Viva Mexico!


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Viva Mexico!
Michael Wildes, 11.30.09, 03:58 PM EST
Why Americans are heading south for work.

But more than 1 million Americans have made Mexico their home of late, a trend that shows no signs of slowing down. They've flocked there for a variety of reasons, including its warmer climate, selling points as a place to raise children and retire, inexpensive health care and, more than ever before, work opportunities.

Viva Mexico! -
Jobs in Mexico Being Outsourced to Americans

The million dollar Heidelberg press he used to run was sold to a printer in Mexico. Apparently, they still print things down there. Then one day he gets a call that the Mexican company needs help assembling and training the crews on my father's press. My father is now in Mexico, working at twice his previous salary. And he says there are a lot of Americans working in that Mexican town.

America's economic power is going away. And how ironic that my father is taking a job away from a Mexican citizen.

Jobs in Mexico Being Outsourced to Americans - The EconomicJoker - Seeking Alpha
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Chihuahua City is big dog in Mexico aerospace

In Chihuahua City alone, 36 aerospace plants have opened since 2007 as a growing number of international parts makers use the city as a base for tapping a massive airplane-production market in the United States.
“Our first objective was to get into the U.S. market and get a deal with U.S. customers,” said Nicolas Maillard, director of the French-owned Manoir Aerospace plant in Chihuahua City, 235 miles south of El Paso, Texas.
Chihuahua City is big dog in Mexico aerospace - Washington Times

Opportunities for the Aerospace industry in Mexico.
Manufacturing, engineering and MRO

American Industries offers a great opportunity in Mexico if you are planning to optimize aeronautics and aerospace manufacturing operation costs by offshoring, or better said, nearshoring in a low cost country.
Mexico has become a noteworthy player on the global aerospace stage and the world's 9th leading supplier of aerospace manufactures to the United States.
There are currently 184 companies that are making big profits out of the opportunities that Mexico provides in manufacturing parts as engine components, landing gear parts, audio and video systems, harnesses and cables; as well as steel, iron, and aluminum machining, among others. Mexico exports over $600 million dollars in aircraft parts.
Some of the international companies that have taken advantage of the Mexican aerospace manufacturing offerings include Bombardier, Bell Helicopter, CAV Aerospace, Cessna, Hawker Beechcraft, Labinal, M&M from BE Aerospace, Nordam, Zodiac, among other companies.
Opportunities for the Aerospace Industry in Mexico-American Industries
Their tourism rate has not gone up. It is cheap to live there is you survice the drug cartels and they water. What kinds of insame point are your trying to make. It must be that Mexicans are smart for wanting to come to the US and US citizens are stupid for wanting to go to Mexico.
Their tourism rate has not gone up. It is cheap to live there is you survice the drug cartels and they water. What kinds of insame point are your trying to make. It must be that Mexicans are smart for wanting to come to the US and US citizens are stupid for wanting to go to Mexico.

You miss the point altogether, which is not unusual for an idiot. Americans are going to work in Mexico because jobs are available and pay is good. :eusa_eh:
Drug cartels are only interest in pushing their drugs across the border and others who are competition. No hard working Mexicans. Get in their way and they will take your head.
You think Mexico is crawling like ant with drug cartels in Mexico? Only border towns are affected Close the border and they will leave Mexico and go where they can get their drugs across.

My grand son is working in construction in Venezuela because of jobs available.
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Mexicans are supid. They don't know the best place for them to be now is in Mexico. My grand son's wife graduated with a degree in internation businesss, etc is now cleaning houses here and she could be working in Mexico in her field of expertise.
The Mexican Economy And The Thriving Commerce
Mexico is an incredible place to build an empire just as the old times dating back the European exploration era. But, just like before, cultural differences may interfere to your peaceful intentions of making your bank account healthy.
Not to give any negative connotation as this also takes place to any other foreign investments to any nation, many failed to reach their goal because of many differences. Good news, there’s a means for everyone to avoid this from happening. First rule, for you to understand their ways, you have to stop understanding because the differences are just too huge.
The most practical means to go around it is to be close as much as possible to the international business resources available in Mexico like Department of Foreign Investment, State Economic Development and Tourism (in case you want to have a business related to tourism), National Commission on Foreign Investment (tasked to supervise the application and agreement of the foreign investment rule in the country), bankers and lawyers are suggested companions too so you would know the different business routes.
The Mexican Economy And The Thriving Commerce | Space Commerce Business
Scholarship Programs for U.S. Students

The University of Iowa offers the Scholarships for CIC Summer Studies Programs for students who wish to travel to Mexico, Quebec or the Dominican Republic. Qualified applicants must have outstanding academic records and be able to demonstrate a financial need for the monetary resources. Award amounts are based on available funding and the needs of the student(s).

The Travel Studies Program at UCLA offers students scholarships to study abroad in a Global Studies program in Mexico. The purpose of the summer program is to introduce students to an economy that has endured sweeping changes in the last decade or so, which have been met with some resistance and offered challenges to the affected population. Scholarships for the Mexico program are available to student participants with outstanding academic records.

The International Studies Abroad organization specializes in helping students find and fund a wealth of abroad study programs. In essence, ISA is the middleman between college and student and the host institution abroad. Students interested in studying in Mexico may be qualified to benefit from the ISA programs, including scholarships, if ISA is affiliated with the student’s home college or university. The Carlos Castañeda Memorial Scholarships are available to students with an above average academic record as well as significant financial need. Awards are $1,000 toward summer tuition or $2500 for a year of study in Mexico. Applicants must also meet Spanish language proficiencies.
Go to College in Mexico - Scholarship Funding
Come to Mexico - where you can see dead people...
Remains of 30 people found in different parts of Mexico
June 23, 2012 - The remains of 30 suspected victims of drug-related violence have been discovered over the past day and a half in three different parts of Mexico, including 11 bodies in a clandestine grave in the Gulf coast state of Veracruz and 14 others in the country's northeast region.
The group of 14 victims was found Saturday morning inside an abandoned cargo truck at a shopping center parking lot in Mante, a town in the northeastern state of Tamaulipas, authorities said. A spokesperson for the state Attorney General's Office told Efe that municipal employees discovered the corpses of the 10 men and four women along with a threatening message directed at the Gulf cartel. The grisly discovery marked the second time in less than a month that dismembered bodies have been found in the downtown section of Mante. On June 7, 14 bodies were found inside a vehicle in front of the mayor's office with a threatening message for the Gulf cartel's main rival, Los Zetas.

The Zetas, considered Mexico's most violent criminal organization, used to be on the Gulf cartel's payroll but they broke away from their former bosses and now control several lucrative territories. Separately, military spokespersons and local authorities confirmed that the skeletal remains of 11 people were found in the town of Lerdo de Tejada alongside a road leading to the Gulf of Mexico. They said members of the Navy Secretariat arrived at the scene early Friday and cordoned off the zone to unearth the remains. The excavation work at the clandestine grave concluded Friday afternoon. Considering their advanced state of decomposition, investigators said in a preliminary report that the bodies had likely been buried for months.

The state of Veracruz has been mired in an intense wave of violence stemming from a turf war involving three drug cartels and constant police and army operations to combat the gangs. Last Sunday, seven suspected cartel gunmen were killed in an armed clash with police and army soldiers in that same state. Elsewhere, the dismembered bodies of three men and two women were found Saturday in the western town of Tepalcatepec, a spokesperson with the Michoacan state Attorney General's Office said. The bodies, which bore signs of severe torture, were found Saturday morning inside plastic bags on a bridge linking Tepalcatepec with the nearby town of Buenavista Tomatlan, the spokesperson said. A message was left with the bodies but authorities did not reveal its content to the media. Tepalcatepec is located in the Tierra Caliente region that straddles the states of Michoacan, Guerrero and Mexico and is known for its sweltering heat.

That region has been the scene of bloody turf battles for control of the production of narcotics such as marijuana, heroin and crystal meth. Michoacan's more than 270-kilometer (170-mile) Pacific coastline also in an entry point for cocaine that is shipped in from South America and bound for the United States. President Felipe Calderon militarized the struggle against Mexico's drug cartels shortly after taking office in December 2006, deploying tens of thousands of soldiers and Federal Police officers across the country to combat drug cartels and other criminal organizations. The death toll in Mexico's drug war stands at more than 50,000 since 2006. EFE

Read more: Remains of 30 people found in different parts of Mexico | Fox News Latino
Viva Mexico!
Michael Wildes, 11.30.09, 03:58 PM EST
Why Americans are heading south for work.

But more than 1 million Americans have made Mexico their home of late, a trend that shows no signs of slowing down. They've flocked there for a variety of reasons, including its warmer climate, selling points as a place to raise children and retire, inexpensive health care and, more than ever before, work opportunities.

Viva Mexico! -

Why would people want to go to the North American version of Afghanistan? And if jobs are plentiful down there, WTF are Mexicans coming here for work?
Either drug cartel gang members impersonatin' cops or cops impersonatin' cops in Mexico...
3 policemen shot to death at Mexico City international airport during drug investigation
25 June`12 — Drug trafficking suspects opened fire in a crowded food court at Mexico City’s international airport on Monday, killing three federal policemen who were on an anti-narcotics mission as panicked witnesses dove for cover.
A witness said the shooters also wore police uniforms, and the federal Public Safety Department said it was investigating whether the attackers were active-duty police, former officers or impostors. Criminals in Mexico sometimes use false police uniforms. The slain agents had gone to the airport “to detain suspects linked to drug trafficking at Terminal 2,” the Department said in a statement. “Upon seeing themselves surrounded by federal police, they (the suspects) opened fire on the officers.” Two officers died at the scene and another died later of his wounds at a local hospital.

No suspects had been arrested following the shooting, which took place shortly before 9 a.m. (10 a.m. EDT; 1400 GMT). The federal Attorney General’s office said that its organized crime unit had opened an investigation into the case. The shootings occurred around the food court, near the area where vehicles drop off passengers but well outside the internal security checkpoints where workers and passengers are screened. Three shots rang out at first, said witness Israel Lopez, a 23-year-old Mexico City student who had gone to the airport to see off a friend. Lopez didn’t see who those shots were directed at, but then the gunfire came closer. “We were in the food court, and some policemen came in and started shooting at another policeman who was on the floor,” Lopez said. “We dove to the floor and covered ourselves with chairs,” Lopez said.

Lopez said the shooters wore blue uniforms like those worn by the federal police who provide security at the airport. He said the shooters then ran to the car park area “as if they were pursuing somebody,” and he lost sight of them. The airport said in a press statement that the terminal and flights were operating normally following what it described as “a dispute in an open-access area.” But the food court remained blocked to public access for hours after the shooting. Guadalupe Perez, 27, went to the airport to interview for a job when she saw the body of one of the officers on the floor. “It scared me a lot to see something like that, a body,” she said.

Robert Gray, an evangelical missionary from Hart, Michigan, arrived at the airport after the shooting with his family to catch a flight. “It’s surprising to see it happening at the airport. It’s one of the safest places in the city,” Gray said. But officials have long said that Mexico City’s airport is used by traffickers to move drugs, money and illegal migrants. Federal police said they seized 198 pounds (90 kilograms) of cocaine at the airport in 2011 and 440 pounds (200 kilograms) so far in 2012. But violence related to drug trafficking has seldom, if ever, occurred in passenger areas at the airport itself.


See also:

Mexico City airport killings were work of police
June 26, 2012 - Two Federal Police officers under investigation for drug trafficking killed three fellow officers who were about to arrest them at Mexico City's Benito Juarez International Airport, the Public Safety Secretariat said.
The official version of the incident confirms eyewitness accounts and information provided by airport security officials, who said police officers or other uniformed individuals killed the three officers. The shooting occurred around 8:50 a.m. Monday in the airport's Terminal 2, leaving two officers dead at the scene. The third officer died while being treated at a hospital. Two Federal Police officers assigned to the airport opened fire when officers from another unit tried to arrest them, the secretariat said.

The two officers were being investigated for their alleged links "to the activities of a drug trafficking network," the secretariat said in a statement. "The two officers under investigation opened fire to avoid arrest when they spotted the Federal Police's Investigations Unit, killing three federal officers," the secretariat said. The two Federal Police officers who gunned down their fellow officers have been identified and "operational and investigative units are focusing on their capture," the Public Safety Secretariat said.

The two officers have not been identified, but security cameras in the terminal recorded the incident, officials said. An investigation conducted over several months uncovered "a network of officials from different local and federal agencies" who work at the airport and are "presumably involved in drug trafficking in the terminal area," the secretariat said.

The Federal Police "is carrying out a systematic operation to detect drug trafficking" in an effort to dismantle the network based at the airport, the secretariat said. The operation has resulted in the seizure of 294 kilos of cocaine and the identification of a cocaine trafficking ring at the airport over the past 18 months, the secretariat said. Mexico City's Benito Juarez International Airport is the country's largest airport, handling more than 25 million passengers annually.

Read more: Mexico City airport killings were work of police | Fox News Latino
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If one has the skills needed, any nation might be a good place to work.

Of the million Americans living in Mexico, how many of those moved there for a job?

My guess is not a lot.

But some?

Viva Mexico!
Michael Wildes, 11.30.09, 03:58 PM EST
Why Americans are heading south for work.

But more than 1 million Americans have made Mexico their home of late, a trend that shows no signs of slowing down. They've flocked there for a variety of reasons, including its warmer climate, selling points as a place to raise children and retire, inexpensive health care and, more than ever before, work opportunities.

Viva Mexico! -

Good! Maybe the illegals will go back also. Or go to Canada.
Viva Mexico!
Michael Wildes, 11.30.09, 03:58 PM EST
Why Americans are heading south for work.

But more than 1 million Americans have made Mexico their home of late, a trend that shows no signs of slowing down. They've flocked there for a variety of reasons, including its warmer climate, selling points as a place to raise children and retire, inexpensive health care and, more than ever before, work opportunities.

Viva Mexico! -

I like Coronas, Tacos and banging Senoritas but I can't say I would want to live in Mexico.
Viva Mexico!
Michael Wildes, 11.30.09, 03:58 PM EST
Why Americans are heading south for work.

But more than 1 million Americans have made Mexico their home of late, a trend that shows no signs of slowing down. They've flocked there for a variety of reasons, including its warmer climate, selling points as a place to raise children and retire, inexpensive health care and, more than ever before, work opportunities.

Viva Mexico! -

I encourage you to join them.
Mexicans are supid. They don't know the best place for them to be now is in Mexico. My grand son's wife graduated with a degree in internation businesss, etc is now cleaning houses here and she could be working in Mexico in her field of expertise.

Have you told her to her face that you think she's stupid? How quickly do you think they'd throw you into a home for the feeble-minded elderly?
Viva Mexico!
Michael Wildes, 11.30.09, 03:58 PM EST
Why Americans are heading south for work.

But more than 1 million Americans have made Mexico their home of late, a trend that shows no signs of slowing down. They've flocked there for a variety of reasons, including its warmer climate, selling points as a place to raise children and retire, inexpensive health care and, more than ever before, work opportunities.

Viva Mexico! -

Why would people want to go to the North American version of Afghanistan? And if jobs are plentiful down there, WTF are Mexicans coming here for work?

I am guessing the jobs that are plentiful for Mexicans down there pay jack shit.
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Viva Mexico!
Michael Wildes, 11.30.09, 03:58 PM EST
Why Americans are heading south for work.

But more than 1 million Americans have made Mexico their home of late, a trend that shows no signs of slowing down. They've flocked there for a variety of reasons, including its warmer climate, selling points as a place to raise children and retire, inexpensive health care and, more than ever before, work opportunities.

Viva Mexico! -

Why would people want to go to the North American version of Afghanistan? And if jobs are plentiful down there, WTF are Mexicans coming here for work?

I am guessing the jobs that are plentiful for Mexicans down there pay jack shit.

Plus - investigate how many perks the mexican government allows them. ZERO!!! Then find out the many perks that the USA allows them. BINGO!!!
Their tourism rate has not gone up. It is cheap to live there is you survice the drug cartels and they water. What kinds of insame point are your trying to make. It must be that Mexicans are smart for wanting to come to the US and US citizens are stupid for wanting to go to Mexico.

Then the million that have pack up their children and returned to crime ridden Mexico must be stupid?
The point I was making is that Americans that trash Mexico is moving there and Mexicans who trash Mexico is returning.

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