth. That is why socialism destroys countries. When they do away with the one thing that does create wealth- capitalism- things go to shit.

Government health insurance can't last because it merely confiscates and redistributes existing wealth. Unlike private insurance companies, that invest and create wealth.

The left wants open borders and a socialist world with a small, elite group ruling the planet. Schumer and Pelosi, standing there bashing Trump's wall, looked like Boris and Natasha planning world domination.

What they want is nothing short of that.

While the left demands to see Trump's tax returns (as if the IRS wouldn't be all over him if something was amiss), no one talks about how these wealthy Dems have millions while bitching about trying to live on a measly $175,000 a year.

The left will ruin us all if they are allowed to have their way. Their claims to tax the rich are false. They are the wealthy. You really think they'll go after Soros and ask him to pay his "fair share." Apparently, a fair share is 50% - 70%, and that's just federal. How much will you have left after state taxes?

Walls, and Other Expenses | Global Liberty Media - The Counter Narrative
That is what they be talkin' 'bout. The US does create wealth through investments and improvements...
That is what they be talkin' 'bout. The US does create wealth through investments and improvements...

You have an odd definition for the word ‘investmet’.

The middleman skims money and returns less than paid?

In the private sector a person would go to jail for fraud if they called that an investment.
That is what they be talkin' 'bout. The US does create wealth through investments and improvements...

You have an odd definition for the word ‘investmet’.

The middleman skims money and returns less than paid?

In the private sector a person would go to jail for fraud if they called that an investment.
Ha! The biggest barrons of the US in the nineteenth century made much of their wealth in that manner.
The Dems tried to claim that the wall would cost too much. That has been sufficiently debunked, considering we would save billions each year if we didn't have to deal with the extremely high cost of illegal immigration.

But, the left also has other big plans, ones that would eventually mean over 50% of our earnings being confiscated by government. That means the average person, even low income. The top earners would be paying at least 70%.

Of course, idiots like Cortez have no idea how wealth is created but socialists see all the money people have and they want to take it because they have a mental illness that causes them to believe that they are superior and, therefore, should be allowed to rule us. When the money eventually runs out, they are confused.

Government does not create wealth. That is why socialism destroys countries. When they do away with the one thing that does create wealth- capitalism- things go to shit.

Government health insurance can't last because it merely confiscates and redistributes existing wealth. Unlike private insurance companies, that invest and create wealth.

The left wants open borders and a socialist world with a small, elite group ruling the planet. Schumer and Pelosi, standing there bashing Trump's wall, looked like Boris and Natasha planning world domination.

What they want is nothing short of that.

While the left demands to see Trump's tax returns (as if the IRS wouldn't be all over him if something was amiss), no one talks about how these wealthy Dems have millions while bitching about trying to live on a measly $175,000 a year.

The left will ruin us all if they are allowed to have their way. Their claims to tax the rich are false. They are the wealthy. You really think they'll go after Soros and ask him to pay his "fair share." Apparently, a fair share is 50% - 70%, and that's just federal. How much will you have left after state taxes?

Walls, and Other Expenses | Global Liberty Media - The Counter Narrative

Staying on topic. Let's take a look at the only line in the whole thing that was on topic.

The left wants open borders and a socialist world with a small, elite group ruling the planet. Schumer and Pelosi, standing there bashing Trump's wall, looked like Boris and Natasha planning world domination

The left wants, the left wants, the left wants. This sentence starts out with total bull shit. Does the left want it because he says they want it? Or does the left want a more reasonable and at least as effective border security using a mixture of methods that includes, in part, a wall. When I type we need Border Security that part of it does include a wall all he reads is "We need a Wall that includes a Wall".

I wondered where the allocated 1.3 billion for border security went. By law, the 2006 border security law, there is 1.3 billion allocated for increasing and repair of the Border Security. Border Security is not just the wall. But I found where the last 2 years of 2.6 billion has gone. There is stretch of wall or multi level fencing just outside San Diego that is probably the lowest crossing for any metro area. And the Wall/Security Fence is in pretty good shape and it's well manned along with listening electronics. Trump is in the process of replacing that with, get this, a repaired but higher version of what's already there. The current wall is 18 feet and he is upping it to 20 feet. It's of the multi layered type where you have to go over one, cross about 300 yds then cross another one that is even higher. Meanwhile, there are listening posts and the Border Patrol is up on a hill overlooking that area. Once you get over the second wall, you are smack dab in the middle of a marsh where you are going to travel slow and that will give the Border Patrol plenty of time to apprehend you. Even so, a few per year actually make it. But few try it and even fewer succeed. Why would Trump want to make this wall/fence look so pretty? Just over the wall on the Mexican side is the Richest Neighborhood in Mexico built in with it's Private Police Force and Security. The reason so few even try it, the local Police and Security bags them long before they can reach the first fence. But it has to look good for the Rich Neighborhood, screw the rest. That's right, in the last 2 years, there has been 2.6 billion dollars spent upgrading a Wall/Security fence that is the best of the best just to show off to the Rich Neighbors. And that funding was automatically funded. That is until 2019 budget and we all know how that is working out. Trump, recently, was offered 1.6 billion to end the shutdown and he turned it down. Now, he's offered nothing, not even the 1.3 billion.
Commies for American Progressives?

Surely you jest...
So you don't like the GI Bill?
GI bill was fine.
That is what they be talkin' 'bout. The US does create wealth through investments and improvements...

You have an odd definition for the word ‘investmet’.

The middleman skims money and returns less than paid?

In the private sector a person would go to jail for fraud if they called that an investment.
Ha! The biggest barrons of the US in the nineteenth century made much of their wealth in that manner.

So you admit the government is like 19th century robber barrons?

So much for progress.
So you don't like the GI Bill?
GI bill was fine.
That is what they be talkin' 'bout. The US does create wealth through investments and improvements...

You have an odd definition for the word ‘investmet’.

The middleman skims money and returns less than paid?

In the private sector a person would go to jail for fraud if they called that an investment.
Ha! The biggest barrons of the US in the nineteenth century made much of their wealth in that manner.

So you admit the government is like 19th century robber barrons?

So much for progress.
Well, you know how it is what with the wealthy and the govt. run by the wealthy
GI bill was fine.
That is what they be talkin' 'bout. The US does create wealth through investments and improvements...

You have an odd definition for the word ‘investmet’.

The middleman skims money and returns less than paid?

In the private sector a person would go to jail for fraud if they called that an investment.
Ha! The biggest barrons of the US in the nineteenth century made much of their wealth in that manner.

So you admit the government is like 19th century robber barrons?

So much for progress.
Well, you know how it is what with the wealthy and the govt. run by the wealthy
Like all the technology barrons who give money to Democrats?

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