Vote For The Future


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Why discuss the particulars of Obama, Gingrich and Romney? There is a larger picture here, and – no pun intended her- the personalities are a red herring. Every national election should be viewed through the prism of two choices. Those choices are A and B below.

A. Income equality, economic central planning, global governance under worldwide socialism.

B. Equality before the law, free market capitalism, the United States Constitution.

2. While the United States is one of the few democracies without an official socialist party, in reality socialist occupy some of the highest positions in the “Marxist-socialist” bloc in Congress. In fact, the Congressional Progressive Caucus was founded as a sister to the Democratic Socialists of America, the DSA.

a. Before the socialist network infiltrated the Democratic Party, its ideology permeated academic institutions for decades.

b. In the 60’s, radicals attempted to overthrow the US capitalist system by actual revolution: the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) or its spinoff, the Weathermen terrorist group. DSA was established to transform capitalism by democratic means.

3. Michael Harrington, founder of the Democratic Socialists of America, knew that infiltration of the Democratic Party was primary, and it already contained all of the progressive elementns Socialism time line. The DSA remains the principle branch of the Socialist International, whose primary goal is global governance under worldwide socialism.

a. The Socialist International boasts it is successor to the First International of Karl Marx, 1864. “Ever since its inception in 1951, the Socialist International has made cosmetic efforts to distance itself from communist socialists.” The Grasp of Socialist International

4. “”The Socialist International carries the torch for Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, V.I. Lenin, Leon Trotzky, and Josef Stalin. Pay no attention to the desperate attempts by socialists to distance themselves from Stalin. For our purposes, it suffices to observe that every single tenet of the Socialist International is the exact opposite of the principles upon which America was founded, and which define the U.S. Constitution. DSA/USA, the "Democratic Socialists of America" are the U.S. arm of the Socialist International. They share the symbol of the fist holding the rose, and they share the tasks to be accomplished - in our case, an altogether different America. You may verify all this at Democratic Socialists of America. Putting the Cards on the Table

5. Creation of the Progressive Caucus is credited to Bernie Sanders. The groups in the radical network include a) the Congressional Progressive Caucus, b) the Congressional Black Caucus, c) the Populist Caucus, and the d) Progressive Democrats of America. Allied with the above is ACORN, SEIU, and the Institute for Policy Studies And, indirectly, the Center for American Progress and the Apollo Alliance.

a. "What?" I hear you say. "Socialists in the Congress of the United States? Dozens, dear reader, dozens. And they make no secret of it. Although of late it has been refurbished and the address altered, they have their own web site. They call themselves the "Progressive Caucus," until recently an arm of the Democratic Socialists of America, itself an arm of the Socialist International. The Progressive Caucus may be a separate entity now, but the details of its program, as advertised on the web site (, are indistinguishable from that of the Socialist International.” .” The Riddle That Isn't

So, the coming election is not about persons, personalities, or the history of the candidates.

It’s about the future you wish for the United States of America.

A. Income equality, economic central planning, global governance under worldwide socialism.

B. Equality before the law, free market capitalism, the United States Constitution.

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