Vladimir Putin 'suffers cardiac arrest' sparking massive 'alarm' in Kremlin inner circle

Let's have an apology De Crepitus .

Your Trolling is boring .
Say twenty times :-

"I am very stupid because I never check before I post my rubbish.
I did not know I was a Gullible and I apologise deeply and profusely "
Breaking news:

They seem to be keeping it really quiet, but this could be it for Putin.

Don't know what to think about this. One description of Putin's condition was convulsing and eyes rolling which sounds much more like a seizure to me. Cardiac arrest generally results in the appearance of death until resuscitation if that can be accomplished.

But the news accounts are so vague and obviously reporting the wording each other are putting out, who knows? And who hasn't seen a headline now and then or a post on social media that so and so has died or is dying which is pure fabrication?

This Newsweek Article is wise in being cautious about any firm conclusions at this time:
YOu putin flufferes are really upset by this.

Of course we are . It's irritating to have the world's most interesting leader wrongly treated for no reason other than your laziness and likely ignorance .You come across as a pale imitation of arch -Troll , Litwin , aka Nazi Winkle .

But it is far worse to contend with dimwits who regularly produce Rubbish which is Fake News .

Your reason based opinions are your own and welcome in principle . But unresearched nonsense is not ----- material which anybody with a modicum of brain oil would see is incorrect with less than a minute using "Search" .
Of course we are . It's irritating to have the world's most interesting leader wrongly treated for no reason other than your laziness and likely ignorance .You come across as a pale imitation of arch -Troll , Litwin , aka Nazi Winkle .

But it is far worse to contend with dimwits who regularly produce Rubbish which is Fake News .

Your reason based opinions are your own and welcome in principle . But unresearched nonsense is not ----- material which anybody with a modicum of brain oil would see is incorrect with less than a minute using "Search" .

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