Virginia to Consider Amendment on Marriage


Senior Member
Jun 30, 2004
Lawmakers in Virginia are aiming to place the commonwealth at the forefront of the nation's battle against same sex unions when the General Assembly reconvenes next week. The legislature will consider a state constitutional amendment to uphold marriage as the union of a man and a woman, by reaffirming the traditional definition of marriage.

Virginia law recognizes a marriage only between a man and a woman. It does not recognize same-sex unions performed in other states.

Lawmakers also will consider creating a special drivers license plate for suporters of traditional marriage. The license would feature two interlocked gloden wedding bands over a red heart.
Last year, 13 states voted to amend their constitutions to forbid same-sex "marriages" bringing to 17 the number of states that have such amendments.

Both measures have a good chance of passing Virginia's Republican controlled General Assembly, which begins it's session Jan 12.
The legislature must approve the amendment two years in a row before sending the measure to the voters. the Governors approval is not necessary for the amendment to be implemented.
Just a matter of time before every state in the union adopts something similar, this is what the HLCPS wanted, they thought they could get their perversion accepted, they thought they could get special rights.....they were dead wrong.

God bless America
Bonnie said:
Virginia law recognizes a marriage onoly between a aman and a woman. It does not recognize same-sex unions performed in other states.

The problem with this approach is that same-sex marriage can be performed in some states. Now another issue arises regarding the recognition of those marriages by other states.

Approaching this issue as a state's rights item is not only convoluted, but ultimately could be defeated by the Supreme Court. I'm not saying that will happen, I'm saying that it could happen.

If the majority of this nation decides that same-sex unions should not be sanctioned, then the only effective way to end this argument once and for all is with an amendment to the federal constitution.
A federal amendment is sorely needed. Currently only in Vermont and Massachusets can same sex unions(I will not use marriage since it is not one) be performed. Other states do not have to recognize that right and the supreme court would not dare overstep that boundary on this topic.
Currently, DOMA allows states to not recognize same sex "marriages" from other states. If DOMA is overturned by the courts, though, we'll need an amendment.
The queer's will NOT give up until the matter is decided one way or the other. I believe a federal amendmant to the Constitution is what's ultimately needed, and is what will ultimately be done.
OCA said:
A federal amendment is sorely needed. Currently only in Vermont and Massachusets can same sex unions(I will not use marriage since it is not one) be performed. Other states do not have to recognize that right and the supreme court would not dare overstep that boundary on this topic.

Merlin and OCA, I truly believe we are headed in the direction of a federal amendment, I think what is happening now is states are laying the groundwork for this, which can only be a good thing in the long run.

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