Virginia Libs have conniption over "misgendering"


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2016
Crazy shit here. The no-nonsense black chick who serves as the Commonwealth's lieutenant guv wasn't rude to the tranny at all.

Just called an obvious fellow "sir", just like she would have called an obvious dame "ma'am".

Now, I guess libs have the expectations that people will keep up on their sexual practices and recognize them, even in business situations?

Mr. Roem may think he fools people, but when they call it as they see it, Danica is still just a dude in a dress who people will instinctively address as "sir" in a business situation.

Crazy shit here. The no-nonsense black chick who serves as the Commonwealth's lieutenant guv wasn't rude to the tranny at all.

Just called an obvious fellow "sir", just like she would have called an obvious dame "ma'am".

Now, I guess libs have the expectations that people will keep up on their sexual practices and recognize them, even in business situations?

Mr. Roem may think he fools people, but when they call it as they see it, Danica is still just a dude in a dress who people will instinctively address as "sir" in a business situation.

When your cosplay demands everyone play along, it's no longer cosplay, it's an imposition on anyone who refuses to deny reality.
I suppose libs expect everyone to ask them about their sexual preferences, and addressing them in recognition, even in business meetings which have nothing to do with it.

A bit much I'd say.
This obsession with transgendered people is hysterical. Why should anyone care what these people do when it affects no one but themselves?
This obsession with transgendered people is hysterical. Why should anyone care what these people do when it affects no one but themselves?

Ask the women in women's sports that question. or the women being forced to share cells in prison with biological male rapists.

Or the parents being lied to when their kids are socially transitioning in school without said parent's knowledge.
As Dr. Peterson has pointed out, you have no right to demand that I condone or patronize your falsehood. If you are a biological man you cannot demand that I refer to you as a woman (or any made-up gender in between). You have made that choice and you cannot impose it on others.

It's a matter of freedom of speech.
Who hasn't accidentally said sir to a woman or ma'am to a man before? It is just a brain fart. The person was just looking to be offended.

In this case, however, it wasn't a "brain fart" as the lady presiding was spot on in addressing a man as "sir". Even if the man has a mutilated penis, it doesn't change that fact. It isn't like Mr. Roem was walking around with his pants around his ankles, so people would know the state of his genitals.
It's not societies responsibility to indulge every single individual persons fantasy cosplay.

What really is upsetting is how our society encourages these people. We allow them to lie and we lie for them and to them. We pretend fiction and feelings are reality and fact.

Our society allows mentally ill trannies to dictate what we say and think. Every single ancestor of America would be angry and ashamed of us all for being such cowardly, soft, weak willed pussies.
This obsession with transgendered people is hysterical. Why should anyone care what these people do when it affects no one but themselves?

It does affect other people when they are expected to play along with a lie.

Trannies are dangerous, unhinged people. They cannot accept reality, and are fabricating a false reality. This is satanic in nature.
This obsession with transgendered people is hysterical.

I agree, except that it's not the Right who made it a big deal. It was the Left who embraced this nonsense as normal and felt the need to become inclusive and tell the rest of the society they were "transphobes" if they didn't acquiesce.

Why should anyone care what these people do when it affects no one but themselves?

First and foremost, it's a lie. My son liked to pretend he was a T-Rex when he was like five years old. We'd play along because he's a child and children have imaginations, but one time he came to the dinner table acting that way and we reminded him that he's not really a dinosaur and he needs to act like a good little boy at the dinner table. Problem solved.

These are grown men and women parading around pretending to be something they aren't and people like you are telling the rest of us that we are the ones with the problem for acknowledging what is an obvious mental crisis. They, in fact, are hurting people. You have men ruining women's sports and athletic opportunities that could aid them in the future and they are aided, ironically, by the same people who pushed for Title IX decades earlier. You aid in giving children body altering drugs of which we don't know the long term side effects for certain. We're allowing minors to "transition" and when they realize after it's too late to completely transition back they get ridiculed and attacked for speaking out about it. Transgendered display an inordinate amount of violence towards others compared to their population. It's almost as if people who appear to be mentally unstable might actually be.

I personally don't care if Steve walks around dressed up like Stephanie, but don't throw a fucking conniption fit when someone rightly refers to him as "Sir," without mal intent or expect the rest of us to ask what someone's pronouns are when a three year old can see the truth or fire a 90 year old volunteer of 40 years for not understanding why she needs to ask someone that question. My son is 21 years old now. If he still walked around pretending to be T-Rex you'd all think he's nuts. If he dressed up like Madonna you'd call him brave and stick him in a beer commercial.

It's not the people pointing out the truth who have the problem. It's those of you who support the lie. Western culture is decaying right before our eyes because we've taken away most of the boundaries as to what is and is not acceptable behavior.
Crazy shit here. The no-nonsense black chick who serves as the Commonwealth's lieutenant guv wasn't rude to the tranny at all.

Just called an obvious fellow "sir", just like she would have called an obvious dame "ma'am".

Now, I guess libs have the expectations that people will keep up on their sexual practices and recognize them, even in business situations?

Mr. Roem may think he fools people, but when they call it as they see it, Danica is still just a dude in a dress who people will instinctively address as "sir" in a business situation.

How would you feel if I constantly referred to you as a transgender?
How would you feel if I constantly referred to you as a transgender?

I'd point at you and laugh at you for being a fucking lunatic.

Ask the women in women's sports that question. or the women being forced to share cells in prison with biological male rapists.

Or the parents being lied to when their kids are socially transitioning in school without said parent's knowledge.
Somehow I feel there are bigger issues in Virginia that affect way more Virginians than this one.

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