*Walker Win Signals Obama's Administration Spiral Towards The Drain!*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Well its a good day for AMERICA!
2. Fucking Fantastic!!!!!
3. Throw another steak on the Bar-B-Que!!!!
4. Walker wins, and this is a major cross roads!!!
5. Walker for VP!!!!!!!
6. Fuck whatever state that he won in!!!
7. Anyway, its gloating time folks!!!!!
8. Hit it!!!!!!
9. Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah nah nah, hey hey ho,...goodbye!!! :badgrin:
10 LINK!!!!!Is President Obama

"Four years ago, Barack Obama said he wanted a Lincoln-esque “team of rivals” in his Cabinet. Thanks to his own temperament, the modern White House, and the 24-hour news cycle, what the president has created is something that doesn’t look Lincoln-esque at all."

11. And another LINK!!!! News from The Associated Press

"MADISON, Wis. (AP) -- Meet the new boss, says Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, pledging to make peace with Democrats after his historic recall victory.

But it will take more than a promised meeting with lawmakers over beer and brats to ease tensions. Walker's wounded adversaries will want proof that the triumphant governor isn't the same as the old boss.

"A lot of what the governor had to say he said last year in his inauguration address," a skeptical Democratic state Sen. Jon Erpenbach said Wednesday. "It didn't take him but five minutes not to follow through on that."

12. Sweet Victory!!!
13. Rack-em Assholes!!!! You Lose!!!!!

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