

que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
I took my own advice that I gave to someone else and scored! Ain't a lot, but it beats nothing! I went to the local nurseries, asking if they had an opening to water plants and piddle around inside the greenhouses repotting already established plants, pruning little plants and in general...extra achy hands that can do stuff but not heavy stuff. ONE of them called just now!! I go in Saturday morning from 7am to 11am, watering the plants. Unless it rains. If it does rain...then they will have me tinker around in the greenhouse and help customers find whatever it is they are looking for. Pay is 10 bucks an hour, 2 to 3 days per week or if my hands/wrists allow. Owner has RA too, so she knows the deal. She needs help from someone not depending on huge pay or full time so I suit perfectly!

WOO HOOO! I am STOKED! Happy dance!
It was fun! I only worked til 10 though, which is fine. At least I got out of the house! And I made 30 bucks just for watering plants! I go in again tuesday or wednesday. She is gonna call me the night before. We decided that instead of a set schedule, she will holler when she needs me. I said that was just fine with me. I also told her when she is in flareup mode herself, holler I can cover for her..and vice versa and she said it was a grand plan.

Meanwhile, hubby hit the yard sales and scored a few things. Already sold the ps2 to the local game store for 15 bucks..he paid only a buck for it. The other stuff...I will slap on craigslist or sell to the local antique shop. Got a KILLER bracelet. OLD. Looks 18th century to me, but it has had repairs on it. I think it is garnet stones but not sure. He paid 50 cents for a bag of jewelry and inside was some sterling pendants, an old 1950's copper necklace and a set of sterling silver carving knives. All in the same bag so that was a neat little score on his part. :)
I googled the copper necklace. Online antique store price for the exact same necklace that I have is 68 bucks!! :eek:!

So...Stat will like this cuz I am mentally adding....we will probably get 25 for the sterling carving set, 35 for the copper necklace, maybe 20 for the old bracelet (maybe more if it is as old as I think it is. Looks viking to me), got 15 for the ps2 and 30 for watering plants. That is....thinking...thinking...125 bucks today? and it cost 1.50 for the yard sale score. Now THAT is a nice profit! Woot!!
It was fun! I only worked til 10 though, which is fine. At least I got out of the house! And I made 30 bucks just for watering plants! I go in again tuesday or wednesday. She is gonna call me the night before. We decided that instead of a set schedule, she will holler when she needs me. I said that was just fine with me. I also told her when she is in flareup mode herself, holler I can cover for her..and vice versa and she said it was a grand plan.

That sounds like a nice friendly arrangement, which in itself is worth a lot.

I'm happy for you.
She is a very nice lady. LOVE her nursery too. So much Talavera. I am hoping I can get some that might be cracked or broken. I can paint busted edges and use it in my own garden. :)


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