Vigorous’ Santorum crackdown may catch Internet porn viewers


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Vigorous’ Santorum crackdown may catch Internet porn viewers
The Daily Call ^

Rick Santorum | Internet Pornography | Vigorous Crackdown | The Daily Caller
Internet pornography could conceivably become a thing of the past if Rick Santorum is elected president.

The unapologetic social conservative, currently in second place behind Mitt Romney for the GOP nomination, has promised to crack down on the distribution of pornography if elected.

Santorum says in a statement posted to his website, “The Obama Administration has turned a blind eye to those who wish to preserve our culture from the scourge of pornography and has refused to enforce obscenity laws.”

If elected, he promises to “vigorously” enforce laws that “prohibit distribution of hardcore (obscene) pornography on the Internet, on cable/satellite TV, on hotel/motel TV, in retail shops and through the mail or by common carrier.”

Although the idea of Santorum vanquishing Internet pornography may seem far-fetched, a serious effort to combat online smut might actually be successful, UCLA law professor Eugene Volokh told The Daily Caller.

“If the government wanted to aggressively move against Internet pornography, it could do so,” explained Volokh. “Here’s the deal: In most parts of the country, a lot of pornography on the Internet would plausibly be seen as obscene.” (RELATED: Full coverage of the Santorum campaign)

There are a few approaches that Santorum could pursue in an attempt to eradicate Internet pornography. “It wouldn’t be that difficult to close down a lot of the relatively visible websites that are used for the distribution of pornography, if they’re in the United States,” said Volokh.
Wow, what gives the federal government the RIGHT to force people NOT TO? I'm for small government that's within the consitution. Yes, I'm for morals, but Santorum is starting to sound like the Taliban a little...Yep, I'll admit that some of you liberal may have a point on this man. Seriously, stuff like this makes santorum look like a big government nut case.

I agree with some of what he believes, but he IS not for small government. Morality is up to the person!
Vigorous’ Santorum crackdown may catch Internet porn viewers
The Daily Call ^

Rick Santorum | Internet Pornography | Vigorous Crackdown | The Daily Caller
Internet pornography could conceivably become a thing of the past if Rick Santorum is elected president.

The unapologetic social conservative, currently in second place behind Mitt Romney for the GOP nomination, has promised to crack down on the distribution of pornography if elected.

Santorum says in a statement posted to his website, “The Obama Administration has turned a blind eye to those who wish to preserve our culture from the scourge of pornography and has refused to enforce obscenity laws.”

If elected, he promises to “vigorously” enforce laws that “prohibit distribution of hardcore (obscene) pornography on the Internet, on cable/satellite TV, on hotel/motel TV, in retail shops and through the mail or by common carrier.”

Although the idea of Santorum vanquishing Internet pornography may seem far-fetched, a serious effort to combat online smut might actually be successful, UCLA law professor Eugene Volokh told The Daily Caller.

“If the government wanted to aggressively move against Internet pornography, it could do so,” explained Volokh. “Here’s the deal: In most parts of the country, a lot of pornography on the Internet would plausibly be seen as obscene.” (RELATED: Full coverage of the Santorum campaign)

There are a few approaches that Santorum could pursue in an attempt to eradicate Internet pornography. “It wouldn’t be that difficult to close down a lot of the relatively visible websites that are used for the distribution of pornography, if they’re in the United States,” said Volokh.
Wow, what gives the federal government the RIGHT to force people NOT TO? I'm for small government that's within the consitution. Yes, I'm for morals, but Santorum is starting to sound like the Taliban a little...Yep, I'll admit that some of you liberal may have a point on this man. Seriously, stuff like this makes santorum look like a big government nut case.

I agree with some of what he believes, but he IS not for small government. Morality is up to the person!

That will effect Voter Eligibility more than ID Laws. :lmao:
..... Oh Shit!!! :eek: Uh... I'll see you later.... I got things to clean up..... :lol:

Got ya. :)
[ame=]The Internet is for Porn - Sesame Street Style! - YouTube[/ame]

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