For retired members only....


Trust the pie.
Dec 17, 2009
I would like to limit this discussion to retired or disabled members, not housewives or people who have never worked, or people who are currently working. I was a housewife for a while, and it is entirely different than retirement.

Tell me, how do you arrange you days? How did you find your rhythm. It took my brother about a year to get his routine down. Of course, I have some medical issues to deal with, so whatever effort I make to order my days has to take that into consideration. When I was a housewife, I pretty well had a day for every major task and two seasons for 'deep cleaning' of the house. Now, I have so many doctor visits to attend to and likely will never clean the way I once did. But I would like to bring some order out of the chaos of unstructured days if I can.

It was wonderful at the beach. But I'm home now.

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I am retired and on a state pension. I sleep a lot since not having to get up in the morning.
I am not one to advise you on using your time well, as I divide my time between watching TV and going on the Internet. I am fortunate to still have good health, so do I do not have problems like yours to contend with.
I stretch and exercise, I walk everywhere I can, I read, I write, I do what my wife wants, and I do some business deals.

Using a daily planner helps me a lot.

Be careful of depression if you had been a lot of hours for a lot of years.

Work on planning every day.
Wake up at 4am, make coffee, exercise lightly, shower, and sit down at the computer. Alwys do a picture puzzle and a crossword - usually USA's.

6am take my medicine and put in my dentures before returning to the keyboard going through more than 400 RSS feeds. Copy and paste articles and items I think will be of interest.

Watching Univision.

Scan and post on three different forums.

8am - breakfast of either a muffin or bagel along with a good helping of fruit.

3pm usually take an hour nap.

Return to doing research and trying to finish writing the fourth novel in my California mission history series.

5pm watch Emergency on MeTV
6pm Local CBS news and then Jeopardy

Whatever is somewhat worthwhile on the boob tube. In bed by 9:30 or 10
I knew the missions San Diego de Alcalá, Mission San Luis Rey, and San Juan Capistrano. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.
Appreciate the responses from those who are actually retired~!
Get out of bed thanking God for another wonderful day and for His love and blessings, do your best to live today in a more pleasing way to God than you lived yesterday,read God's word,find good christian tv programs and music. Smile and be happy,love and try to help others,set aside time to do the things you love!!! PTL.
I've been more or less retired for 10 years but then we paid off our last debt 22 years ago and I am not yet eligible for Social Security. Other than getting out of debt and staying out of debt no big secret to retiring young.

Since I take after mom's side of the family I figure I am good for another 30 years minimum. My great-grandfather who fought in the Civil War died in 1934. Mom died in 2008 at age 92. That implies that I need to take care of myself so I work out at the gym, write and manage my portfolio to keep myself active.

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