PETA - up with rats, down with people


Senior Member
Mar 28, 2004
If this doesn't piss you off, nothing ever will. Calls to mind a terrorist incident some years ago where Palestinians blew up a donkey to carrying explosives in a Jewish village in Israel. PETA objected to the use of the donkey. No mention of the people who were murdered.
The madness of the animal-rights movement


© 2000

Social workers in Scotland recently rescued a pet monkey from the filthy, drug-infested apartment of a couple of heroin addicts. Contacting an animal-welfare group, the social workers took great pains to make sure the animal was removed from the squalid cesspool of a home.

But the social workers neglected to do anything about the little girl living with the couple.

The 5-year-old's fingernails had not been cut for more than a year, she was covered in bed sores, lying in human waste and wearing a plaster cast on her broken leg that should have been removed 10 months earlier. When doctors eventually removed the cast from the girl, whose leg has been permanently scarred, they found spoons, a fork, and a pen she had used to try to scratch her ulcers.

A judge rebuked the social workers, noting incredulously that they had visited the couple's house 18 times and had gone inside four times, but had failed to take note of or do anything about the poor girl's plight.

Hang on to that picture for a minute.

PETA, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, is the largest animal-rights organization on the planet, boasting 600,000 members.

The group has an impressive record of getting business, industry and government to be kinder to animals. With the central theme of preventing cruelty to animals, the group has waged a long and successful campaign against research, scientific and product testing involving animals.

To demonstrate its corporate citizenship in promoting alternative methods of testing, PETA has made grants totaling $300,000 to two research firms "to assist in the validation of non-animal test methods to replace existing animal tests." What sort of non-animal testing? How about human embryos?

As reported in WorldNetDaily, although one of the two firms funded by PETA has denied using human embryos for their testing, the other has not. Human babies, you see, are not as important as rats.

Now the National Institutes of Health has drafted new guidelines for "human embryonic stem cell research" that will make it easier than ever for human embryos to be used as mere "tissue" for research.

The general secretary of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, Rev. Msgr. Dennis N. Schnurr, in his letter to the NIH, charges that "the policy of the new NIH guidelines is that human embryos outside the womb may be exploited and killed as nothing more than 'tissue.' In short," he says, "live human embryos are dismissed as mere 'tissue' to be destroyed for useful cells."

"Under this policy," concludes Schnurr, "far from being treated as a human subject, the human embryo effectively ranks lower in status than a laboratory animal."

Humans lower than animals? Is there a pattern developing here?

I always thought PETA just wanted to put a stop to homeless dogs' being burned alive and similar horror stories, as their home page indicates. But moving beyond the shiny exterior with its heart-wrenching animal-abuse stories designed to appeal to large numbers of people and attract donations, I find this:

"For kids who want to eat their veggies and not their friends," PETA draws children into campaigns to "Save the Chickens," and to "Save the Pigs."

What about "Save the Babies"? I couldn't find that campaign. Can someone send me the link?

Wait, maybe this is it, on one of's many niche marketing spin-off sites called (That's the one for Christians, there's also for Muslims.)

By the way, the statement "Jesus was a vegetarian" is a lie. The Bible, which I presume is the source of PETA's information about Jesus, clearly states that Jesus ate fish, even after his resurrection.

But I digress. In "Jesus was a vegetarian," PETA poses to itself one of the key questions that people ask of the organization, and of animal rights activists in general:

"Why don't you focus your attention on abortion or child abuse? Why do you care about animals?"

PETA's answer, addressed specifically to Christian, pro-lifer types:

"... Those who are particularly adamant on the abortion issue should also consider the issue of vegetarianism, as it requires no additional effort and lends the credibility of personal action to their statements about being 'pro-life.'

"... With the issue of abortion, few of us will ever have to make this choice, and no one can make this choice for someone else, however much some people might wish to.

"But there is one area where the solution is simple: the issue of animal abuse on factory farms. Each and every one of us can simply choose not to be animal abusers by becoming a vegetarian."

Okay, let's get this straight. No one has the right to tell another person that it's wrong to kill the living, breathing, pain-feeling human baby living inside its mother. That's her business alone if she wants to kill it, so butt out.

But, it's everyone's duty and moral responsibility to stop the killing of chickens, pigs and fish everywhere.

There's more: "If we purport to be 'pro-life,' yet we choose to support violence, misery, and death every time we sit down to eat, what does that say about our convictions? For a simple palate preference, we have become 'pro-death,' we are paying for cruelty to animals. The only legitimate Christian or 'pro-life' choice is vegetarianism."

What are we dealing with here? Just some wacky, lovable, slightly-off-base critter-loving friends of animals?

Let's take a deeper look.

A human being -- from the moment of its conception, and as the delicate and ethereal fabric grows with its tiny, perfectly formed fingers and toes, little heartbeats, little lips, little ears, shrouded peacefully in its mother's womb -- is undoubtedly the crowning glory of creation.

"Created in His image," the human baby at whatever stage is, simply, sacred. So of course, good-natured, decent pro-lifers are always scratching their heads and asking the animal-rights crowd, "Why don't you folks care about the aborted babies?"

Take a really good look at PETA's response. Look at the tortured reasoning. Notice the unfriendly tone, the disdainful use of quotes around the phrase "pro-life." Do these seem like the words of an organization that really cares about aborting humans?

No. But they're hoping you won't notice. They're hoping you'll think, "Oh well, PETA just carved out this little niche of saving dogs and cats and chickens and pigs, but they really care about human babies too."


The most PETA can grudgingly offer up in support of human life is, "Those who are particularly adamant on the abortion issue should also consider the issue of vegetarianism, as it ... lends the credibility of personal action to their statements about being 'pro-life.'"

Pitiful. By the way, PETA's core argument is the prevention of needless suffering to all life. Do they think unborn babies do not suffer? The research - all of it - says that early on, human beings have a nervous system and feel real pain. Their nerves and pain receptor cells don't suddenly switch on the moment they exit their mother's womb. They feel the abortionist's scalpel, they feel the forceps, the suction devices, skull crushers and other torture implements used in the various barbaric rituals of infant sacrifice that we call abortion. If PETA really cared about human life, it would have answered the question something like this: "Although abortion is the worst travesty, the greatest injustice, and the most egregious cause of needless suffering on the planet today, we at PETA have chosen to come to the defense of animals, since not many people have the will or the means to do so. But we know our mission pales into nothingness next to the horrendous ongoing tragedy of tens of millions of innocent human babies killed painfully, sometimes meeting excruciating deaths, every year while in their mother's wombs. We salute our brothers and sisters in the pro-life movement for their dedication and commitment to end this needless suffering."

Sorry, it's just a nice dream. The reality is that you pro-lifers are the enemy of the radical animal-rights crowd. Because you, through your standing up for the little divine spark in God's most perfect and prized creation, are championing the very reality - namely, the existence of the soul in human beings -- that they want to forget. The real message of the radical animal rights movement is that people are only animals - and not very good ones at that.

Elevating animals up to the level of human beings -- as actor Steven Segal, one of PETA's celebrity advocates, puts it, "We have to view all life as equal" -- is a round about way of saying that human beings are no more than animals and therefore have no souls.

Why would anyone deny that human beings have a soul, you might ask. Why would that notion that we have a divine spark within us be repugnant? After all, whatever goodness we humans can muster, whatever kindness and consideration we have for each other, is based on the fact that we know we are dealing with another soul. If we are faithful to our spouse, honorable in business, truthful to each other, willing to sacrifice for our children - whatever we consider to be virtuous and noble is tied up in this conviction that we are more than animals, that we are spiritual beings also, esteemed by God.

For many, there is a great comfort and "freedom" in believing that there is no soul, because if there is no soul, there is no God, no divine judgment, no accountability -- you get the picture. We're animals, so we act like animals, we do what animals do. They eat each other, mate in the street, run around naked - kind of like the '60s again, with "sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll."

The radical animal rights folks are exactly like the multiculturalists. Do you think the multiculturalists really care about Eskimo music or how the Ubangis make their lips as big as pancakes? Do they really care that much about cultures that worship rats, cows and sex organs? No, their interest is not really in elevating other cultures, nor in celebrating diversity.

Their interest is in tearing down Western civilization, in denying God, in denying the immortal soul of man -- denying that we will be judged one day by One greater than us.

In the same way, the animal rights radicals don't really love animals. They don't even know the meaning of the word love. They just want to be their own gods. And the way you become your own god in this life is to deny the real One.

Animal-rights radicals loathe the idea of man having an immortal soul, of his being superior to the animals, because if we are superior to animals it is because we have a soul, and that reality makes us subservient to something greater than ourselves. And, as I said, some people just want to be their own god.

Besides, many people just don't get along with other people. After all, people give you a hard time, they can criticize you, they can even tell you the truth when you don't want to hear it. Animals never do that.
I really wish vegetarians and the more strict vegan would realize that people were always meant to be omnivors.

Vegetarians would be extremely unhealthy if it weren't for the many vitamins they have to take inorder to get all of the nutrients the body needs to survive. It's unnatural!!

The preachy ones need to leave people who want to eat normally ALONE!! Oh, and try skipping the vitamins for a month and see if they can still maintain the diet without getting sick.

As far as PETA, I have absolutally no use for them. They should feel free to live in a cave somewhere and commune with nature. They should be careful however that nature doesn't eat them.
Trigg said:
I really wish vegetarians and the more strict vegan would realize that people were always meant to be omnivors.

Vegetarians would be extremely unhealthy if it weren't for the many vitamins they have to take inorder to get all of the nutrients the body needs to survive. It's unnatural!!

The preachy ones need to leave people who want to eat normally ALONE!! Oh, and try skipping the vitamins for a month and see if they can still maintain the diet without getting sick.

As far as PETA, I have absolutally no use for them. They should feel free to live in a cave somewhere and commune with nature. They should be careful however that nature doesn't eat them.

I could almost feel sorry for em if they didn't screw up everything with their inane logic. They obviously cannot engage is normal or intimate relationships with their own fellow humans so engage in vicarious ways of trying to seek a sense of meaning and compassion. Misanthropes are miserable.
Does anyone watch the TV show about switching moms? They sent a vegetarian to a Louisiana cajun family to live for a week.

She was preaching about hamberger causing cancer and how they should respect their bodies, then they show her smoking. Cause everyone knows smoking doesn't cause cancer right??????

They also showed her family lecturing the cajun woman about killing alligators, but they admitted to killing spiders???? Alligators are so much more loving than spiders after all. Yea, ask the dog in my neighbors backyard in FL if they're cute, oh you can't, one ate him.

The show was funny, it showed them to be terrible hypocrites.
One of the recent south park episodes touched light on their insanity. It combined the election madness of vote or die with the retardedness of PETA. A PETA expert came into town and demanded that the school mascot be changed from a cow to something else. They said it degraded the cow heritage. Most of the show was about choosing between a turd sandwhich and a giant douche for school macot (mocking the election :cof: ). However when Stan refuses to vote he's outcast and tries to go live with the PETA people in the middle of the woods. There in the woods they all live with animals and have sex with them and pretend they are their husbands and wives. Then Puff Daddy comes to try and get Stan to Vote or Die and one of the PETA people threw blood on his fur coat. Puffy and his entourage shoot all the PETA people. As they are dieing their trying to tell their animal friends to save themselves and the animals just shit on their heads and walk away.

I thought it fairly true to life. :tng:
insein said:
One of the recent south park episodes touched light on their insanity. It combined the election madness of vote or die with the retardedness of PETA. A PETA expert came into town and demanded that the school mascot be changed from a cow to something else. They said it degraded the cow heritage. Most of the show was about choosing between a turd sandwhich and a giant douche for school macot (mocking the election :cof: ). However when Stan refuses to vote he's outcast and tries to go live with the PETA people in the middle of the woods. There in the woods they all live with animals and have sex with them and pretend they are their husbands and wives. Then Puff Daddy comes to try and get Stan to Vote or Die and one of the PETA people threw blood on his fur coat. Puffy and his entourage shoot all the PETA people. As they are dieing their trying to tell their animal friends to save themselves and the animals just shit on their heads and walk away.

I thought it fairly true to life. :tng:


That is one of my favorite episodes.
PETA people arent too bright because when it comes right down to it ALL living things have feelings including all those veggies they eat. Hell my plants get all pissed off when I dont feed them. AND they get all but hurt when I try to prune them. If I align them too close to a candle they scoot as fast as they can away from it.

I think PETA people ignore the fact that what they eat can have feelings too, because then it wouldnt suit their purpose. And that is to destroy the human race.
I wonder if a PETA member gets a case of head lice, would they try and get it cured? Would they mercilessly poison to death an innocent louse and his family, for the simple crime of living and following their instincts and making the PETA members' scalp itch?

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