Wait....we're this stupid?


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
I had followed some of the initial reports about how Muhamod Goat Fucker had shot up the recruiting office, riddling it with bullets and how he then drove and attacked the Marines base about six miles away. I had figured that the fatalities were from the first attack by attacking a moronically disarmed recruiting center unawares. Come to fucking find out, none of the initial four fatalities were from that first attack (one from there died today though). Rather, after having attacked a military installation, he went for broke and actually attacked a marine base? And apparently, these guys were not likely on full alert as he was able to then kill four of Marines, who were fucking unarmed when they should've been on fucking red alert?

So, Washington hasn't developed a national text alert system to alert our own military personnel of potential imminent danger?

So, these unarmed soldiers (which is fucking ridiculous in the first place) could not become armed in the time it took this nutball to come and attack them?

And come to fucking find out (I may have known this before), that this same shit happened in Fort Hood in which like twenty unarmed soldiers were killed, and we hang onto these same fucking retarded policies? That's just some shit, dude!
I had followed some of the initial reports about how Muhamod Goat Fucker had shot up the recruiting office, riddling it with bullets and how he then drove and attacked the Marines base about six miles away. I had figured that the fatalities were from the first attack by attacking a moronically disarmed recruiting center unawares. Come to fucking find out, none of the initial four fatalities were from that first attack (one from there died today though). Rather, after having attacked a military installation, he went for broke and actually attacked a marine base? And apparently, these guys were not likely on full alert as he was able to then kill four of Marines, who were fucking unarmed when they should've been on fucking red alert?

So, Washington hasn't developed a national text alert system to alert our own military personnel of potential imminent danger?

So, these unarmed soldiers (which is fucking ridiculous in the first place) could not become armed in the time it took this nutball to come and attack them?

And come to fucking find out (I may have known this before), that this same shit happened in Fort Hood in which like twenty unarmed soldiers were killed, and we hang onto these same fucking retarded policies? That's just some shit, dude!
Clinton banned their ability to carry arms on base. Certain people ARE that stupid.
I had followed some of the initial reports about how Muhamod Goat Fucker had shot up the recruiting office, riddling it with bullets and how he then drove and attacked the Marines base about six miles away. I had figured that the fatalities were from the first attack by attacking a moronically disarmed recruiting center unawares. Come to fucking find out, none of the initial four fatalities were from that first attack (one from there died today though). Rather, after having attacked a military installation, he went for broke and actually attacked a marine base? And apparently, these guys were not likely on full alert as he was able to then kill four of Marines, who were fucking unarmed when they should've been on fucking red alert?

So, Washington hasn't developed a national text alert system to alert our own military personnel of potential imminent danger?

So, these unarmed soldiers (which is fucking ridiculous in the first place) could not become armed in the time it took this nutball to come and attack them?

And come to fucking find out (I may have known this before), that this same shit happened in Fort Hood in which like twenty unarmed soldiers were killed, and we hang onto these same fucking retarded policies? That's just some shit, dude!
Clinton banned their ability to carry arms on base. Certain people ARE that stupid.

And what's Obama's excuse? And Mister 'He kept the Homeland Safe' Dubya doesn't get a pass either.
I had followed some of the initial reports about how Muhamod Goat Fucker had shot up the recruiting office, riddling it with bullets and how he then drove and attacked the Marines base about six miles away. I had figured that the fatalities were from the first attack by attacking a moronically disarmed recruiting center unawares. Come to fucking find out, none of the initial four fatalities were from that first attack (one from there died today though). Rather, after having attacked a military installation, he went for broke and actually attacked a marine base? And apparently, these guys were not likely on full alert as he was able to then kill four of Marines, who were fucking unarmed when they should've been on fucking red alert?

So, Washington hasn't developed a national text alert system to alert our own military personnel of potential imminent danger?

So, these unarmed soldiers (which is fucking ridiculous in the first place) could not become armed in the time it took this nutball to come and attack them?

And come to fucking find out (I may have known this before), that this same shit happened in Fort Hood in which like twenty unarmed soldiers were killed, and we hang onto these same fucking retarded policies? That's just some shit, dude!
Clinton banned their ability to carry arms on base. Certain people ARE that stupid.

And what's Obama's excuse? And Mister 'He kept the Homeland Safe' Dubya doesn't get a pass either.
I'm not willing to give ANYBODY a pass on that one. Our military is the most highly trained with a firearm. The MOST qualified to carry a gun ANYWHERE and should be allowed even REQUIRED to do so.
I had followed some of the initial reports about how Muhamod Goat Fucker had shot up the recruiting office, riddling it with bullets and how he then drove and attacked the Marines base about six miles away. I had figured that the fatalities were from the first attack by attacking a moronically disarmed recruiting center unawares. Come to fucking find out, none of the initial four fatalities were from that first attack (one from there died today though). Rather, after having attacked a military installation, he went for broke and actually attacked a marine base? And apparently, these guys were not likely on full alert as he was able to then kill four of Marines, who were fucking unarmed when they should've been on fucking red alert?

So, Washington hasn't developed a national text alert system to alert our own military personnel of potential imminent danger?

So, these unarmed soldiers (which is fucking ridiculous in the first place) could not become armed in the time it took this nutball to come and attack them?

And come to fucking find out (I may have known this before), that this same shit happened in Fort Hood in which like twenty unarmed soldiers were killed, and we hang onto these same fucking retarded policies? That's just some shit, dude!
Clinton banned their ability to carry arms on base. Certain people ARE that stupid.

No. You are stupid. Very stupid.

That DOD directive started in May, 1969, under Nixon
I had followed some of the initial reports about how Muhamod Goat Fucker had shot up the recruiting office, riddling it with bullets and how he then drove and attacked the Marines base about six miles away. I had figured that the fatalities were from the first attack by attacking a moronically disarmed recruiting center unawares. Come to fucking find out, none of the initial four fatalities were from that first attack (one from there died today though). Rather, after having attacked a military installation, he went for broke and actually attacked a marine base? And apparently, these guys were not likely on full alert as he was able to then kill four of Marines, who were fucking unarmed when they should've been on fucking red alert?

So, Washington hasn't developed a national text alert system to alert our own military personnel of potential imminent danger?

So, these unarmed soldiers (which is fucking ridiculous in the first place) could not become armed in the time it took this nutball to come and attack them?

And come to fucking find out (I may have known this before), that this same shit happened in Fort Hood in which like twenty unarmed soldiers were killed, and we hang onto these same fucking retarded policies? That's just some shit, dude!
Clinton banned their ability to carry arms on base. Certain people ARE that stupid.

No. You are stupid. Very stupid.

That DOD directive started in May, 1969, under Nixon

Nice semantics, bro. You're claiming a 'directive.' Clinton signed this into law.
I had followed some of the initial reports about how Muhamod Goat Fucker had shot up the recruiting office, riddling it with bullets and how he then drove and attacked the Marines base about six miles away. I had figured that the fatalities were from the first attack by attacking a moronically disarmed recruiting center unawares. Come to fucking find out, none of the initial four fatalities were from that first attack (one from there died today though). Rather, after having attacked a military installation, he went for broke and actually attacked a marine base? And apparently, these guys were not likely on full alert as he was able to then kill four of Marines, who were fucking unarmed when they should've been on fucking red alert?

So, Washington hasn't developed a national text alert system to alert our own military personnel of potential imminent danger?

So, these unarmed soldiers (which is fucking ridiculous in the first place) could not become armed in the time it took this nutball to come and attack them?

And come to fucking find out (I may have known this before), that this same shit happened in Fort Hood in which like twenty unarmed soldiers were killed, and we hang onto these same fucking retarded policies? That's just some shit, dude!
Clinton banned their ability to carry arms on base. Certain people ARE that stupid.

No. You are stupid. Very stupid.

That DOD directive started in May, 1969, under Nixon

Nice semantics, bro. You're claiming a 'directive.' Clinton signed this into law.

They aren't called laws, they are called military directives. And Clinton's undersecretary signed an update of an update.

This was already covered, here:

A Letter to Obama from a Military Wife Page 6 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Better luck next time.
I had followed some of the initial reports about how Muhamod Goat Fucker had shot up the recruiting office, riddling it with bullets and how he then drove and attacked the Marines base about six miles away. I had figured that the fatalities were from the first attack by attacking a moronically disarmed recruiting center unawares. Come to fucking find out, none of the initial four fatalities were from that first attack (one from there died today though). Rather, after having attacked a military installation, he went for broke and actually attacked a marine base? And apparently, these guys were not likely on full alert as he was able to then kill four of Marines, who were fucking unarmed when they should've been on fucking red alert?

So, Washington hasn't developed a national text alert system to alert our own military personnel of potential imminent danger?

So, these unarmed soldiers (which is fucking ridiculous in the first place) could not become armed in the time it took this nutball to come and attack them?

And come to fucking find out (I may have known this before), that this same shit happened in Fort Hood in which like twenty unarmed soldiers were killed, and we hang onto these same fucking retarded policies? That's just some shit, dude!
Clinton banned their ability to carry arms on base. Certain people ARE that stupid.

No. You are stupid. Very stupid.

That DOD directive started in May, 1969, under Nixon

Nice semantics, bro. You're claiming a 'directive.' Clinton signed this into law.

They aren't called laws, they are called military directives. And Clinton's undersecretary signed an update of an update.

This was already covered, here:

A Letter to Obama from a Military Wife Page 6 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Better luck next time.

That link was crap.

Anyhow Bush I implemented the change. Clinton took it to another level; and later after 9/11, Dubya and then Obama did nothing to reverse it. I don't care who you put the blame on for what minute detail. The last two presidents are especially assholes who have blood on their hands. This is totally inexcusable.
I had followed some of the initial reports about how Muhamod Goat Fucker had shot up the recruiting office, riddling it with bullets and how he then drove and attacked the Marines base about six miles away. I had figured that the fatalities were from the first attack by attacking a moronically disarmed recruiting center unawares. Come to fucking find out, none of the initial four fatalities were from that first attack (one from there died today though). Rather, after having attacked a military installation, he went for broke and actually attacked a marine base? And apparently, these guys were not likely on full alert as he was able to then kill four of Marines, who were fucking unarmed when they should've been on fucking red alert?

So, Washington hasn't developed a national text alert system to alert our own military personnel of potential imminent danger?

So, these unarmed soldiers (which is fucking ridiculous in the first place) could not become armed in the time it took this nutball to come and attack them?

And come to fucking find out (I may have known this before), that this same shit happened in Fort Hood in which like twenty unarmed soldiers were killed, and we hang onto these same fucking retarded policies? That's just some shit, dude!
Clinton banned their ability to carry arms on base. Certain people ARE that stupid.

No. You are stupid. Very stupid.

That DOD directive started in May, 1969, under Nixon

Nice semantics, bro. You're claiming a 'directive.' Clinton signed this into law.

They aren't called laws, they are called military directives. And Clinton's undersecretary signed an update of an update.

This was already covered, here:

A Letter to Obama from a Military Wife Page 6 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Better luck next time.

That link was crap.

Anyhow Bush I implemented the change. Clinton took it to another level; and later after 9/11, Dubya and then Obama did nothing to reverse it. I don't care who you put the blame on for what minute detail. The last two presidents are especially assholes who have blood on their hands. This is totally inexcusable.

No. The original DOD Directive is from May, 1969, updated 1987, updated again in February 1992, when Bush 41 was still president, updated again in 2011.
Maybe it's time to meet the new reality that Obama and America's enemies view our military bases as soft targets
Clinton banned their ability to carry arms on base. Certain people ARE that stupid.

No. You are stupid. Very stupid.

That DOD directive started in May, 1969, under Nixon

Nice semantics, bro. You're claiming a 'directive.' Clinton signed this into law.

They aren't called laws, they are called military directives. And Clinton's undersecretary signed an update of an update.

This was already covered, here:

A Letter to Obama from a Military Wife Page 6 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Better luck next time.

That link was crap.

Anyhow Bush I implemented the change. Clinton took it to another level; and later after 9/11, Dubya and then Obama did nothing to reverse it. I don't care who you put the blame on for what minute detail. The last two presidents are especially assholes who have blood on their hands. This is totally inexcusable.

No. The original DOD Directive is from May, 1969, updated 1987, updated again in February 1992, when Bush 41 was still president, updated again in 2011.

Clinton banned their ability to carry arms on base. Certain people ARE that stupid.

No. You are stupid. Very stupid.

That DOD directive started in May, 1969, under Nixon

Nice semantics, bro. You're claiming a 'directive.' Clinton signed this into law.

They aren't called laws, they are called military directives. And Clinton's undersecretary signed an update of an update.

This was already covered, here:

A Letter to Obama from a Military Wife Page 6 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Better luck next time.

That link was crap.

Anyhow Bush I implemented the change. Clinton took it to another level; and later after 9/11, Dubya and then Obama did nothing to reverse it. I don't care who you put the blame on for what minute detail. The last two presidents are especially assholes who have blood on their hands. This is totally inexcusable.

No. The original DOD Directive is from May, 1969, updated 1987, updated again in February 1992, when Bush 41 was still president, updated again in 2011.

What's with the semantics, dude? Why would Obama insist on gun free military zones when an enemy wants to kill our soldiers? He called the original Fort Hood work place violence and did nothing to change things so that this could happen again. He doesn't get a fucking pass just because you want to say this is Nixon's fault. Give me a fucking break, dude.
No. You are stupid. Very stupid.

That DOD directive started in May, 1969, under Nixon

Nice semantics, bro. You're claiming a 'directive.' Clinton signed this into law.

They aren't called laws, they are called military directives. And Clinton's undersecretary signed an update of an update.

This was already covered, here:

A Letter to Obama from a Military Wife Page 6 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Better luck next time.

That link was crap.

Anyhow Bush I implemented the change. Clinton took it to another level; and later after 9/11, Dubya and then Obama did nothing to reverse it. I don't care who you put the blame on for what minute detail. The last two presidents are especially assholes who have blood on their hands. This is totally inexcusable.

No. The original DOD Directive is from May, 1969, updated 1987, updated again in February 1992, when Bush 41 was still president, updated again in 2011.


Shut your butt fucking Canadian ass up.
No. You are stupid. Very stupid.

That DOD directive started in May, 1969, under Nixon

Nice semantics, bro. You're claiming a 'directive.' Clinton signed this into law.

They aren't called laws, they are called military directives. And Clinton's undersecretary signed an update of an update.

This was already covered, here:

A Letter to Obama from a Military Wife Page 6 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Better luck next time.

That link was crap.

Anyhow Bush I implemented the change. Clinton took it to another level; and later after 9/11, Dubya and then Obama did nothing to reverse it. I don't care who you put the blame on for what minute detail. The last two presidents are especially assholes who have blood on their hands. This is totally inexcusable.

No. The original DOD Directive is from May, 1969, updated 1987, updated again in February 1992, when Bush 41 was still president, updated again in 2011.

What's with the semantics, dude? Why would Obama insist on gun free military zones when an enemy wants to kill our soldiers? He called the original Fort Hood work place violence and did nothing to change things so that this could happen again. He doesn't get a fucking pass just because you want to say this is Nixon's fault. Give me a fucking break, dude.

I corrected your statement, which was historically false.

Now, please continue your ranting...
Nice semantics, bro. You're claiming a 'directive.' Clinton signed this into law.

They aren't called laws, they are called military directives. And Clinton's undersecretary signed an update of an update.

This was already covered, here:

A Letter to Obama from a Military Wife Page 6 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Better luck next time.

That link was crap.

Anyhow Bush I implemented the change. Clinton took it to another level; and later after 9/11, Dubya and then Obama did nothing to reverse it. I don't care who you put the blame on for what minute detail. The last two presidents are especially assholes who have blood on their hands. This is totally inexcusable.

No. The original DOD Directive is from May, 1969, updated 1987, updated again in February 1992, when Bush 41 was still president, updated again in 2011.


Shut your butt fucking Canadian ass up.

I'm an American.

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