Wacky Liberal Pundits Say Republicans Have No Agenda


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Well, we sure know what the liberals' agenda is - to try to dissuade voters from voting for Republicans. They should be more careful though, so as to not make themselves look stupid. To say that Republicans have no agenda, as they did on Meet the Press (AKA Meet the Trump Bashers), does make them look stupid.

No agenda ? Wow. I feel a bit silly even responding to this, but I've gone this far, so here we go. Quite a number of things are in the Republicans' agenda. Some haven't been started. Some have been, but are in process of being escalated, and others have already been accomplished.

1. Sanctuary Cities - while not as forceful as I would prefer, at least Attorney General Sessions is taking some action against lawless loons in this issue.

2. Border Security - Deportations are moving along, less at the border, more in interior settings. Operations for Mexican border wall are underway.

3. Infrastructure - while not yet acted on, it is still part of the agenda, and is coming up soon.

4. Beefing up the military - already done, and continuing.

5. Hardening school safety - Republicans in the US House passed a bill, and Republicans in Florida passed it (including arming teachers), and GOP governor Rick Scott signed it into law.

6. Affirmative Action - Trump and Sessions have taken action against it. In process.

7. Muslim countries travel/immigration ban - Upheld by Supreme Court currently.

8. Economy - tax cuts have given millions of Americans raises and bonuses. Lowered unemployment to lowest levels, including lowest levels for blacks and Hispanics, ever recorded.

9. Trade - tariffs being set to change from American disadvantage to equalization - making America great again.

10. Crime - supporting police and eradication of Obama propaganda, that led to false arrests and riots.

This is just a partial list. Feel free to add more.
I'd be curious as to the Dem's agenda....I mean besides wailing about Russia, calling everyone they don't agree with a racist or bigot, gun grabbing, taxing the shit out of everything on the planet, etc.
Our agenda is to win back the House, Senate, White House, SCOTUS, then permanently destroy liberals. We are getting there.
I'd be curious as to the Dem's agenda....I mean besides wailing about Russia, calling everyone they don't agree with a racist or bigot, gun grabbing, taxing the shit out of everything on the planet, etc.
Grabbing every starving foreigner they can, hauling him illegally) into the US, from whatever hellhole, illegally harboring him in sanctuary cities/states, and stacking up Democrat votes with these guys.

There are still people walking around who don't know this. Can you believe it ?
i leave other people's fantasies and delusions to trained professionals.
So that includes calling FACTS and HISTORY "fantasies and delusions."
Hope your trained professionals work out for you.

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