

Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
It seems some states are in fact expanding voucher programs. Who knows what this portends?

It seems some states are in fact expanding voucher programs. Who knows what this portends?

More competition for bad schools.
It seems some states are in fact expanding voucher programs. Who knows what this portends?

Everybody knows what it portends. Take money from already underfunded schools, and give it to private schools. What do you think will happen?
It seems some states are in fact expanding voucher programs. Who knows what this portends?

It portends public education becoming as fucked up as the right wing corporatists claim (wrongly) that it is now
It seems some states are in fact expanding voucher programs. Who knows what this portends?

Oh, so you can choose which shitty gubmint school indoctrination center you kid goes to....My cup runneth over!
It portends public education becoming as fucked up as the right wing corporatists claim (wrongly) that it is now
ORLY?....Hand $5.06 for an item that costs $4.81 to a millennial cashier at any given store, and watch the smoke blow out their ears.

For the most part, today's "educated" kids are dumber than ever.
it is to destroy public schools and keep the working class in its place...while giving the upper classes another step up

You say "to destroy public schools" as if this hasn't already happened, first of all. Second, please go into detail as to how public schools are being destroyed.
Competition generally makes everyone/thing involved better and stronger. However, there is no getting around the reality that the underprivileged now will remain that way.
Competition generally makes everyone/thing involved better and stronger. However, there is no getting around the reality that the underprivileged now will remain that way.

In part because the poor won't magically become unpoor by putting them in another school. If a student has insufficient support at home, it won't matter where he goes to school. If he eats a shit diet, lives in a dangerous place, or is routinely traumatized in some way, that won't go away if he goes to the best school in the world.
In part because the poor won't magically become unpoor by putting them in another school. If a student has insufficient support at home, it won't matter where he goes to school. If he eats a shit diet, lives in a dangerous place, or is routinely traumatized in some way, that won't go away if he goes to the best school in the world.
I've eaten enough sh*t in this life Unkotare

and i have a big heart for those looking at their kids having to

so don't you be layin' on us parents

If our diets are sh*t , you're the chef pal

I've eaten enough sh*t in this life Unkotare

and i have a big heart for those looking at their kids having to

so don't you be layin' on us parents

If our diets are sh*t , you're the chef pal

Say what now?
In part because the poor won't magically become unpoor by putting them in another school. If a student has insufficient support at home, it won't matter where he goes to school. If he eats a shit diet, lives in a dangerous place, or is routinely traumatized in some way, that won't go away if he goes to the best school in the world.
Private schools generally charge more than the amount given in a voucher. Often much more. Poor people can't afford to pay the difference. It comes down to taxpayers susidizing private school for those that can probably afford it anyway, while the poor can't afford to take advantage of it.

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